More proof that this is really more a cult than a science, as multiple religious leaders yammer on about Hotcoldwetdry
(The Hill) We are bishops from the global South and North, united by faith and humanity. As pastors, we seek to comfort the young and the old, the healthy and the infirm.
We try to ensure that the powerless are heard and the powerful are engaged. In accordance with these values, we join hands with Pope Francis to call upon our leaders to protect all of creation from ecological calamity as they prepare to sign the Paris climate change accord later this week at the United Nations headquarters in New York. (Snip)
Those of us living in the industrialized nations in the global North know that we are disproportionately responsible for carbon pollution. Those of us living in developing nations in the global South know that we are disproportionately impacted by climate change. In solidarity, then, we must all examine our lifestyles with sobriety and support public policies that place the common good of everyone over the narrow self-interests of the few.
In other words, these religious leaders are advocating for more authoritarian government over freedom.

People should have the “freedom” to live in a world of pollution and climate change
Teach I get it climate change will not adversely effect your life nor that of people like you who gave incomes in the top 1% (5000O$) of the worlds population
For marginalized humanity who must live on less than 1$ per day that may not be the case
Climate change is inevitable. So unless you can find a way off of this planet, you are going to have to adapt to a changing climate.
As for “pollution,” aren’t you the guy who has polluted the air by driving a diesel truck? Aren’t you the guy who went out into the ocean, polluting the air with a engine to rob and steal from natural resources as a fisherman?
We get it john. You are for big government and demanding others do what you will not do in your own life.
The amazing thing is that the things that will lift people out of the poverty you decry are the very things that you hate.
Your concern for others is as fake as your commitment to other climate change.
Saturday morning links
Eagles eat pussycats. Good Gem headed to the Hudson: Pier 55 park clears key hurdle The statistics don’t support helicopter parenting A Conversation with Camille Paglia Are ‘Innovation Districts’ Right for Every City? “Labeling something
Conservatists, whether Islamist or evangicalist, understand that the role of religion is to inflict pain and suffering on those who disagree. None of that “comforting the afflicted” nonsense for conservatists. Religion is for dictating conservatist beliefs to others.
If a preacher isn’t condemning queers to hell, or keeping transgendered from peeing, what good is he?
An acceptable preacher stands up on Sunday and tells you to vote for Cruz and how bad the other guys are, period.
Ridiculous exaggeration. They advocate public policies that mitigate the worst aspects of climate pollution. This is no different than advocating any other law in a democratic society, such as laws against polluting shared waterways.
3 out of 4 posters here are simply Luddites, like the very religious “conservatives” Jeffery bashes, completely missing his own hypocrisy in the meantime. Jeffery, religious zealots may decry the low state of morality in others, but there have been no trials organized by the church to prosecute sinners in hundreds of years (islam excluded, and I know how those on your side of the issue envy them). But we’re coming dangerously close to the hotcoldwetdry church doing just that!
No piece of actual, unadulterated science supports your drivel.
You people are either full blown useful idiots or true believers in total world communism. And the high priests and priestess of your demented religion have said that’s the end goal often enough to warrant…well, you know how tyrants are handled eventually.
Have there been trials organized by the IPCC to prosecute science deniers?
In fact, ALL the science supports my drivel! There is little doubt that the Earth is warming from the CO2 we keep pumping into the atmosphere. So-called ‘skeptics’ have become confirmed ‘deniers’.
You may be interested to know that taxing a commodity is not a common method for the Communist Party to gain a foothold. Most authoritarian regimes use *ahem* a bit more direct methods to control the populace.
A carbon cap and trade system is Communism? Was Newt Gingrich a Communist in 2007? Was Bob Dole? John McCain? Is the Heritage Foundation a Communitst front? And you think I’M the idiot? LOL.
Listen, Dank, we get it. The conservatist movement here in the US has skidded off the road, has jumped the track, and is flailing for purchase. We get it.
You guys aren’t that dumb. Please regroup and come back stronger and help us keep America great.
Not one bit of science supports your attempt to control economies and populations.
Not one.
It has all been altered and as the “climate gate ” emails prove, beyond a doubt, the collusion to keep the factual evidence is a scam perpetuated by the most zealous of fellow travelers.
Mann has Ben so thoroughly debunked he should be arrested for theft for taking any taxpayer money.
The ipcc has, and most recently the 16 attorneys general who stood with gore, begun to take steps to prosecute those of us who dare to seek and speak the truth on the issue.
Don’t ever try to tell someone who can read, and has an inquisitive enough mind, coupled with a healthy skepticism not to believe their lying eyes.
But two quick questions..
What’s the temp of the planet supposed to be?
Why the preponderance of hammer and sickle flags present at many climate rallies, most notably Copenhagen a few years ago?
All the models have proven to be wrong with the passing of time, and the models that attempt to rereate the past have failed to do so.
LOL I urge everyone to take the pledge I have. I will keep my carbon footprint no higher than Barack Obama’s or Al Gore’s. Or even the UN spokesman actor that was in Titanic. I hear he has eco dwellings in Los Angeles and in NYC. And I bet he bicycles between them. (wink, wink)
So, there IS a war on religion and it’s being prosecuted by science deniers!!
Dank typed:
Not sure what you’re trying to say. First, certainly there’s overwhelming evidence supporting the theory that human-generated CO2 is causing the Earth to warm. Second, neither a carbon tax nor a carbon cap and trade program are attempts to “control economies and populations”.
Now, your pop quiz.
Meaningless question. What’s the temperature of your living room “supposed” to be? The “temperature” of the Earth is determined by what climate scientists call “forcings”, i.e., such factors as the amount of the Sun’s energy reaching Earth, the albedo, volcanic activity, greenhouse gas concentrations, wobbles in the Earth’s orbit etc. Human civilization evolved during the Holocene, since the end of the last ice age, while the climate of the Earth was remarkably stable as estimated by mean global surface temperature. The Earth is currently warmer than at any time during the Holocene and continues to warm rapidly from human activity.
Do you have evidence of a “preponderance of hammer and sickle flags…”?
Do you think Communists often use taxation as a means to their ends? That seems to be what the new Denier/John Birch Society members are suggesting.