When it comes to this issue, I reckon’ this lady has absolute moral authority (not meant snarky in any way)
Charles F. "Chic" Burlingame III was the co-pilot of American Airlines flight 77 – the plane hijacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001 and crashed into the Pentagon.
Today, his sister, Debra Burlingame, is lending her voice to a national movement that advocates consider the most peaceful means of combating terrorists: calling for states to withdraw their public pension money from companies doing business with Iran.
"One of the things I’ve done for the last six years is read up on who these people are," she told Cybercast News Service. "I found they are telling us who they are and what they are doing. But a lot of people here and in Western Europe don’t want to listen. For me, the divest terror project is a moral imperative."
This should kinda be the law of the land.