You know, like it burst forth in 2012, and 2008, and 2000. Even though almost no one is talking about it except those few who push the subject and those who push back against it.
Climate Change Divide Bursts to Forefront in Presidential Campaign
During the 2012 race for president, the issue of climate change was nearly invisible. President Obama and his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, almost never spoke about it, and it did not come up during their debates. There was far more talk of ramping up oil and gas production than cutting emissions.
Say what? Obama talked about it quite a bit.
But this year, as Hillary Clinton thrusts climate change to the heart of her campaign, the issue is taking on a prominence it has never before had in a presidential general election.
In speeches, Mrs. Clinton regularly highlights her plan to combat global warming, and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, praised her at the Democratic National Convention last week for putting it at “the center†of her foreign policy. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, her main rival in the primaries, spoke of the issue forcefully, saying that “this election is about climate change.†The party platform calls for a price — essentially a tax — on carbon pollution.
If a reporter is calling it carbon pollution, then they are biased, and scientifically illiterate, much like the rest of the Cult of Climastrology. All in all, though, I doubt Hillary cares that much about the subject, beyond being one which every good Statist/Progressive should love: the ability to raise taxes, make citizens more dependent on government, and increase central governmental control over energy, the economy, and private citizens and private entities. Now that’s something Hillary would love.
Of course, the rest of the article is more about bashing Trump than providing any true evidence that this has become a major campaign issue, nor providing any scientific evidence that the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by the same human activities that most Democrats/Warmists refuse to give up in their own lives.
A Gallup poll in March found that 65 percent of Americans believed that climate change was caused by human activity, an increase of 10 points from a year earlier. The poll found that 38 percent of Republicans believed the same thing, an increase of four points from a year earlier. The poll also found that 76 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 accepted that human activity is behind climate change.
And then you put that up against polls of things that actually concern Americans, and it tends to come in last or next to last. A recent YouGov poll found that only 9.2% found it to be the biggest issue. And, despite all the spreading awareness and the massive media push, government push, and money from Warmist backers, just 3% found Hotcoldwetdry to be the most important issue in a pre-Paris climate meeting poll. Heck, only 6% of Democrats listed ‘climate change’ as their biggest concern.
Again, though, the article is about bashing Trump, and even highlights those few Republicans who have bought into the beliefs of the Cult of Climastrology.
But, do you know how important this issue is? It’s not even in the paper edition of the paper. Just the web. And while it is prominently displayed on the web app, it’s just a little headline way down the full Internet page.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

If global warming is your primary issue, you should vote for the Green Party. Hillary is in the pockets of OPEC and Wall Street and Trump isn’t a Believer.
The choice is clear
But, as you noted amongst our good neighbors to the north, the left will try to hide the costs of their climate change agenda.
The left won’t really push the
global warmingclimate change issue, because no matter how much they might claim to be concerned about it, Americans don’t actually want to pay the price for it.The flaw in your
“reasoning”blathering is that a vote for the Green Party increases the likelihood of a Trump victory.Clearly Secretary Clinton, who actually understands the evidence, will be a better climate steward than Trump, who hasn’t a clue about anything except marketing his “brand”.
Conservatives may have discarded a chance to recapture the White House by nominating the vile Trump for reasons of ideological purity (he is running a racist, xenophobic campaign).
Would you have rather voted for Trump in the primaries instead of a general election shoo-in like Kasich even if it results in another Clinton presidency?
There were two Repug candidates incapable of beating the weak Clinton – Trump and Cruz. And these two unfit candidates were your front-runners.
Now you encourage others to throw away votes on Stein who cannot win?? No thanks.
Recall in 2000 the mantra that there was no difference between Gore and Bush? Remember? The families of 600,000 dead in Iraq and thousands of American families beg to differ.
What Americans are most concerned about is tomorrow, not what happens in the future decades
They are strugglig to get through until the next payday. When will Congress pass some job bills?
Venezuela is hiring.
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