No, really, they did. But they’re big meanies now for not. Time Magazine says so!
When the NRA Supported Gun Control
The NRA’s opposition to gun control, however, is only a few decades , according to Adam Winkler author of the book Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America. “Historically,†writes Winkler, “the leadership of the NRA was more open-minded about gun control than someone familiar with the modern NRA might imagine.â€
Not only did the NRA support gun control for much of the 20th century, its leadership in fact lobbied for and co-authored gun control legislation. (snip)
In the 1920s, the National Revolver Association, the arm of the NRA responsible for handgun training, proposed regulations later adopted by nine states, requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon, five years additional prison time if the gun was used in a crime, a ban on gun sales to non-citizens, a one day waiting period between the purchase and receipt of a gun, and that records of gun sales be made available to police.
The NRA still backs concealed carry permits. They still approve of additional prison time. And bans on gun sales to non-citizens. They are fine with reasonable waiting periods. And they do not freak if the police have a record. So, nothing has changed.
Anyway, supposedly this all changed in the 70’s
For much of the 20th century, the NRA had lobbied and co-authored legislation that was similar to the modern legislative measures the association now characterizes as unconstitutional. But by the 1970s the NRA came to view attempts to enact gun-control laws as threats to the Second Amendment, a viewpoint strongly articulated at last week’s Republican National Convention by current NRA leader Chris Cox. Today’s NRA could be summed up with words uttered by the Black Panther Party 40 years earlier: “the gun is the only thing that will free us—gain us our liberation.â€
What’s missing from all of this is the Democrats view of gun control, which is to essentially ban the private ownership of guns. Not just automatic weapons, sawed off shotguns, and silencers, all three of which are mentioned in the article as bans the NRA approved of back in the 30’s. Most would agree they have no problem with this. Also, there really is no thing as a silencer, except in poorly written TV shows, books, and movies. They are suppressors. Regardless, the Democrats want more and more restrictions on private ownership of guns while at the same time they coddle actual criminals, creating a situation where law abiding citizens need weapons to protect themselves from criminality that Democrat policies have created.
A nationwide registry of owned guns? Dems can position it however they want, this is simply a way for them to know who has what as they implement confiscatory policies. It’s not paranoia when this is what they want to do. To Other People, of course. They don’t want to give up their own guns.
An assault weapons ban? The last one made no difference, and they are simply “scary” looking versions of other rifles.
Everything is aimed at the law abiding citizen, rather than criminals. If the left was serious, their “comprehensive” gun reform would go heavy on criminals. Instead, it attempts to turn law abiding citizens into criminals and/or someone with a mental issue that requires taking their guns away.
Finally, there was a point where we were not concerned with the growing power of the federal government. To quote V For Vendetta, a movie leftists love (also, a lot of the rest of us, good flick!) “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.†Or, better yet, Thomas Jefferson “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” The people who most want to disarm citizens are the same ones trying to monumentally increase the power of government. Go figure. I mean, really, we should not infer an agenda, right? Right?

Yep, like most “new” right-wing orgs and people, the NRA has gone batshit crazy.
You’re a fool, a liar or a little of both if you think an AR-15 is identical to other rifles.
The AR-15 is functionally the same as any and many other semi automatic rifles. To claim otherwise makes you a liar and therefore anything you say after that is false. “Looks” do not make one weapon more dangerous than another nor more capable. Dumbass. Why do you leftists always have to lie to push your agenda?
The truth, Jeffery.
You da man, Jeffery.
Reagan was all in for a ban on assault weapons. Teach why do you now think Reagan was a Democrat?
Assault weapons are fully automatic weapons and they are banned from civilian use. An AR-15 is a CIVILIAN REPLICA of the M-16 full auto assault weapon. They look alike but are not the same. Why is that so phuking hard for you leftists to understand or are you deliberately lying? They also sell semi auto replicas of Thompson Sub Machine guns and AK-47’s are they assault weapons too?
Except he wasn’t all in for an assault weapon ban, john. After the ban failed, he was solidly against it. that’s the problem with liberals – they keep wanting to try the same failed ideas.
You are wrong, as I’ve explained more than once. No has claimed that the AR-15 is the same as the fully automatic M16 assault rifle.
Why do terrorists in the US love the AR-15? M16’s are hard to come by. Why is that? (Hint: federal regulations).
But why choose an AR-15 over another semi-auto rifle? Why not a Remington 7600 or 750, Berelli R1, Ruger Mini14, Springfield M1 or Browning MK3? Almost all those semi-auto rifles are chambered in .308 or 30-06, > 40″, with 4 round magazines and weigh 9 lbs or so. The AR-15 style rifles weigh are chambered in low recoil .223, 30-32″, with 10-30 round magazines, weigh about 6-7 lb and usually have flash hiders.
So, in fact, other than the action (semi-auto) the AR-15 type is nothing like the hunting rifles. But you know that.
Why must you lie? Just admit that you guys need these play-Army guns to feel safe.
The AR is the most popular rifle for sport by a huge margin : 3 gun, practical rifle, service rifle, and a host of other sports. It is the very embodiment of the term “sporting purpose” that the weasel dick communist shitheads have insisted on since the 30’s. The left is constantly changing the rules because they are dishonest scum.
The money quote:
Well, of course, because the left are too fornicating stupid to realize that if it becomes illegal for individuals to own guns, law-abiding citizens will stop owning guns, but criminals will not. Criminals will not surrender their weapons, because they don’t obey the law in the first place.
The left tout gun control every time there is a mass shooting, because in most of those cases, the killer had possessed his weapons legally. But there are far more killings, overall, in our cities, by people who are already barred from owning weapons who have them anyway. Of course, we all know that black lives don’t matter there!
The left don’t want to address the problem of crime, because they don’t know how. Legislatures can only enact laws, so that, to the left, is “doing something,” and the left are opposed to the police actually enforcing the laws, except in those instances in which the criminal is a white guy.
The left have a huge problem: to address the problem of crime is to address the problem of race, and the left are afraid to say anything, lest they be seen as raaaaacists. The left cannot tell the truth, not even to themselves, because the truth shatters their desired world view.
Jeffrey wrote:
Except, of course, that the M16 is not fully automatic. The Army learned, long ago, that an M16 on rock-n-roll quickly overheated the barrel and wasted tons of ammunition, and that’s why, today, the M16s which used to be issued by the Army — they’ve since moved to the M4 — were limited to three-round bursts.
The left focus on the AR-15 because it’s been a weapon of choice for the mass killers, but most murders, by a wide margin, are committed by cheap handguns . . . and most of them are committed by blacks. The Democrats cannot even whisper anything about that. ’cause then they’d be seen as raaaaacists.
Jeffty, your speculation re: the Ar is incorrect or deliberatly misleading. There are quite a few semi-auto rifles out there that are “chambered in low recoil .223, 30-32″, with 10-30 round magazines, weigh about 6-7 lb and…have flash hiders.. You chose as examples some that did not.
Good little liberal – (pats Jeffty on head), you’ve learned how to do the “technically true, but misleading and meaningless” dance, just like Obama!
In the future, you might want to stick to subjects you have a grasp of.
Assuming the existence of same.
reasoningbelief is to do nothing about mass shootings because Blacks also shoot each other with handguns. Squirrel!Reasonable people see both as problems to be solved.
Facts are not racist. About half of homicides are committed by Black men, about half committed by white men – almost all committed by males – almost all by low income males.
Do you think males are just 10 times more violent than women? Is that a genetic defect in all men?
Can you explain the powerful correlation between homicide and income inequality?
Thanks for the advice, stormy.
There, there little fella. Can you list a few of the 9 lb semi-autos in .223?
We get it, stormy. You like to play “Army” with your rifles that look like real Army-man rifles. And in general it’s not a problem, but terrorists also prefer them for mass shootings, for shooting up schools filled with kids, for shooting up dark nightclubs (flash hider really helps!)…
When we were kids we all had plastic replicas of the WWII Thompson submachine gun for playing “Army” but we mostly grew out of it.
Don’t get me wrong. Your hobby is safe. Banning
assault weapons,killer boy toys won’t make much of a difference in the homicide rate. And look at the practical side – there are many millions of these killer boy toys in circulation. Even the previous killer boy toy ban didn’t confiscate those already legally owned, so banning new purchases won’t accomplish much.So yes, you get to keep your toy for playing Army-man. Just be careful please. And yes, a result of your freedoms will be more dead children. Dead kids are the price we pay for freedom.
Good little communist, play the “it’s for the children” card. If you cared about “the children” you’d be against abortion. Dead children are the price we pay for abortion.
If dead kids are the price of freedom what is the price of slavery? Guns are illegal in North Korea. I suggest you relocate so you can experience the freedom afforded when the government owns all the guns.
I’m on your side! I agree it’s fruitless to try to limit guns in the US of A. But we should recognize that our love affair with guns leads to the murder and accidental shooting of children. It’s no big whoop unless it’s your child.
I’ve never advocated a general gun ban, although I do agree with many common sense restrictions, e.g., restricting fully automatic weapons, select fire, noise suppressors, “cop killer” bullets, short barreled shotguns, grenades, background checks (although dedicated mass shooters can always find a gun).
Do you really believe the only reason we’re free in America is because you can own an AR-15? That’s a curious thought.
Abortion doesn’t kill children, which would be murder. You may oppose abortion on religious or moral grounds but it’s not murder.
Good little fascist, playing the love it or leave it card. El Salvador doesn’t allow abortion under any circumstance so why don’t you move there?
Guns save lives.
To the surprise of the authors and those who would no doubt have used the report to further restrict access to personal defense firearms, the study found that gun ownership actually saves lives and those who have a firearm at their disposal improve their chances of survival and reduce their chance of injury in the event they are confronted by a violent criminal:
So the US has the lowest firearm homicide and firearm suicide rates in the Western world, right?
So a self-proclaimed Aryan, a Turk and Arab hater, an admirer of Hitler, massacres a group in Munich on the 5 year anniversary of the far-right conservative (and hero of Pamela Geller) Anders Breivik’s murderous rampage and hardly a peep out of the right-wing. Strange.
Maybe Trump will ban the immigration of right-wingers into America.
–that little guy who exaggerates often deflects with stupid questions
So the US has the lowest firearm homicide and firearm suicide rates in the Western world, right?
With all these guns saving lives it just stands to reason the US should be the safest nation in the advanced world, doesn’t it?
So, does the US have the lowest firearm homicide and firearm suicide rates in the Western world?
We understand if you choose not to debate since reason and facts don’t appear to be your strong suits. Is this why the Trumpette refused to participate in the last several RNC debates where there were only a few opponents? He was afraid someone would ask him a real question?
So the findings of the White House initiated study are incorrect?
Please explain with reason and facts.