Here’s yet another issue in which the Credentialed Media will look to provide shelter for Hillary
(Fox News) The parents of two of the four Americans who died in the Benghazi attack in 2012 filed a lawsuit Monday against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, alleging her “reckless handling” of classified information contributed to their deaths.
The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch USA on behalf of Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, for allegedly wrongfully causing the death of their sons as well as for defamation and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.
The lawsuit suggests that Clinton’s use of a private email server contributed to the deaths of Smith and Woods, adding that terrorists were able to “obtain the whereabouts of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and thus the U.S. State Department and covert and other government operations in Benghazi, Libya and subsequently orchestrate, plan, and execute the now infamous September 11, 2012 attack.”
The emails flowing through her non-sanctioned, insecure email server exposed the whereabouts of Ambassador Stevens.
In addition to the wrongful death and negligence charges named in the suit, the parents also claim that Clinton defamed them in statements to the media, according to court documents.
“During her campaign for President, Defendant Clinton has negligently, recklessly, and/or maliciously defamed Plaintiffs by either directly calling them liars, or by strongly implying that they are liars, in order to protect and enhance her public image and intimidate and emotionally harm and silence them to not speak up about the Benghazi attack on at least four separate occasions,” Klayman wrote in his complaint.
I’d be interested to see how Hillary responds to this, but, I’d be incredibly surprised if any reporter asks her about the suit.
Can the plaintiffs win? It might be tough getting a jury to believe, but, then, juries often find big shot rich people and companies liable. Team Hillary will surely keep this tied up in court for years, looking to run the clock out.
The intent here is most likely to expose Hillary’s reckless foreign policy and conduct, but, again, good luck getting the media to focus on anything that makes Her Precious look bad.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Looking to cash out on the deaths of their sons are they ?
Please contrast that with the family of the Ambassador who has repeatedly asked the GOP in Congress to stop using the death of their son as a political football to be kicked around in a completely partisan way.
Convenient timing. It’s a political stunt likely sponsored by the RNC/right-wing media/monied interest axis.
Should the families of soldiers killed in Iraq sue Bush/Cheney?
Should the Republicans in Kansas who reduced funding to support safety inspections be liable for the death of the 12 year old boy?
Should the Republicans who allow thousands of Americans die each year from insufficient health care be held responsible?
Lawyers love this!
She needs to be held accountable for her lies.
Please contrast that with the family of the Ambassador who has repeatedly asked the GOP in Congress to stop using the death of their son as a political football to be kicked around in a completely partisan way.
OH GEE JOHN you mean a democratic nominated party hack who was given the job as ambassador because he in some great way benefited and aided the Obama administration.
Ambassador Stevens who was appointed Ambassador because he was a staunch leftist supporter.
Funny how the family would tell the Republicans to shut up.
John you are so indoctrinated into the LIES your leftist buddies have taught you that I can only assume that there is no way on earth you can actually be this stupid.
Really. Its just not possible, because you can seem to string together coherent english that makes sense in as in the proper placement of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and unlike me you rarely leaving dangling modifiers in place.
So one can only assume your sole function here is to troll for either a paid organization or a volunteer with way too much time on your hands.
and now you know the rest of the story.
Ambassadors are the personal representatives of the President of the United States abroad. They are chosen by the President with the support and guidance of the State department.
The president does not pick shaky ALLIES TO REPRESENT HIM OVERSEAS…..
This is just an example of the family of said Ambassador doing exactly what is expected of him even in death.
And look who shows up at a democrat rally. Why, one would think the dems and the terrorists were friends.