Why can’t hardcore nutjob moonbat liberals just let kids be kids? Why do they have to push their crazy ideas on kids? Why can’t they just mind their own business and, oh, say, teach them subjects which will allow them to be functional members of society?
(WSOC) A CMS presentation to principals and counselors recommends kids are not referred to as boys and girls, but instead as scholars and students.
DOCUMENT: CMS transgender student presentation
Eliminating boy and girl references is one of several policies included in the CMS bully prevention regulations.
Apparently, they didn’t want to go with their usual #1 choice, “comrades”.
One policy allows students to participate in extracurricular activities and overnight field trips based on their gender identity. A student who identifies as a girl would be allowed to participate in an “all-girl” overnight trip.
So, good news, when your actual biological girl goes on a trip, they can be accompanied by someone with mushy headed leftist parents who filled their brain with gender confusion. People have been wondering if the Left’s push to allow males with penis to participate in female activities: here’s one of the first steps. The document does seem to suggest that biological males that are gender confused be allowed to participate in all female extracurricular programs, which includes sports.
They say this is about “bullying”, but, the entire policy is about Supporting Transgender students. It’s right there in the headline of the document. One interesting part of the document is that “A student’s transgender status is confidential.” Yet, these leftists are attempting to make the issue fully public, and all the interest groups, and sometimes the student themselves, make it all public in attempting to force schools to allow them into the opposite biological gender bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms.
The document also says that boys and girls should be able to dress according to their “gender identity.” Because a little boy wearing a dress won’t get picked on. Kids are brutal, as we all know. They have little in the way of action or mouth filters.
The North Carolina Values Coalition calls the rules radical and a violation of privacy.
“School is no longer about reading, writing and arithmetic. It is now about gender fluidity,” Tami Fitzgerald of the NC Values Coalition said.
And we all seem shocked that more and more kids are coming out of the educational system with an inability to cope and operate in the Adult World.
Especially when we get nutty things like a Gender Unicorn

Time to stop calling these idiots principals, counselors and teachers.
This is brainwashing bordering on child abuse.
Many people are saying………… that conservatives never became teachers because they thought the pay was too low
Perhaps Hank M would like to put some personal effort into helping our failing schools? Or maybe just abandon those kids to the “leftists”
Many people are saying………… that conservatives never became teachers because they thought the pay was too low
Perhaps Hank M would like to put some personal effort into helping our failing schools? Or maybe just abandon those kids to the “leftistsâ€
@John you might want to read the following for your edification.
You’ve said some pretty stupid things but this is about the stupidest thing Ive read from you in quite some time.
The problems began in 1977 when Jimmy Carter Created the department of Education which then began telling school districts WHAT TO TEACH< HOW TO TEACH.
It has nothing to do with liberal or conservative teachers…..and everything to do with how teaching is to be presented.
My wife is a teacher. Has been for 33 years. During that time the school districts in which she has taught has changed their teaching strategies too many times to count.
By that I mean Linda Mood Bell, Seeing stars, and a new one they started this year which I finally just gave up on trying to remember them all. She has told me what its called but they change so often that I can even remember their names anymore.
See the problem is this…..The Federal Agency points to a state and says IF you want money…..which they do…..THEN you will teach X and Y and Z and you wil NOT teach A and B and C.
You WILL teach this way, and say it this way and we will begin testing kids to make sure that YOUR STATE IS ABIDING BY OUR DICTATES. IF you fail then your on suspension, your funds are cut and you must then submit a plan to compensate for your fallings.
For Example in Wyoming the Democratic governor….you heard it right….a Democratic Governor in the most red state in the UNION gave the teachers a pay raise that was mind boggling….They went from about 22k a year to 45k a year overnight….
Wyoming was awash in Fossil fuel revenues and Governor Freudenthal spent billions building new schools all over the state….state of the art schools….
The RESULTS….Wyomings scores….dropped…..were shitty and the children were no better with high paid teachers in state of the art school districts among a mostly conservative Populace.
NOW why is that…..
The reason was simple and any half wit teacher could tell him and the Federal government what the problem was…..
A child learns in three basic ways, Visual, Audio, Stimulus……The teaching strategies imposed on the entire districts were designed to teach in ONE WAY….hence about 1/2 of the children suffered because a visual learner learns completely different then one who can simply read the book and get it.
So Its not about conservative or liberal teachers….its about a DOE that demands that a school district achieve a CERTAIN SCORE……….
So the TEST then has become politicized by not teaching real life, important aspects of growing up in a harsh world but rather a very well disguised liberal agenda test that makes sure all children across the land DO NOT KNOW A THING ABOUT POLITICS, BUT ARE INDOCTRINATED INTO THE WORLD OF BULLYING< TRANSGENDERS< GAY< LESBIANISM< FEMINISM< EQUALITY
or in other words….the entire LEFTIST agenda has snuck its way into the OFFICIAL TESTING USED TO MEASURE HOW SMART A KID IS…..
As my wife says its not about how smart they are….its about how well we have brainwashed them on the leftist agenda. Teachers are reprimanded and fired for talking about both sides of many of these topics…..they go to classes to learn the proper words to use in talking with a child as in telling a child something like your a boy, boys dont cry….could get you fired in two seconds.
So the short of it is the T E S T is ALL THAT MATTERS….teachers now TEACH TO THE TEST…..they spend the entire year teaching them about whats on the test………
GAWD the GOP is so irrelevant anymore…..They wonder why they are falling behind and this is it in a nutshell…….Children have slowly been brainwashed by the leftist agenda and are now taught it daily from Kindergarten till 11th grade…….and when they go to college……
Probably 3/4ths of all professors are liberal who just continue the brainwashing.
So PAY? not hardly John. Its all about the politics in each and every school district across the land…..
As Lenin said give me your child for 7 years and I will make a Bolshevik out of him….well guess what…..
Ask any high school kid you meed about socialism and communism and they dont even know what that is. But they can define capitalism as a system in which the rich steal from the poor…..funny that.
Let’s be honest here: the left want to call this an ‘anti-bullying’ program, because they know that the ‘transgendered’ will be ostracized, at best. The real girls are not going to want to treat a ‘transgender girl’ as a girl, because they will all know that he isn’t a girl. The boys will never treat a ‘transgender girl’ as a real girl, because he isn’t a girl, and it would be a clear miracle if such a kid hadn’t been beaten up many times in his life.
But, not to worry too much: the ‘transgendered’ are a very small percentage of the population: the odds are that, in a school of 3,000 students — a much too large school, in my opinion — there won’t be any ‘transgendered’ students at all. The problems arise when there does happen to be one, and the whole school district has to bend over backwards to accommodate one mentally ill student rather than address reality.
As for not calling students boys or girls? That’s the effect of liberalism for you! The students all know who’s a boy and who’s a girl; it’s only the leftist adults who have managed to become so fornicating stupid that they can’t tell the difference anymore.
Our esteemed host asked, rhetorically, I presume:
It’s simple: it’s easier to socialize children into stupidity than it is adults.
And it even works. For a thousand generations, everybody knew that homosexual activity was immoral, depraved and just plain wrong. But, thanks to the liberal activists, we now have a generation of teenagers and young adults who no longer see it as wrong, but just another part of the spectrum of ‘normal’ sexuality.
The left have managed to educate away the accumulated knowledge of all of mankind from all of our history. And now they can’t even tell the difference between boys and girls.
John wrote: Perhaps Hank M would like to put some personal effort into helping our failing schools?
I am John, through a local food bank/clothes closet. We provide food, clothing, school supplies and even holiday gifts to those who cannot afford it. I’ve been working there for about a decade along with others.
It’s all volunteer. Food comes from the Greater Boston Food Bank and donations. All clothing is donated.
Monetary donations allow us to buy the school supplies and holiday gifts.
We don’t abandon anyone nor do we discriminate.
Having said that, your variation of the chickenhawk slur remains moronic.
dana typed:
To the dominant class, equality always seems like oppression. The past few decades have been tough on the dominant white, straight, X-ian, male culture. Wetbacks acting like they belong here, niggerz in your White House, your next President a hag, muzzies talking back to your white X-ian men, fags treated as equals… It all seems like an attack on your beliefs. But finally a savior in Donald J. Trump who promises to smite thine enemies and return uneducated, white, X-ian, men to their rightful place.
Up until a few years ago your savior was a New York liberal Dem who supported the Clintons, the DNC, gays, abortion and Planned Parenthood. Today he holds up a bible and says he hates the same “others” that you hate. You’ve been played by carnie barker.
Bigotry and genuine oppression have been around for a long, long time. It’s the conservative way – it is the definition of conservatism – keeping the hags and fags, the wetbacks and muzzies, and especially those negroes in their place.