Here’s a piece by Mike Cernovich at Danger And Play, relying on to anonymous physicians, one who is said to have Parkinson’s himself. We’re provided with some evidence, such as when she fell and broke her elbow, the emails from Huma saying Hillary is often confused, head bobbing, being caught like a deer in headlights. Then we get
It is the premise of this discussion the HRC is most likely suffering from Parkinson’s Disease (PD).
It explains every one of the items listed above. Further, since it is a diagnosis primarily made by observation, the video record is sufficient to create a high degree of certainty.
The 2009 fall where HRC broke her elbow suggests that she had working protective reflexes, and her arm took the brunt of the fall. But three years later, she had a catastrophic fall where her reflexes were unable to help her. It is notable that this fall took place at home, where she would have been unstressed and in a familiar setting. Failing reflexes are common in PD. Poor balance is also common in PD, and a fall without working protective reflexes is a prescription for head injury. Her subsequent concerns with transverse sinus thrombosis are plausibly related to the fall. Her need for fresnel lens glasses also fits with post-concussion syndrome.
That continues for awhile, leading to
HRC probably has PD.
She has had clinical symptoms for a minimum of 4 years, and probably much longer, given that the fall leading to her head injury required a significant progression of the disease. All of her bizarre physical actions since that time fit nicely into the spectrum of signs that we expect in PD. And since PD explains all of them, we have a high probability of a correct diagnosis. It has almost certainly been treated with levodopa. Some of her symptoms may be related to this drug treatment.
It is most curious that all of the bizarre physical signs seem to be in 2016 videos. HRC was a public figure in 2015, with a lot of campaign work underway. Yet all of the oddities seem to be within the last several months. This suggests a significant progression of her PD. We also know that her contact with the public has been rigidly controlled. She has not done news conferences during the campaign. These would be highly stressful to a PD sufferer and would elicit many PD signs.
And the conclusion
It is not appropriate for a physician to make a diagnosis at a distance. But since the evidence in the public record so strongly suggests that HRC has moderate to advanced PD, it is imperative that HRC release her complete medical record to an impartial panel of physicians for review. It is not necessary for the public at large to see them. Such a panel should be secure in its deliberations and should present a summary to the public. If she has PD, the panel would know and it would be made public. If not, then the air would clear.
There’s even a PDF, as noted by Gateway Pundit, a major, major, major Trump supporter. Basically, Jim Hoft has lost it as much as Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, among others.
Hillary Clinton Health by Anonymous jfnQLLY on Scribd
Too good to check?

I read this and would note that the physician who is making the claim is an anesthesiologist, not to disclaim his credentials too much, but he would have little diagnostic ability. Hillary is ill, PD is possible. But, note that she had a fall and developed clotting in her sinus venous. This is not your average brain clot, it is far more serious and would be associated with serious brain injury and seizures. Then, bleeding inside the brain can lead to adult hydrocephalus, which can have numerous progressive issues, including the need for a shunt and the complications thereof. You will note that any disturbance around Hillary can cause a seizure, which is apparent from her videos. Another thing negating PD is the lack of pill rolling tremors and no complications with gait, those can come later, but from a physical standpoint are very much diagnostic. Either way, she is not fit to serve.
An anonymous file via asswipe Mike Cernovich and the odious jimhoft, the gateway pudendum.
Ronald Reagan, the man who started America’s death spiral, actually had Alzheimer’s Disease, yet the right wasn’t bothered.
Troll alert.
When you see the tremor, it’s Parkinson’s. My wife, nurse of almost 50 years’ experience, says tumor.
Others will tell you stroke or post-concussion.
Is there a rule that says it can’t be All Of The Above?
An eloquent example of douchebaggery.
Reagan had Alzheimer’s; that doesn’t make him a douchebag.
Or did you mean it douchebaggery to point out Reagan’s actual malady but it’s OK for the right wing douchebags like Cernobitch and odiousjimhoft to make shit up about Clinton?
Typical right wing hypocrisy.
From the little guy who exaggerates often who has an overwhelming tendency to make up shit.
Who here said anything about it being “OK”? Name him. For some reason every time a comrade gets hit with something he doesn’t like he whips out irrelevant comparisons from his quiver of douchebaggery. You do realize justifying your douchebaggery by pointing out someone else’s douchebaggery only doubles down on your own, right?
You comrades really need to learn how to make a valid argument based on its merits not irrelevant comparisons. How childish.
One has to make comparisons to illustrate your hypocrisy, duh.
Reagan was genuinely mentally impaired and the right-wing was silent.
Yet the right-wing pushes a false meme regarding Clinton’s health.
Yet all the Hag has to do is release her medical records to disprove the meme to everyone.
One would think her crack campaign team would be all over this.
Yet the right-wing pushes a false meme regarding Clinton’s health.
Really. And which alternate universe are you living in. The evidence for an unhealthy Hillary keeps piling up. I Just hope your good with Kaine cause thats who might really end up being our new President when she is unfit to serve.
Once again the little guy who exaggerates often proves he’s full of shit.
if her fall i 7 years ago was from PD it sure doesn’t seem to have gotten any worse has it ?
The discussion is about Hillary’s health, not hypocrisy, duh. Reagan’s health 33 years ago has no bearing on Clinton’s today, now does it?
Reagan was not impaired before he was elected. Had he been, lovely folks on the left like you comrade Jeffery would have taken out full page ads about it. Hillary! is running and she may be impaired. How about we find out if she is before you start dragging every Republican you can think of through the dirt?
No noticeable impairment.
The second link is embedded. Scroll to the right, to enlarge or to play it on YouTube.
I don’t understand your reference. Multiple videos have surfaced showing this creep having seizures. Also, I would like your personal information as you made me watch this horrible woman and now I am sick. The facts are that Hillary is a liar, there is no debate there, in fact, she lies about just about anything (shot at by snipers and other incidents as well as her political doings). Hillary is corrupt, it is beyond clear that she sells influence and just about anything that she can get her hands on or has control of, witness the Watergate firing as a good example of even the Democrats being repulsed by her. Hillary is racist to the core. Hillary, has no concept as to how to get us out of the depression we are in (her own words, she would have her husband do it, and he is not much better mentally secondary to his alcoholism). Hillary does not have the temperament to be president. A new term in the 250 year old race originally aimed at Trump, but more applicable to Hillary with her cursing out the very men who protect her and her tempestuous relationship with her husband as witnessed by multiple people. Behind doors this woman is a monster. Her favorite term for her oh so loving husband is dickhead, ask anyone close to these people. Hillary is ethically challenged as witnessed in any legal situation she has participated in. A Hillary president would destroy the country and cause us to be in world conflict that would not happen with Trump.
A couple points. 1st, it’s all in the title: Too Good To Check. I even ended thusly.
Second, read what I wrote about Hoft, Jeff. I’m no fan. I think he’s mostly gone nuts in supporting Trump. Also, he ticked me off over something, which I’ll keep to myself.
Third, you weren’t able to rebut the accusation, and immediately discussed Reagan, who may, or may not, have suffered from Alzheimer’s while in office.
Fourth, being anonymous was part of the “too good to check.”
By the way, this excessive facial expression is called a seizure.
Perhaps each nominee should have a thorough an independent examination of their health including a psych evaluation, drug testing, their finances, their tax returns etc.
Donald Trump has been shown to more dishonest than Cruz, Sanders or Clinton.
It’s clear to anyone who can read that you were sick well before you watched the video.
Can you give examples of Clinton’s “corruption”? Do you have any evidence to support your other scurrilous charges?
I rebutted the allegations by indicting the allegators, Cernovich and odiousjimhoft – two horribly partisan liars – and by indicting the allegations themselves – from anonymous sources.
No one forced you link this crap.
david7134: I don’t understand your reference.
The balloon video shows somewhere Clinton moving easily, and interacting normally with others. Her eleven-hour testimony demonstrates substantial stamina under trying conditions.
The rest of your comment is irrelevant to,the topic.
No Jeff Trump has not been shown to be dishonest. Now read or watch Clinton Cash, and no it has not been refuted.
So what is your point. The testimony shows nothing other than she lies and was on medication. She was having a seizure in the balloon episode. I see seizures daily, how many have you seen that are petit mal.
Zachriel the Gabriel is you. Shows the carp value of tablets.
–that genuinely mentally impaired little guy who exaggerates often playing the liberal dumb card again
There have been numerous books written about the Haggard Harridan and her dishonesty and malfeasance dating all the way back to Watergate.
Try reading a few and get your head out of your ass.
David7134: So what is your point.
That the original claim is clearly not supportable. Frankly, it’s silly.
The woman is mentally, physically, ethically and morally not fit for office. She should be in prison where she can be cared for.
Can you reference any of the books you claim show her dishonesty and malfeasance all the way back to Watergate? That way we can discuss particulars.
Like almost all right-wing “literature” they are sure to be full of shit, like you.
Zeifman is a demonstrated liar, like most conservative extremists.
For what crime(s) should Secretary Clinton be imprisoned?
Even if she has Parkinson’s Disease, it is not illegal.
I make it a habit not to respond to stupidity and those who are disingenous. No matter what I reference you will not accept it. That makes you the lessor.
So your answer is no, you have no evidence, no nothing, you are just venting personal outrage over something you don’t fully understand.
Let me explain:
You’re frightened and you’re lashing out. You feel surrounded by Negroes and gays and Mexicans and Muslims; you feel your unearned advantages slipping; you feel your “lessors” don’t
fearrespect you.You’re a rich white man in America! A doctor for gawdsakes, and your “lessors” need to understand that! Trump, your god-king, promises to smite them!
Your feelings do matter, but your neuroses are no basis for a political movement.
To you, Clinton is the embodiment of all that’s wrong with America. She’s a she. She supports all that liberal crap that you feel is ruining America, that gays and Muslims and immigrants and Blacks are as good as you.
Trump is using your feelings of fear and hopelessness to manipulate you.
Don’t Overthink! Vote Trump!
*shaking head* The conversation above demonstrates why Trump has voters. In what universe would “too good to check” be equal to “This is true”?
And people who think Clinton has committed no crimes should look into the Clinton Foundation and Benghazi, for starters, if they’re too lazy to look at Whitewater, Foster, and Travelgate.
Whether Clinton is ill or not doesn’t much matter to me. She is ethically and morally unfit for office.
Here’s a good place to start if you have a little time to read it.