Replacing actual science with political cultism
(Daily Caller)  The Obama administration announced plans to scale down NASA’s proposed mission to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa to pay for more global warming research, according to Universe Today.
President Barack Obama requested NASA’s mission to Europa receive only $49.6 million in 2017, far less than the $175 million the mission got from Congress in 2016. Much of the money not spent on the probe would go to global warming research. A rival proposal from the House of Representatives would allocate $260 million to fully fund the mission for the next year.
NASA’s budget for this kind of stuff is already over $2 billion dollar, and they still need to create bad models that do not work and modify data to fit their preconceived notions.
Spending on NASA’s Earth Science Mission Directorate has increased by 63 percent over the last eight years, making it the largest and fastest growing budget of any NASA science program. In comparison, NASA’s other functions, such as astrophysics and space technology, are only getting a mere $781.5 and $826.7 million, respectively, in the budget proposal. Over the same time period, the general NASA budget grew only by 10.6 percent — just enough to account for inflation.
It’d be nice if NASA spent money on real science, rather than voodoo.

State religion trumps science
Most scientists disagree with your political beliefs concerning global warming.
It’s interesting that you support the fed government spending $18 billion a year on NASA.
It’s interesting that you support the fed government spending $18 billion a year on NASA.
The only way mankind will survive is if we move beyond this planet. We have to push out into the stars to guarantee the species survival. The left doesnt get that……HOW is stopping AGW helping the poor in the projects?
How is AGW helping people with no jobs?
How is AGW helping people sneak over the border.
How is AGW stopping the atrocities of ISIS and RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
HOW is AGW stopping the weaponization of a 1000 diseases that can potentially destroy this planet a dozen times over?
The truth is AGW is the least of our worries……Those poor people who vote for (D)’s to keep their drugs (WELFARE) coming should be demanding they get a COLA not more money going to rich scientists to stop fossil fuel companies from making money.
MOST SCIENTISTS DO AGREE……as they cash those government subsidy checks and drive their BMW’s home to their million dollar homes in the BURBS….FAR FROM THE PROJECTS…AWAY FROM THE HOMELESS….NO WHERE NEAR THE CLUSTERS OF ILLEGALS and certainly not close to China town or Islamic neighborhoods or Mexican getaways…..
MOST SCIENTISTS DO AGREE…..Just so long as they dont have to live in the projects, share a meal with the poor whom they are taking money from to fund their lifestyles……
PITIFUL that these poor people actually believe the left gives a shit about them(POLITICIANS)
Solving problems makes the (D)’s irrelevant….Solving Climate change makes the climate scientists irrelevant…..and there are solutions where everyone wins.
Why? What’s going to happen to the Earth to annihilate humankind? Our Sun will become a red giant in about 5 billion years and likely engulf the Earth. Is this your concern?
It has been the GOP Congress that sends the money to the White House, Obama can only request. NASA has a budget of just under 20,000 millions
You seem to have forgotten that Obama is a rather popular POTUS while Congress? Its approval ratings are in the teens
One more reason that the Senate control will probably change this election, even Red NC will go Blue again