For quite a few Republican/Conservative voters, it is hard enough to offer support to vote Trump, even as a protest vote against Hillary. Much like with Obamacare, we didn’t vote for him, he really doesn’t seem to understand our values, we don’t really trust him, and we said he probably wouldn’t be able to win. Is Hillary worse? You bet. How much worse on individual issues? Well, that’s the question, because Trump says one thing, which is sometimes contradicted by previous actions and/or quote, and we just don’t have trust in him. We’re just supposed to trust him. Even though what he seems to be pushing is Big Central Government nationalism.
He has no idea what American conservatism is, and said he doesn’t need us. He’d rather have Bernie supporters. He’s never really made a play for our votes, never really tried to earn them, other than a list of Supreme Court judges that he immediately backtracked on. And, for those who still are willing to put on the gas mask, his Barking Moonbat core base doesn’t help
(Daily Caller) Sean Hannity has had it with those who say they will never vote for Donald Trump and let them have it on his radio show.
“So here’s what I say to all of you Never Trumpers — Glenn Beck, I hope you’re listening,†the conservative radio host said on Tuesday and then proceeded to attack conservatives who vow to never vote for Trump, according to Business Insider.
“You own Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court appointments,†Hannity said. “You own it! You are doing everything you can do to cast doubt in people’s minds!â€
“You own the jobs that illegal immigrants will take from the 95 million Americans out of the labor force,†he added. “You own Obamacare, which is a disaster for this country. You own education because she is beholden to the NEA [National Education Association].â€
He went specifically after John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Jonah Goldberg and Ted Cruz, to go with Beck, along with members of the conservative media. He’s been whining about Cruz for a long time, in regards to the pledge to vote for the eventual GOP nominee. Cruz won’t offer his support. Hannity refuses to answer the question as to whether he would support a person who smeared and slurred his wife and father. I got through to the screener one day and said I wanted to ask that question, and was dumped. Surprise!
“So here’s what I say to all of you Never Trumpers — Glenn Beck, I hope you’re listening. You own Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court appointments. You own it! You are doing everything you can do to cast doubt in people’s minds! Trump gave us a list. You own her Supreme Court nominees, you own her un-vetted refugees and the 550% increase she will bring into this country. You own the jobs that illegal immigrants will take from the 95 million Americans out of the labor force. You own Obamacare, which is a disaster for this country. You own education because she is beholden to the NEA [National Education Association]. And if we don’t improve the lives of 95 million Americans out of the labor force, I blame you for that, too!
“Because you’re helping elect her. And I’m also saying that, hey, we have a $4,100 increase in healthcare payments since Obama has been president. It’s only going to go higher. You get responsibility for that, too! We have got 12 million more Americans on food stamps. If that increases, I’m going to blame you! We have 46 million total. Eight million more Americans living in poverty. Fifty million Americans in poverty. If that gets worse, I’m blaming you! You know, we have the worst home ownership in 51 years. If that gets worse, guess who I’m blaming? I’m blaming all of you!
There’s more to that blowing a gasket moonbattery from Hannity at the Business Insider link, and ended with
“And you are going to say, ‘Hannity, we blame you. You gave Donald Trump time on your show.’ And I gave every other candidate time. His agenda is infinitely better than hers. And if you can’t see that, then that’s your problem. You own it. You own her. You own every dumb thing she’s about to do. I blame you. Got it? I am going to name names regularly if she wins.”
He stated again that if Trump wins and backslides on what he said he’d do, Hannity would take responsibility. The very fact that there is a big concern that Trump won’t keep his promises is one of the things that gives so many pause. He talks about giving Trump time on his show. Nah, that’s not it. It’s about being so utterly in the bag for Trump that it reminds me more of how lefty sites like Think Progress, Daily Kos, Media Matters, CNN, etc, throw their support behind Hillary. Totally off the rails.
Those Republicans who plan on voting Hillary are deluded and fools. Most of us, though, refuse to vote for either candidate. Most aren’t supporting Gary Johnson nor Jill Stein, either. We’d like for Hillary to not be elected. Nutters like Hannity, who I cannot even listen to anymore, make it really difficult to give our vote against Hillary.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Teach describes Trump supporters as:
Anyway, there is a conservative alternative:
One thing about Hannity and Trump this year….they have finally exposed the massive rift that exists within the GOP.
You have libertarians who are desperately trying to redefine what it means to be Conservative….
and yet the GOP is libertarian leaning and has been for decades….so like the progressives who have totally absorbed the classical approach to liberalism by the Democratic party…….
so too is the libertarian vein trying to absorb the moderate or DEM LITE core of the GOP into full blown far right whackos.
I mean it after all means that the far left democratic whackos get to be opposed by far right GOP whackos and those of us in the middle get to watch as nothing gets done or even worse…..
One side or the other builds a massive wall or closes down all the bases around the world or Bans abortion or appoints communist judges or appoints Far right Goose stepping judges.
Scary stuff going on around the world but nothing as scary as what is happening here in America….
Blacks killing cops and literally being encouraged to do so by the LEFTIST WHACKO BASE…..funded by a billionaire puppet master who wants a NEW WORLD ORDER….
scary shit folks….scary shit.
Better start fortifying your bunker Herr Thomas it sounds like the world as you knew it is ending
Liam most years 70% of all cops killed are killed by whites.
I doubt that very much. Show me the FBI numbers. But even if it’s true does that make you somehow feel better? Are you saying it’s okay for 13% of the population to murder 30% of the police because whites kill the rest? You are one warped man.
Liam most years 70% of all cops killed are killed by whites.
What is the glaring difference? The glaring ommission from your post here?
how does it feel to be a pawn of a WHITE Multi-billionaire that you rave against JEFFERY?
Oh sorry I see that was John who made that post. And here Im blaming Jeffery.
Makes even more sense that he would make such an asinine post.
Notice that the referred article the retard was quoting was published May 10, 2016.
If you go to the Officer Down Memorial Page you’ll find 31 officers shot and killed in the line of duty so far this year (I didn’t include the 6 canine “officers” killed).
Most were shot and killed by white men.
Considering that African-American men are significantly overrepresented (in terms of percentage in the population) in police-civilian interactions it’s surprising that such a high percentage of white men are shooting and killing officers.
Black lives matter funded by George Soros are advocating civil disobedience. White America is not advocating the same from White Men.
This once again shows the mentality of the George Soros funded world order activists.
White America sees a cop killed we want to string up the guy ourselves….Blacks kill a cop and their is dancing in the streets……
Reminds me of the scene in GAZA when they saw the twin towers burn to the ground….Celebrating the death of Americans.
Yes….in certain circles the George Soros funded movement actually celebrates the death of cops….
Big difference there Mr. Jefferson……
That is surprising, Jeffery. To what do you ascribe this phenomenon?
Every one is worried about the potential for Trump backsliding on his statements. Does anyone give any creadence to the fact that if Hillary is elected that our country is gone? Get off Trump and concentrated on taking our country back.
I don’t know why white men are more likely to shoot policemen.
Officers may be more trusting of white men and hence less careful.
My God, we found something that Jeff does not understand, how amazing.
Maybe because white people are horrible racists. Or less civilized than blacks. Or maybe the whites are anti cop whereas blacks love the cops.
I really don’t know. I’m just a middle class white guy, the most despised animal in America.
Now, now… you’re not despised because of your skin color.
The Washington Post has a running meter of people shot by Cops. Today it stands at 630.
How many of those are Black? *18*…
Also the article that John Quoted about 71 percent being Black was written by an angry black man who never quoted or linked his source for the 71 percent.
Im still trying to hunt down those figures.
As for Jeffery’s Memorial he points to the shooting deaths only while ignoring the Police who were run over by fleeing suspects….No where does that say what ethnic group was responsible for the police deaths.
So I dug and dug and dug….
And Voilla……….*******The Guardian’s investigation, titled The Counted, began in response to widespread concern about the federal government’s failure to keep any comprehensive record of people killed by police. Officials at the US Department of Justice have since begun testing a database that attempts to do so, directly drawing on The Counted’s data and methodology.
The FBI also announced plans to overhaul its own count of homicides by police, which has been discredited by its reliance on the voluntary submission of data from a fraction of the country’s 18,000 police departments. The Guardian’s total for 2015 was more than two and a half times greater than the 444 “justifiable homicides†logged by the FBI last year.
The FBI director, James Comey, said in October it was “embarrassing and ridiculous†that the government did not hold comprehensive statistics, and that it was “unacceptable†the Guardian and the Washington Post, which began publishing a database of fatal police shootings on 1 July, held better records. The Counted will continue into 2016.*****
You don’t take the word of a Black man? Interesting.
Unfortunately for the lazy, you have to dig through the 31 entries. First, you get the officer’s name from ODMP and google his murderer. Voila. You find the killer’s race!
The multiple shootings (e.g., Dallas and Baton Rouge) that we all heard about were committed by
ex-militaryAfrican-Americans but most of the rest by white men. There were 9 vehicular assaults and 31 shooting deaths to date.Surprisingly the multiple shooting in Berrien County MI was hardly covered.
In addition, from the WaPo:
Did you realize the 80s were more dangerous for police officers than during the time of Black Lives Matter? Would you have believed that?
First thanks for looking that shit up for me….Im tired of doing the dirty work of digging thru all the hubris to make a point.
Did you realize the 80s were more dangerous for police officers than during the time of Black Lives Matter? Would you have believed that?
Yes I would believe the 80’s were more dangerous then today for one overwhelming reason.
CRIME….do you not remember the 70’s and 80’s elections in which CRIME was at the top of the list of topics on voters agenda.
there were 17,190 forcible rapes in 1960, 37,990 in 1970, and 82,990 in 1980, 102,555 in 1990,
From 1900 to 1960, there were only a dozen or so serial killers in the United States. There were 19 in the 1960s… and then it hit the big time with 119 in the ’70s, and 200 in the ’80s. (In the ’90s, it began to drop with 141 serial killers and only 61 serial murderers in the 2000s). [Source: Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder (2005) by James Alan Fox and Jack Levin]
If you watched television at all in the 1970s, chances are, one of your favorite sitcom characters got mugged or robbed. It was a regular plot line – whether it was Good Times, All in the Family or Barney Miller, characters were in constant peril. WKRP in Cincinnati had a lovely episode where characters were held hostage in an electronics store, in fear for their lives…. And these are situation COMEDIES.
This was how bad crime USED TO BE IN THE USA….even our SIT COMS had crime as themes in them.
It didn’t help matters that a lot of popular media revolved around NYC (it’s not quite so NYCentric anymore), a city that had sunk pretty low in the 1970s. For example, police logged 250 felonies a week on the NYC subways in 1979 (worst of all being the 4 train, known as the “Muggers’ Express.â€). By the mid-80s, it began to look a bit cleaner, but NYC was objectively seedy and filthy in the 70s. As you’d expect, this crime epidemic was translated to countless movies and TV shows that took place in this setting.
Every Debate from the 60-s to the 90’s had Crime and Punishment as a central theme….Remember the Capital Punishment debates the politicans used to have?
Yes Im sure the 80’s were more dangerous for cops, and the 70’s even more so….
CRIME my friend….Crime translates to peril for Police….
There was not a movement ever to Attack police….there were movements of civil disobedience but those were sit ins….NOT SNIPER FIRE…..
There were snipers shooting police and other gov’t officials before Black Lives Matter formed.
The number of so-called “Patriot” groups grew 9 fold from 2008 to 2012. That doesn’t justify blaming the far-right anti-government movement for the spate of cop killings and attacks by white rightists like the Millers, Marx, Poplawski, Cartwright, Von Brunn, Stack, Frein.
There were snipers shooting police and other gov’t officials before Black Lives Matter formed.
Once again CONTEXT….none of these were encouraged as part of an overall strategy. The encouragement comes in the form of Almost NO condemnation of these attacks on police….
Once AGAIN…….EMAILS RELEASED reveal the level that the DNC will go to get elected…..
WASHINGTON (Talk Media News) – Black Lives Matter said Wednesday that the recently published hacked memorandum obtained from the The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in which Democrats seeking office were advised to appease but not fully support BLM’s platform was largely condescending in nature.
“We are disappointed at the DCCC’s placating response to our demand to value all Black life,†BLM said in a Facebook statement. “Black communities deserve to be heard, not handled. People are dying.â€
This just shows the level to which the Democrats will go to ensure that those Black voters just keep on voting for DEMS. Context always matters.
Laim typed regarding right wing extremist attacks on police and officials:
That would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. So right wing extremists don’t talk to each other or join like-minded folk in organizations?
Do you think Black Lives Matters encourages cop-killing?