Well, on the bright side, neither she nor Bill have yammered on about being proud of America for the first time in their adult lives simply because Hillary was nominated, nor have either really slammed America like the Obama’s and so many liberals. But, does she really believe in American exceptionalism? And will her unhinged leftist base be mad, because they tend to hate America?
(ABC News) Hillary Clinton plans to stress her support for American exceptionalism during a speech in the battleground state of Ohio, while arguing that Donald Trump has rejected the concept.
Clinton’s midday address at the American Legion’s annual convention in Cincinnati Wednesday comes as Trump ponders a last-minute trip to Mexico in advance of a long-awaited speech on immigration. A Clinton campaign official said the Democratic nominee plans to use her first public event in days to portray her Republican opponent as a questionable leader who would “walk away from our allies, undermine our values, insult our military — and has explicitly rejected the idea of American exceptionalism.”
This should be interesting. For all the things one might slam Trump on, even the full on #NeverTrump-ers wouldn’t say Trump doesn’t think America is exceptional. I certainly wouldn’t. Nothing Trump has said or done would make me think “he really doesn’t love America.” He certainly wants to see America strengthened.
Hillary, on the other hand, would see much of America’s sovereignty handed over to international law and the U.N. She sees American exceptionalism as belief in centralized government. She is a globalist, make no mistake about that.
In contrast, the official said Clinton “will make the case for American exceptionalism and call for maintaining America’s military and diplomatic leadership in the world.”
To bolster her argument, Clinton will talk about her experience, including serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee and as secretary of state. She will also emphasize the growing list of Republicans who have backed her campaign.
That’s a hoot, considering how bad things have been under the Obama presidency, and how bad things were while she was Secretary of State. She didn’t support American exceptionalism while Obama was decrying it. Where was she when Obama was “leading from behind”? Where was she when Obama was damaging our relationships with our international friends while reaching out to our enemies?
Does she believe in American exceptionalism? Certainly more than Obama. But, only from a hardcore leftist view. Her version of American exceptionalism is a strong centralized government. She doesn’t believe in the People. She doesn’t believe in the private sector. We’ll see what she has to say.

Our esteemed host erred:
Of course Hillary Clinton believes in the private sector. After all, it was the private sector which gave her $8 million for a joke of a book, it was the private sector which paid her husband and her six figures to make half-hour speeches, it was the private sector which enabled a couple she described as being flat broke when her husband’s term as President was over to buy not only a mansion in Chappequa NY for $1.7 million, but a Georgetown mansion for $2.85 million, and it was the private sector which enabled Bill and Hillary Clinton to accrue a net worth of $111 million after being flat broke in January of 2001.
Oh but the Clintons hate and despise the rich and corporations.
When will the leftist realize they are being played like fiddles by their politicians?
Send a message….Im voting for either the Greens party or the Libertarian candidate this year.
I refuse to let the establishment LYING BASTAGES play me like a fiddle anymore.
The hats that Trump peddles on his website for $25 each say “Make America Great Again”.
So America is not great Donald? It’s been great to him. 6 bankruptcies that still left him a billionaire (so he says, we’ll never know unless he stops hiding his tax returns).
As dana points out, America has made Hillary very wealthy. Where else can you make $250,000 reading a 40 minute speech? Not many Americans make that kind of dough. That’s the magic of the American system. Lebron James was poor until the NBA paid him millions for his particular skill set.
Yet for all her newfound wealth, her policy prescriptions will help the working classes more than Trump’s.
Thirty more she tried to hide but that’s okay… State says it will take 30 days to review them.
Shocking, I know…
Jeffrey wrote:
No, they will help the welfare classes, true enough, but they won’t help working people, not in the slightest. Her policies would increase medical costs, which will take money out of the pockets of working people, increase energy costs, which will take money out of the pockets of working people, and increase the costs of everything that uses energy — which is virtually everything — which will take money out of the pockets of working people. She would import 100,000 Middle Eastern refugees, almost none of whom have any skills which translate to the American economy, other than as laborers, which means another 100,000 people who can’t find jobs but still need to be fed, clothed and sheltered, meaning yet more welfare, and more money out of the pockets of working people.
Re: Hillary’s “policy prescriptions will help the working classes more than Trump’s.”
Even the Washpo wrote that “Hillary Clinton panders to middle-class voters with unrealistic tax promises.”
As to her “speech”, it’ll be focus group tested bullshit that she doesn’t even believe.
Hillary hasn’t spoken an honest word in decades.
Dana let’s remember that the Clinton’s had to borrow that million in order to buy that house/mansion
That 400k salary for being POTUS doesn’t go all that far in DC
Up to year 2000 the Clinton’s had spent much of their life in public service which doesn’t really pay all that well until you leave.
The Clinton’s have never really chosen to live a decadent or lavish lifestyle, at least as evidenced by their purchase of a 1.5 million dollar “mansion”
So you are amused that Trump “peddles” hats yet Hillary! peddles power and access. And for a lot more than $25. But one really can’t put a price on selling out the American people, can one? And just so you know Jeffery, your tax return does not show your wealth, it shows your income. For one year.
And what particular “skill set” have the Clintons? Can they play basketball? Hockey? Academy level actors, leading edge businessmen? No. Their skill set is selling favors to millionaires who in turn made them millionaires. Have you and your fellow communists noticed how the Clintons went from “dead broke” to being worth hundreds of millions with nary a stop at the middle class? Wow, they are good at their “skill set”; selling us own the drain to line their own pockets.
It would help your case if you familiarized yourself with what her “policy prescriptions” would actually do to the middle class. Rising taxes, rising prices due to rising taxes on business and increased regulation on same, increasing the welfare rolls and the elimination of millions of jobs by eliminating whole industries or encouraging many to move overseas is not a prescription for a healthy recovery from the damage done by your current false idol, Obama.
BTW, I love how you rhetorically asked: “So America is not great Donald?”
Why don’t you tell us if you think America is great Jeffery? Why don’t you tell us if you think America was ever great. My money says “no” and “never” would be your answer because you really don’t like America let alone love it. I can see that in your writing and your desire to “fundamentally change” America.
“Up to year 2000 the Clinton’s had spent much of their life in public service”
Sure John, public service also known as “Cattle futures”, “Whitewater”, and that doesn’t include Bill’s serialsexual abuse of women up to and including rape.
It’s almost as if hillary wants to return to the white house to steal more furniture.
Hillary is the embodiment exceptionalism. She has an exception to every law. Including protection of nuclear secrets:
On May 28, 2013, months after stepping down as secretary of state, Clinton sent an email to a group of diplomats and top aides about the “123 Deal†with the United Arab Emirates.
But the email, which was obtained by the Republican National Committee through a Freedom of Information Act request, was heavily redacted upon its release by the State Department because it contains classified information.
The markings on the email state it will be declassified on May 28, 2033, and that information in the note is being redacted because it contains “information regarding foreign governors†and because it contains “Foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.â€
The email from Clinton was sent from the email account — hrod17@clintonemail.com — associated with her private email server.
The email’s recipients were Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, diplomat Jeffrey Feltman, policy aide Jake Sullivan, diplomat Kurt Campbell, State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills, and Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
The “123 Deal†was a 2009 agreement between the United Arab Emirates and the US on materials and technological sharing for nuclear energy production.
What do we know about Hillary?
She is a liar, she is a crook, she is corrupt and she is incompetent.
And she apparently wears Depends.
Hundreds of empty seats at a Hillary! speech today at American Legion;
Get used to seeing a lot of her the next several years boyz.
That tells me a couple of things….The other two candidates are hacking into Hillary’s lead big time.
Just as Many of the Bernie voters have said they will never vote for Hillary after the DNC revelations I think this is starting to show in that Two other candidates are getting 13 percent of the vote now.
Normally a greens party candidate gets less then 1 percent….she is almost at 4 percent right now…..
Libertarian gets about 2 percent….hes at 9 nationally and in some states as high as 16 percent.
This is the wild west all over again.
Hillary reminds me of Mark Sanchez for the Broncos….He was annointed the starter back in April…his job to lose….
He then proceeds to self implode so badly over just 2 preseason games….and when the Broncos looked at his history they said….
Sorry guy….but We think we will go with the new guy…..Thats okay Hillary you still got your billion dollar bargain bin.
Maybe Trump will make you secretary of Defense and you can then sell tickets to our Nukes and Subs to Russia and China.
Trump should make Hillary! his press secretary. After all the press refuses to ask her any difficult questions so it’s like being bullet proof.
Hillary, like all leftists is anti Gog, anti white, anti capitalism, anti America Like this ungrateful moslem pig:
Trump should make Hillary! his press secretary. After all the press refuses to ask her any difficult questions so it’s like being bullet proof.
I love it. Because Trump is not beholden to special interests I can almost guarantee you that half his administration will be DEMOCRATS and Independents and the other half will be Moderate Conservative GOP’ers.
That is the nice thing about not having meat hooks in every inch of your body as a candidate…..Your free to flip off your own party.
“Trump should make Hillary! his press secretary. After all the press refuses to ask her any difficult questions so it’s like being bullet proof.”
Hoagie, you are on a roll. Great stuff!