This seems to have utterly vexed AP writers Lauren Neerguaard and Emily Swanson
AP-GfK poll: Voters more confident in Trump’s health
The “stamina,” the “look”: A new poll suggests voters are buying in to Donald Trump’s insinuations about Hillary Clinton’s health. They’re ignoring the medical reports.
Voters — especially men — have more confidence that Trump is healthy enough for the presidency than Clinton, according to the Associated Press-GfK poll.
It’s a disconnect considering Clinton has released more medical information than Trump, and that outside doctors who’ve looked at the available data say both candidates seem fine. But it shows the political points Trump scored after the Democratic nominee’s much-publicized mild case of pneumonia.
It’s not a disconnect when we see Hillary have long coughing fits on a seemingly constant basis. When we see her seemingly unable to walk a flight of stairs. When we see her fall down. When she seems to injure herself. When her eye wanders. When she collapses on video.
“Everybody gets sick,” said Sherri Smart, 56, of New York. She said she hasn’t decided who to vote for but wishes the candidates would discuss issues instead of sniping about who’s most vigorous.
True, everybody does get sick. When it happens on a constant basis, it is cause for concern. But, hey, let’s talk about Hillary’s meager Clinton Foundation donations to charity, her illegal use of an insecure email server, and what she actually did as a Senator and Sec of State. Perhaps we can talk about her attacks on women who credibly accused her husband of sexual assault.
“What’s important is, what are you going to do for me?” Smart said.
Good grief.
The AP-GfK poll found 51 percent of voters are very or extremely confident that Trump is healthy enough to be president. In contrast, just over a third of voters — 36 percent — had the same confidence in Clinton’s health.
So, Trump isn’t all that much better. But still better. Hillary is way underwater. The poll has some interesting metrics. It includes 20% with vote seldom/never, with 14% voting never. 15% overall say they aren’t going to vote. It oversamples Democrats 34/24/26 (D/I/R). 14% say they are none of those.
Only 16% are very confident in Hillary’s health, with 21% very confident, as compared to Trump with 19/29
Of course, let’s not forget that Trump called a Ms. Universe who put on like 60 pounds fat. Because that’s super important.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The survey was conducted before TheDon’s Monday Night collapse in front of 100 million Americans with his weird sniffling and incoherent babbling.
In the third survey down, 56% said they were “afraid” of a TheDon presidency.
She is the most corrupt politician in American history at the national level. She bypassed congress and the American people and started two wars all by herself resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people. She intentionally mishandled national security secrets on a private server because she was more concerned with domestic political enemies and FOIA getting them than Foreign spies.
And your issue is her health? I wouldn’t care is she were out running Iron Man competitions every weekend. She belongs in jail, not the oval office.
drip, drip, drip…
Another scandal uncovered involving Crooked Don’s crooked foundation.
He directed some who owed him $2.3 million to donate it to the Trump Foundation, tax free of course, and then TheDon can, and has, used it however he wishes.
It’s a nice scam. Untaxed income! The dream of all rich scammers.
No wonder he’s hiding his tax returns.
So why does the media ignore Trump’s actual transgressions but trumpet Secretary Clinton’s fake scandals? Because the media decided decades ago that the Clintons were corrupt.
Donnie is the most corrupt politician in American history at the national level. He belongs in jail, not the oval office.
The Little Miss Goldpuss Who’s More Retarded Than john Award*
*Awarded daily
You win again, little guy!
Nominations now closed.
The Dainty PinkPoodle is back for more!
Were you busy “entertaining” at another “Furry” party?
LA Times, Trump +4. Gallup, Trump +6. Reports are that a psychiatrist is visiting Hillary on the QT. “Cannot stop shaking and twitching” says unnamed SS agent. Uses up to six Depends a day. Huma won’t let Hillary shower alone for fear of fall. Rumors of Bill having oral sex with a 26 year old stewardess on the private $40 million jet provided by “the Foundation” on several occasions. Bill and Hillary being “looked at” for unusual international bank accounts and banking practices. Nazi collaborator and billionaire George Soros relying on a Clinton win to maintain his grip on US monetary policy. The communist party USA made statement that Hillary would be better for achieving their goals then even “Stalin himself”.*
The klepto-Clintons should be no where near the Oval Office.
* I figure if it’s all going to be lies, innuendo and unsubstantiated rumors I can play that game too. How am I doing, drowningpuppies? Am I competing against Jeffery yet?
You have to lie first.
Little guy has already taken the award for today.
It was only incoherent to you because he spoke the truth and common sense. Two things the left are incapable of understanding.
Which of my “lies” about TheDon most upsets you?
They found out the reason Trump had that “weird sniffling” (as Jeffery put it) was the noxious odor emanating from Frau Klinton’s saturated Depends.
What is the criterion for determining if sniffing is weird or not? If a Republican sniffs it’s weird but if Klinton Kraps herself it’s okay?
Is Frau Klinton still wearing a $12,000 Armani suit to lie to all the morons about how she cares for the little people?
First off I said: ” lies, innuendo and unsubstantiated rumors “, not just lies. So you pick the category this gem fits under:
First of all if someone “owes” you money getting that money back IS tax free as it’s not a taxable event. Second, it’s his own money coming back so it was already taxed and would not show up on a current tax return. Third since it is his money he is fully in his rights to request it be donated to the Trump Foundation or any place else he wishes. I realize this is a hard concept for a communist but IT’S A REPAYMENT OF HIS OWN MONEY.
I guess even the
Cesspoolian’sCovians understand how poorly their god-king performed Monday night.See how incoherent and desperate you are now.
Yes, he was embarrassing but it is weeks until the election and he has time to recover.
He’ll do much better at the next two debates, if he shows up.
Uh, where?
Kinda difficult for you to keep your lies and misrepresenntations straight there, little guy.
I have to laugh at Jeffery. The guy is absolutely apoplectic that a Billionaire might be the next PREZ instead of a senile, crook who makes richard nixon look like a choir boy.
But I get it…..As Rick would say in the Walking dead……
“Your Afraid…….I G E T IT…
At the rate Hillary is falling this might be a wave election for the Donald…hell hes within a point in PA…
“I get it….your afraid……….lololol….welcome to the rights world for the last 8 years.
We thought for sure we had a story about our own Little Pink Poodle!
But then the story described the puppy drowner as a soldier AND married to a real woman, two facts that disqualifies the Pink Poodle.
Secretary Clinton did appear to get a slight boost (so far) following TheDon’s appalling debate performance. FiveThirtyEight models have her likelihood of winning at 62.4% today.
Undecideds watching the debate likely concluded TheDon is not of presidential timber.
He compounded his problem in the following days by blaming Lester Holt, the microphone*, Bill Clinton’s girlfriends and chubby girls. Poor showing, Donnie.
* Donnie-boy, the problem wasn’t that people couldn’t hear you, it was that they heard you too well!