Remember all the times when Mr. Obama said that the screening of refugees from war torn (supposedly) areas (which also happen to be Islamist areas) would be vigorous and complete? Of course, he also has stated that screening them based on religion (you know, the one that throws gays from buildings) is shameful. That they aren’t screened for social media content. And that Team Obama has cut the time to screen them? How’s this all working out in determining if these refugees will integrate and not be radicals?
(Daily Caller) A state department official could not answer Wednesday whether refugees are screened for radical views during a senate hearing.
Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions asked Simon Henshaw, principal deputy assistant secretary at the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migrants of the U.S. Department of State, “do you make any inquiry about practices that we reject in the United States like female genital mutilation?â€
Sessions added, “Do you say, ‘do you believe in that and when you come to the United States will you comply with the laws of the United States on that kind of question?’â€
The state department official replied, “On all questions, we make it clear to refugees that we are a nation of laws and that they need to comply with our laws.â€
“But you don’t ask them whether they would comply with that law?,†Sessions asked Henshaw. He replied, “I can’t answer that question, I don’t know.â€
The entire exchange went like this (video at the link)
Sessions: “Do you take into consideration the applicant’s proficiency in English or even their literacy with regard to the country from which they come?â€
Henshaw: “Our decisions to bring in refugees are based on their vulnerabilities.â€
Sessions: “Do you make any inquiry about practices that we reject in the United States like female genital mutilation? Do you say, ‘do you believe in that and when you come to the United States will you comply with the laws of the United States on that kind of question?’â€
Henshaw: “On all questions, we make it clear to refugees that we are a nation of laws and that they need to comply with our laws.â€
Sessions: “But you don’t ask them whether they would comply with that law?â€
Henshaw: “I can’t answer that question I don’t know.â€
When testifying before Congress, “I don’t know” or any variant usually means “I don’t want to tell you.” Anyhow, this is fantastic. They don’t bother to ask if they can speak our language, they don’t care if they can communicate with the citizens here in the US, nor do they attempt to confirm if the “refugees” hold radical views.
It really doesn’t get any better when it comes to Henshaw’s boss
(WND) President Obama’s top official responsible for vetting refugees testified before the Senate Wednesday that it’s possible for people from Syria and other terrorist-infested countries to have their refugee applications approved based simply on personal interviews with a “highly trained†immigration officer.
Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, could not deny that in many cases there is no data from the refugee’s home country that would corroborate or refute his story. He tried to reassure the committee by saying the screening process is lengthy and continuously being improved, noting that the United Nations pre-screens the refugees before his office even sees them.
Under questioning from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rodriguez at first avoided giving a direct answer on whether it was possible to gain admission as a refugee based solely on an interview. That infuriated Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who chairs the subcommittee on immigration and the national interest. His subcommittee conducted the hearing Wednesday on Obama’s refugee plans for fiscal year 2017, which begins Saturday, Oct. 1.
Thank goodness our government is working hard to safeguard U.S. citizens.
Crossed at Right Wing News.