This should be proposed at the national level, as well
(Daily Caller)  A state legislator In Iowa has announced his plan to introduce a bill intended to prevent public colleges and universities in the state from using taxpayer money to fund protest events, safe spaces and “cry zones†for students who are traumatized that Donald Trump won last week’s U.S. presidential election.
The lawmaker is Bobby Kaufmann, a Republican from the tiny town of Wilton, about 30 miles east of Iowa City.
Kaufmann has titled his bill the “suck it up, buttercup bill†and will introduce it when the state legislature convenes its regular session in January, reports The Des Moines Register.
One would think that it would be too late, come January, however, you know that the Safe Space crowd is still going to be going strong, and will surely last for as long as Trump is president.
“If you want to do this on your own, that’s your democratic, First Amendment right,†the Iowa lawmaker declared. “But I’m going to find out exactly how many taxpayer dollars are being used for these cry zones and for all these different safe zones — you can talk about your feelings — and I’m going to take whatever that number is, and we’re going to triple it and cut that from the university budget. If you can afford that, then your budget is too big.â€
“I have decided to officially call this the suck-it-up-buttercup bill,†Kaufmann added.
He should probably include a provision to make sure no live animals are involved, because, really, how safe can a puppy or kitten be around unhinged Special Snowflakes?

We don’t need to cut their funding; we simply need a conservative group to note who goes in there for a good cry, and publish it. That way, employers would have a resource to check on prospective employees, to see if they are crybabies who will
file a hostile work environment lawsuitwilt the first time a supervisor criticizes them for poor work performance.Love the name of the Bill.
If only Kaufmann had been involved accurately naming the so-called “Affordable Care Act”. One has to wonder what he might have named that.
Why do we even have public funded colleges and universities??? It’s just the undeserving poor getting redistributed funds from productive Americans. If you can’t afford a university education on your own dime, too bad.
Trump’s kids put themselves through college, why can’t the poor do the same?
So the anointed elite can continue their propagandizing of the youth past the age of majority thus insuring mental and emotional capitulation to stupid ideas. Also to created masses of “graduates” with useless degrees who will forever blame straight, white, Christian males because after spending hundreds of thousands lining left-wing professors pockets they are woefully unqualified to generate a livelihood other than by driving for Uber.
Actually, as you well know, it is mostly middle class kids getting redistributed funds from working people like salesmen, chefs, bartenders, house painters, landscapers et cetera who are working hard to put food on their table and a roof over their kids heads but instead are paying for a bunch of Snowflakes to get degrees in African dance. Did it ever occur to you in your elitist mind that perhaps many of the college students shouldn’t be college students and that the only reason they are is because another poor person is paying their way?
Exactly! I put my self through college in three years and worked continuously. Not everybody is a fit for college and ability to pay helps sort them out. If a person is poor but college material he gets scholarships or didn’t you know that? That’s how the market, not the elitists using other peoples money decide who goes. It’s STUPID to make college available to every A-hole with a 1000 SAT and a C- GPA because they’re “underprivileged”. Being underprivileged does not make one qualified except in the mind of a racist leftist.
But then you also think the US is a white, christian nation, so there is that…
There’s also this: 83% of Americans are Christian, 80% of Americans are white. Looks like the last election: YOU LOOSE!!! Hahahahahahahaha.
Out of curiosity, what exactly did you think America is if not White and Christian, black and moslem?
Dosen’t matter. Yu Looose. Hahahahahaha.
Here are your anti=Trump “loyal” American college students
This is a very large problem…..the massive influx of illegals that have no desire to Assimilate and become AMERICANS…..
The left counts on it….When you promise 5 million college kids that next year their college is free, their loans are forgiven and that they get to get free money for going to college……..they get free healthcare, as they can stay on momma plan till they are 26 and then they get free healthcare after that cause they dont have jobs and dont need them…..
they can just work at MickyD’s for 15 bucks an hour hang with the homies and let the government subsidize their lives….
I can totally and fully understand why millions are flooding our borders and why its an appealing message…..unfortunately for these people….there were a whole bunch of sane people that 1. DID NOT VOTE FOR HRC and 2. DID VOTE FOR TRUMP…..
And now they are finding that the mass majority of those arrested in the protests DID NOT VOTE…..
And what the college educated geniuses don’t understand, and I had to explain this to a Bernie supporter, is that someone has to pay. In this case, the taxpayers. That college loan they took out they would have to pay back over the course of a few years. That ‘free’ college they would have to pay for the rest of their lives.