If you’re here illegally, you shouldn’t be here. If you’re here illegally, and you’ve committed any crime, especially a felony, you definitely shouldn’t be here. This LA Times headline says it all: illegally
A Phoenix woman in the country illegally who was considered a low priority for deportation by the Obama administration has been taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Immigrant advocates say her detention reflects the severity of the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration.
Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, had lived in the country since she was 14. She was arrested in 2008 during a workplace raid ordered by then-Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio at Golfland Sunsplash amusement park in Mesa, Ariz., and convicted of felony identity theft for possessing false papers.
Identity theft hurts actual, real people. It’s not a victimless crime.
ICE officials confirmed the detention on Wednesday. “Ms. Garcia de Rayos is currently being detained by ICE based on a removal order issued by the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review which became final in May 2013,†the agency said in a news release.
Garcia de Rayos’ detention is an early indication of the reach of an executive order by President Trump on Jan. 25, which expanded deportation priorities to include any immigrants in the country illegally who had been convicted of a criminal offense, regardless of its severity. Previous orders by President Obama prioritized violent offenders.
Last time I checked, Obama was president in 2013, so, that would be an order under his regime. Because, contrary to opinion, Team Obama was deporting people like Guadalupe left and right. Yes, the focus was on violent criminals, but, they would deport those who had other felonies. It just takes time to get around to many of them.
But, it’s right there in the headline: in U.S. illegally.
The NY Times forgets to mention that she was convicted of a felony, though they do mention her bust for using a fake SS number and such. Just suspicion. One interesting thing they get around to near the end
In 2013, an immigration court ordered that she be sent back to Mexico, but her case had been on hold since the federal authorities — under the Obama administration — decided not to act on the deportation order.
So, a judge told her vaya con dios back to Mexico, and Team Obama decided to hold off for the time being. We keep being told that we should keep the good illegals. A convicted felon wouldn’t be one of the good ones.

Why, Heaven forfend! The Trump Administration is going to actually enforce the law! No wonder the left are apoplectic!
Thank allah that our so-called president tracked down this violent felon! Making America Safe Again!