How much rain did we get in Raleigh?
Those buckets are full. The gray one is something like a 3-4 gallon bucket. According to the Editorial Board of the Raleigh News and Observer, this means pure doom
After the deluge, worries about climate change
The relentless rain that flooded parts of the Triangle earlier this week is gone and the waters have receded, but a worry should remain: the climate is changing.
The Triangle and the nation are experiencing extreme weather more often. The fluke event is not so much of a fluke.
On Monday, rain gauges at Raleigh-Durham International Airport recorded 4.51 inches of rain. The previous record for that day – April 24 – was 1.55 inches, a record that had stood since 1944. The deluge also shattered the record for any day in the rainy month of April – 3.37 inches on April 26, 1978. The area is on track to finish the month with twice the normal rainfall.
And it’s not just rain that’s abnormal. On Feb, 17 in Raleigh, the temperature hit 83 degrees. The previous record was 75 in 1999. The average temperature in February was 59.9 degrees, the warmest ever recorded. It broke a record that had stood since 1890.
A couple points: first, this is in no way proof of anthropogenic climate change/global warming. Actually, that’s the only point that matters. Few are debating that there hasn’t been global warming. As I say again and again, the debate is on causation. The N&O EB doesn’t even attempt to provide proof that Mankind is responsible.
Weather events happen. There will always be records set. But, when it comes to “extreme weather”, the data actually shows that it’s declining and/or near record lows.
Oh, and what happened to the meme from members of the Cult of Climastrology that weather isn’t climate?

We’re expecting 5-7 inches rain in mid MO this weekend.
TEACH: You inadvertently linked to Swiftboater and Rush Limbaugh acolyte, Marc Morano, as evidence.
Here’s a more nuanced opinion with citations.
“You linked….”. Nice try, but that doesn’t refute the data within.
Hardly anything in the link by Teach is written by Morano, but rather from other authors. Morano site is simply the messenger, which J tries to shoot and, surprise, misses.
The problem with a proven serial disinformer like Morano is separating the lies from the truth, the wheat from the chaff. Morano’s claimed “scientific point” (his real point was the lied about global warming) was that a single data point in time regarding drought invalidated the hypothesis that global warming was increasing weather extremes. Morano has proven repeatedly that he can’t be trusted.
Another conclusion is that we’re getting (at least in the US) alternating periods of extreme drought with extreme rain.
Two layers into Morono’s citations we find:
Extreme drought in 2012, extreme rains in 2017. Record highs, record blizzards… Get used to it, j.
And who would know more about disinforming than a proven disinformer?
Why, the little guy himself, of course.
j typed:
Read the link yourself. What you type is simply incorrect. Almost all the prose is Morono’s opinions interlaced with a graph and numerous citations.
Are you claiming Morono doesn’t write his own blog?
Morano worked for anti-science Jim Inhofe, anti-science Rush Limbaugh, and he was an early “Swiftboat Truther” lying about John Murtha and John Kerry (what did that have to do with climate???). It was proven he lied in his “report” More than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims.
He is a right-wing hit man and lobbyist with no climate scientist expertise at all. He is paid to tell lies. Who funds Morano, Climate Depot and CFACT? The Fossil Fuel industry. Big surprise.
He once said famously, that climate scientists “deserve to be publicly flogged.” How unbiased.
TEACH needs better sources.
But the bottom line in this case is that the data Morano supplied does not support his central claim. But what’s new?
My finding is very much correct. From the link in mention, the list of the authors goes like this: USA Today, Roger Pielke, NOAA, NOAA, NOAA, Pielke, Dr. Carly Tozer, NOAA, Spencer, 25 peer-reviewed papers from several authors from Science magazine, a paper from California Institute of Technology, Pielke,…and so on. Can you read? That Morano comments on these findings already made by NOAA or other scientists is irrelevant. And like a typical alarmist not one thing you said refutes what’s in the link. Attack the man instead of the data-that’s what one does when they have nothing. “Who funds Morano? The fossil fuel industry-big . surprise”. One step further-when we can’t refute the data, we attack the funding. Who funds the alarmists? Big government. Big surprise. And the dumbest for last-“Are you claiming Morano doesn’t write his own blog”? Again, who can’t read? Never said that. Said the link in question is by several authors, including several studies by NOAA.
“Drought fell to a record low last week..” Funny you bring that inconvenient fact up, because not long ago the climate fortune tellers were proclaiming “permanent drought” in California and Teaxas. Another failed prediction-surprise. “Record highs, record blizzards…” . Hilarious- first, there’s no proof they’re any worse than before, and second, no proof of causation. But I marvel at the logic of AGW-“we know it’s true because there didn’t used to be any extreme weather before.” And for the hundredth time, the definition of “extreme weather, or extreme weather event” is……what? And who makes it and how do they make it? Good luck
No more extreme weather:
Sure it was an oversight but you linked to Pierre Gosselin’s notrickszone instead of a science blog or better yet a scientific paper.
And what science paper have you linked to.
Thanks for asking. The link was in my initial criticism of TEACHs post.
and the associated citations:
Ashley, S. T., and W. S. Ashley, 2008: Flood fatalities in the United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 805-818
Bell, G. D., E. S. Blake, C. W. Landsea, T. B. Kimberlain, S. B. Goldenberg, J. Schemm, and R. J. Pasch, 2012: [Tropical cyclones] Atlantic basin [in “State of the Climate in 2011”]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93, S99-S105
Camargo, S. J., M. Ting, and Y. Kushnir, 2013: Influence of local and remote SST on North Atlantic tropical cyclone potential intensity. Climate Dynamics, 40, 1515-1529
Christidis, N., P. A. Stott, and S. J. Brown, 2011: The role of human activity in the recent warming of extremely warm daytime temperatures. Journal of Climate, 24, 1922-1930
Dai, A., 2006: Recent climatology, variability, and trends in global surface humidity. Journal of Climate, 19, 3589-3606
Doocy, S., A. Daniels, S. Murray, and T. D. Kirsch, 2013: The human impact of floods: A historical review of events 1980-2009 and systematic literature review. PLOS Currents Disasters,
Duffy, P. B., and C. Tebaldi, 2012: Increasing prevalence of extreme summer temperatures in the U.S. Climatic Change, 111, 487-495
Emanuel, K., and A. Sobel, 2013: Response of tropical sea surface temperature, precipitation, and tropical cyclone-related variables to changes in global and local forcing. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 5, 447-458
Hirsch, R. M., and K. R. Ryberg, 2012: Has the magnitude of floods across the USA changed with global CO2 levels? Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57, 1-9
Hoerling, M., M. Chen, R. Dole, J. Eischeid, A. Kumar, J. W. Nielsen-Gammon, P. Pegion, J. Perlwitz, X. – W. Quan, and T. Zhang, 2013: Anatomy of an extreme event. Journal of Climate, 26, 2811–2832
Kunkel, K. E. et al., 2013: Monitoring and understanding trends in extreme storms: State of knowledge. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94
Landsea, C. W., and J. L. Franklin, 2013: Atlantic hurricane database uncertainty and presentation of a new database format. Monthly Weather Review, 141, 3576-3592
Mueller, B., and S. I. Seneviratne, 2012: Hot days induced by precipitation deficits at the global scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 12398-12403
NCDC, 2012: Climate Data Online. National Climatic Data Center.
NOAA, 2013: Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
NOAA, 2013: United States Flood Loss Report – Water Year 2011. 10 pp., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service.
Peterson, T. C. et al., 2013: Monitoring and understanding changes in heat waves, cold waves, floods and droughts in the United States: State of knowledge. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, 821-834
Ramsay, H. A., and A. H. Sobel, 2011: Effects of relative and absolute sea surface temperature on tropical cyclone potential intensity using a single-column model. Journal of Climate, 24, 183-193
Santer, B. D., C. Mears, F. J. Wentz, K. E. Taylor, P. J. Gleckler, T. M. L. Wigley, T. P. Barnett, J. S. Boyle, W. Brüggemann, N. P. Gillett, S. A. Klein, G. A. Meehl, T. Nozawa, D. W. Pierce, P. A. Stott, W. M. Washington, and M. F. Wehner, 2007: Identification of human-induced changes in atmospheric moisture content. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, 15248-15253
Sheffield, J., E. F. Wood, and M. L. Roderick, 2012: Little change in global drought over the past 60 years. Nature, 491, 435-438
Simmons, A. J., K. M. Willett, P. D. Jones, P. W. Thorne, and D. P. Dee, 2010: Low-frequency variations in surface atmospheric humidity, temperature, and precipitation: Inferences from reanalyses and monthly gridded observational data sets. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, 1-21
Torn, R. D., and C. Snyder, 2012: Uncertainty of tropical cyclone best-track information. Weather and Forecasting, 27, 715-729
Vecchi, G. A., and B. J. Soden, 2007: Effect of remote sea surface temperature change on tropical cyclone potential intensity. Nature, 450, 1066-1070
Vecchi, G. A., A. Clement, and B. J. Soden, 2008: Examining the tropical Pacific’s response to global warming. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 89, 81-83
Villarini, G., and J. A. Smith, 2010: Flood peak distributions for the eastern United States. Water Resources Research, 46, W06504
Villarini, G., F. Serinaldi, J. A. Smith, and W. F. Krajewski, 2009: On the stationarity of annual flood peaks in the continental United States during the 20th century. Water Resources Research, 45, W08417
Villarini, G., J. A. Smith, M. Lynn Baeck, and W. F. Krajewski, 2011: Examining flood frequency distributions in the Midwest U.S. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47, 447-463
Vose, R. S. et al., 2013: Monitoring and understanding changes in extremes: Extratropical storms, winds, and waves. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, in press
Wang, X. L., Y. Feng, G. P. Compo, V. R. Swail, F. W. Zwiers, R. J. Allan, and P. D. Sardeshmukh, 2012: Trends and low frequency variability of extra-tropical cyclone activity in the ensemble of twentieth century reanalysis. Climate Dynamics, 40, 2775-2800
Wang, X. L., V. R. Swail, and F. W. Zwiers, 2006: Climatology and changes of extratropical cyclone activity: Comparison of ERA-40 with NCEP-NCAR reanalysis for 1958-2001. Journal of Climate, 19, 3145-3166
Willett, K. M., P. D. Jones, N. P. Gillett, and P. W. Thorne, 2008: Recent changes in surface humidity: Development of the HadCRUH dataset. Journal of Climate, 21, 5364-5383
Zhang, R., and T. L. Delworth, 2009: A new method for attributing climate variations over the Atlantic Hurricane Basin’s main development region. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, 5
Wow, so impressive, little guy.
Even a bunch of Climategaters thrown in.