Surprise: Warmists Are Tying/Linking Hurricane Harvey To ‘Climate Change’

All the usual Climate Ghouls were mostly quiet with their ‘climate change’ yammering prior to Harvey making landfall. Perhaps they decided that it was the wrong time to trot out their talking points, which like the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

But, now that Harvey has made landfall, and is dumping massive amounts of rain, the Cult of Climastrology members in the media and elsewhere are free to go Full Cult

Climate Change Might Make Intense Hurricanes Like Harvey More Common

Hurricane Harvey was the most intense hurricane to make landfall on the U.S. mainland in over a decade.

And because of climate change, hurricanes like Harvey are probably going to become more common.

It’s hard to pin a single weather event — like Harvey — on climate change. But predictive models show it could make future hurricanes stronger. (snip past all the normal talking points)

There might be a bit of good news, though. While stronger hurricanes are likely to become more common, some analysts predict there will also be fewer hurricanes overall.

Yes, Climaidiots Ethan Weston and Caitlin Baldwin went there. Harvey was one of the only hurricanes to make landfall in over a decade. It’s the first major one since October 2005. How is this “more common”? And then we have the “more intense by fewer” prognostication. These people.

(The Blaze) CNN anchor John Berman was talking with Bill Read, the former director of the National Hurricane Center, on Friday when he asked if the intense hurricane that was bearing down on Texas was a result of climate change.

“Is there a why to this? Why there is so much water associated with this storm?” Berman asked. “One thing we heard from scientists over the last 10 years is that climate change does impact the intensity of many of the storms that we see.”

Read responded: “I’m not — I’m probably wouldn’t attribute what we’re looking at here. This is not an uncommon occurrence to see storms grow and intensify rapidly in the western Gulf of Mexico. That’s as long as we’ve been tracking them, that has occurred. The why for the big rain is the stationarity. That fact that the storm is going to come inland and not move…while it has happened in some cases, to have a really big storm come and stall like this is really rare.”

It’s essentially what we call “weather”. Harvey is trapped between multiple high pressure systems with weak steering winds.

There are plenty of others, such as

Could a warming world played a part? Of course! But, that doesn’t mean it’s anthropogenic. Warm periods happen. Meteorologist Paul Gross mentions some of the Warmist talking points about more intense but fewer, before jumping in and saying Harvey had nothing to do with ‘climate change.’

Climatologist Judith Curry takes a look at the models and how they performed, before noting that Harvey is tied at #14 for the highest wind speeds and pressure and that “Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” Furthermore, the warmist talking point about there being more moisture in the air from Hotcoldwetdry is wrong, as Harvey is simply picking up moisture from the Gulf.

Don’t expect the CoC to give up, though. They’ll be talking about it for weeks, and probably on the House and Senate floors.

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3 Responses to “Surprise: Warmists Are Tying/Linking Hurricane Harvey To ‘Climate Change’”

  1. Stosh says:

    Guess those horse drawn SUVs caused this…
    The Great Galveston Hurricane was a Category 4 storm, with winds of up to 145 mph, which made landfall on September 8, 1900, in Galveston, Texas, in the United States, leaving about 6,000 to 12,000 dead. It remains to the present day the deadliest natural disaster in US history.

    • Zachriel says:

      Stosh: The Great Galveston Hurricane was a Category 4 storm, with winds of up to 145 mph, which made landfall on September 8, 1900, in Galveston, Texas

      The devastation in 1900 was primarily due to the storm surge on low-lying areas. Residents had previously decided against a seawall, and actually removed sand dunes for fill in other parts of the island.

  2. Zachriel says:

    William Teach: the warmist talking point about there being more moisture in the air from Hotcoldwetdry is wrong, as Harvey is simply picking up moisture from the Gulf.

    The Gulf of Mexico is abnormally warm, which accounts for a significant fraction of the available moisture and storm strength.

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