Say, for all those who complain about people not having enough money for healthcare, what would $116 billion do?
(Washington Examiner) The swelling population of illegal immigrants and their kids is costing American taxpayers $135 billion a year, the highest ever, driven by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill, according to the the most authoritative report on the issue yet.
And despite claims from pro-illegal immigration advocates that the aliens pay significant off-setting taxes back to federal, state and local treasuries, the Federation for American Immigration Reform report tallied just $19 billion, making the final hit to taxpayers about $116 billion.
State and local governments are getting ravaged by the costs, at over $88 billion. The federal government, by comparison, is getting off easy at $45 billion in costs for illegals.
Let’s break it down further
Over 68 often shocking pages, FAIR documents the average $8,075 in state, local and federal spending for each of the of 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.
Broadly, the costs include $29 billion in medical care, $23 billion for law enforcement, $9 billion in welfare, $46 billion for education.
Think about that: another $8,075 not spent on each illegal to funnel to 16.7 million Americans to help them pay the high Obamacare deductibles that make Ocare virtually unusable.
“The United States recoups only about 14 percent of the amount expended annually on illegal aliens. If the same jobs held by illegal aliens were filled by legal workers, at the prevailing market wage, it may safely be presumed that federal, state and local governments would receive higher tax payments,” said FAIR.
It doesn’t matter for most supporters of illegal aliens, because they are looking for new Democratic Party voters, and especially ones who will be reliant of Los Federales for everything, making them beholden to the Government.

[…] By William Teach […]
Fake news from FAIR, designated a hate group.
They admitted they included 4.2 million American citizens in their “calculations” (p4).
They admitted that their “data” are all estimates, but add all their inaccurate estimates to reach a hard total, stating:
When tRump used the previous FAIR value of $113 billion, Politifact labeled tRump’s statement “Mostly False”.
The fact is, no one knows with any certainty how much undocumented immigration costs or benefits the nation. FAIR is an anti-immigrant organization.
Come on now, little jeffvckery, designated by whom?

He is on a role with his lies. Trump is winning, this guy Rotterdam has eaten his lunch. Our man (is he a man?) Jeff is feeling the pressure.
“As Whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion?”
— FAIR founder and board member John Tanton
FAIR is closely associated with white nationalists.
So what?
What is wrong with white nationalist? Do they restrict your freedom to say stupid things?
david7134: What is wrong with white nationalist?
White nationalism is historically associated with white supremacy, and all the sorry legacy that goes with that. Today, white nationalists are still nearly always associated with white supremacist ideology, including members of FAIR.
That does not make sense at all. Who is a white nationalist? How do you define it. I suspect that you are referring to people of any race that don’t agree with you and have opposite opinions. Jeff does that here so that anyone that disagrees with him is a white and person. Now, if blacks organize as the NAACP or Black Panthers you are all for that, but when whites do the same then you get the vapors. Either way, you are a racist.
david7134: Who is a white nationalist? How do you define it.
We define it conventionally, “White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which holds the belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.”
david7134: Now, if blacks organize as the NAACP or Black Panthers you are all for that, but when whites do the same then you get the vapors.
It has to do with history. White nationalism is historically associated with white supremacy, and all the sorry legacy that goes with that. Today, white nationalists are still nearly always associated with white supremacist ideology, including members of FAIR.
So you align yourselvez with BLM (aka the Klan With a Tan) a black supremacist movement that was founded by Marxist revolutionaries who uniformly revere Assata Shakur, the former Black Panther and convicted cop-killer who has spent decades as a fugitive in Communist Cuba.
No hypocrisy there, huh kidz?

Sorry but have to call major bull on that. Your definition would place all white people into a category that you indicate is hateful. Personally, I have no problem with white nationalism. But I detest people like you that are open racist.
david7134: Your definition would place all white people into a category that you indicate is hateful.
It’s not our definition. As noted, it is the conventional definition.
As for “all white people”, most do not seek to develop and maintain a white national identity.
aka the Bitch With a Glitch