Happy Thanksgiving! Nothing says “a lovely gathering of friends and family” like intentionally starting a fight
Go Ahead and Start a Climate Change Debate at the Thanksgiving Table
When you pass the turkey gravy on Thursday consider stuffing a hunk of climate change discourse down your uncle Jeb’s gullet.
Let him stew until he’s good and fermented, then agitate as needed to see the fruits of your labor.
If you’re passionate about the subject, don’t let Thanksgiving get in the way of trying to change the minds of your loved ones.
That’s according to some experts, who say that family gatherings like the one about to take place are a great opportunity to change the minds of those close to you.
“Conversations among family members and friends are more likely than messages from experts and pundits to lead to us finding common ground on climate change and beyond,†states an article on Tuesday in Scientific American.
When you’re advising that people “stuffing discourse” down a relative’s throat and letting him stew (getting him angry), you aren’t looking for a conversation, you’re looking for a fight. People love listening when people start fights and get abusive, am I right? You listen to that, right?
We also have
- Guide to no-fear Thanksgiving climate talk
- This Thanksgiving, Put Everything On The Table (mostly about AGW)
- What the first Thanksgiving can teach us about adjusting to climate shock (we’re told about how things were tough during the Little Ice Age, and, that we’re doomed from a tiny bit of warmth)
Fortunately, the Daily Beast has movies to recommend
Look, times are tough.
The world appears to be coming apart at the seams, as climate change continues to wreak havoc on the environment, and every morning you’re stirred awake by the 280-character ravings (often targeting black people) of an orange, cotton candy-haired man-child. On top of all that, you’re headed home for Thanksgiving, where a two-beers-deep confrontation with your not-so-tolerant relatives and/or in-laws looms.
In times like these, your local cinema offers a much-needed refuge: two whole hours to escape into a world of make-believe, while stuffing your face full of buttered popcorn.
Could it possibly be that the people who are the real intolerant ones are the ones starting these arguments? Yes. My recommendation for conversations? Kill them with kindness, if you engage. Give them a lot of “that’s nice’s” and “uh-huh’s”.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Have a great one yourself, Teach! Safe, comfortable, delicious and friendly!
At our Thanksgiving table — at my sister’s house — we avoided politics completely. Oddly enough, people really can have discussions about things which don’t involve politics! There were no fights, no disagreements, and everyone left seemingly happy.