Trump Threatens To Cut Aid For Those Nations Who Vote Against U.S. Jerusalem Move

If nations do not like the way we do things, maybe they should stop receiving the money taken from U.S. taxpayers

(Fox News) President Donald Trump’s threat to cut off U.S. funding to countries that oppose his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has raised the stakes in Thursday’s U.N. vote and sparked criticism at his tactics, which one Muslim group called bullying or blackmail.

Trump went a step further than U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley who hinted in a tweet and a letter to most of the 193 U.N. member states on Tuesday that the U.S. would retaliate against countries that vote in favor of a General Assembly resolution calling on the president to rescind his decision.

Haley said the president asked her to report back on countries “who voted against us” — and she stressed that the United States “will be taking names.”

At the start of a Cabinet meeting in Washington on Wednesday, with Haley sitting nearby, Trump told reporters that Americans are tired of being taken advantage of and praised the U.S. ambassador for sending the “right message” before the vote.

“For all these nations, they take our money and then vote against us. They take hundreds of millions of dollars, even billions of dollars and then they vote against us,” Trump told reporters at the Cabinet meeting. “We’re watching those votes. Let them vote against us.”

“We’ll save a lot. We don’t care,” he said, alluding to U.S. aid.

It’s long past time that America gets payback and respect for all the money we pump into the United Nations and countries around the world, many which would collapse without our help. And long past time that the Israel and Jew hatred in the United Nations is stomped on.

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9 Responses to “Trump Threatens To Cut Aid For Those Nations Who Vote Against U.S. Jerusalem Move”

  1. Dana says:

    The obvious question is: why do we spend American taxpayer dollars on foreign aid in the first place? In few cases is it to our advantage.

    In no case should any country the name of which ends in “stan” should receive a single penny from us. Nor should any country with a Muslim majority, nor any country which allows persecution of Christians, nor any country which votes against our economic or military interests.

    We will have a budget deficit of over half a trillion dollars; why are we borrowing money to give it to other countries? If they need the money, let them borrow it themselves!

    Were I Tsar and Emperor of All the Americas — I’m sure just being President wouldn’t be enough — I might consider foreign aid to Israel and South Korea, and possibly our former colony in the Philippines, but no place else comes to mind.

    Of course, were I Tsar, we’d have a lot more economic freedom to do so, as our budget would be balanced, illegal immigration would be close to zero, and welfare would not exist for anyone who wasn’t truly disabled.

    • Conservative Beaner says:

      I prefer the title Grand Emperor of North America.

    • Jeffery says:


      What percentage of the federal budget do we spend on aid to foreign countries? (Less than 1%, exclusive of military invasions).

      And of course Israel receives the most.

      tRump: If someone has a different opinion than me, we’ll punish them!

      Spoken like a true tyrant, and authoritarian, an autocrat, a dictator. tRump has lived his entire life buying “friends” and lackeys. We shouldn’t expect him to change as an old man.

      Most reasonable people understand that tRump’s bluster about Jerusalem was harmful. Now he wants to “take names” of those who disagree with him.

      • gitarcarver says:

        It seems like so long ago… yesterday….that you were ripping AT&T for their “shitty service” and vowed to dump them.

        They think they have good product. (JD Power ranks them second in wireless, first in television providers and highest in home internet service..)

        But you disagree and so you are taking your money and going elsewhere because you disagree with the level of service AT&T provides. No one chastised you for that decision.

        Yet when people complain about the level of “service” and “support” from countries receiving money from the US, and the President says “we’ll go elsewhere,” you scream and label him a tyrant.

        You feel that it is the right thing to do to not give your money to firms that don’t support you, but feel that it is wrong for the US to not give money to countries that don’t support the US.

      • Dana says:

        If we are having to borrow the money, than it doesn’t matter how small the percentage of the budget it is.

        Israel is the most decent country to which we give foreign aid, and even they are not exactly perfect allies.

        tRump: If someone has a different opinion than me, we’ll punish them!

        Spoken like a true tyrant, and authoritarian, an autocrat, a dictator. tRump has lived his entire life buying “friends” and lackeys. We shouldn’t expect him to change as an old man.

        If ceasing to give them our taxpayer dollars is ‘punishment,’ then yeah, I’m fine with that. If a foreign country acts contrary to American interests, we sure as Hell shouldn’t be giving them foreign aid.

        When someone spits in your face, do you then reach into your wallet and hand him cash?

        Oh, wait, you’re a leftist; that probably is what you’d do.

  2. Foreign aid is a vestige of the Cold War where America and the USSR tried to buy the loyalty of the third world. Even the term “Third world” is from the Cold War. First world = the USA and Western powers. Second world = Soviets and Warsaw pact. Third world = everyone else. It’s not an ordinal label, just a nominal one. State department and USAID are incapable of seeing the world without the “we must dump money on the third world” mentality. It’s like the underpants gnomes of Foggy Bottom.

    Step one: Give away billions of dollars of other people’s money.
    Step Two: ….
    Step Three: World domination.

  3. Stosh says:

    Woo hoo….a naughty and nice list, tis the season. About time somebody noticed bribing bad actors don’t work…

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