You have to love the gun grabbers: they’re happy to blow off the 4th Amendment as they assault the 2nd. Here’s Charlie Kirk and John Chachas losing their minds in the USA Today
Parkland shooting spurs information age solutions for gun violence
Big data already knows everything about us, so couldn’t it have stopped Nikolas Cruz’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School slaughter in Parkland?When you call your favorite Chinese take-out today you usually are addressed by name; asked if you have the same address when you placed your last order in November and if you want “the usual with extra soy sauce and four spring rolls?” Similar questions from your favorite pizza joint. When you dial into your airline from your mobile phone, the automated system asks, “Welcome back, John, where are you traveling today?â€
Virtually every piece of your personal, health, financial and travel data, even beer preferences are available to somebody somewhere. So much for the individual right of privacy and personal freedom, the erosion of which essentially began in 1946 with the invention of the ENIAC computer.
And given the national gun debate raging in America with all manner of suggestions such as armed teachers, metal detectors in schools and churches — can metal detectors and armed guards at McDonald’s be far behind? — it is time for Congress to move into the 21st century and require the harnessing of integrated data to better equip American law enforcement.
No. We’re stupid enough to give up a lot of this data, and sometimes the companies take it, but, quite frankly, I do not care if Chilis knows that I prefer the Ranchero Chicken Tacos with potato soup, and to put the bacon, cheese, and onions on the side rather than mixing them. Or, if I get the burger, same with the soup, and do not put mustard on the burger (makes me break out, plus hate mustard). This is none of Government’s business. Literally. It’s not the Government’s job to have access to this information without a warrant. They have no need to know if I drive down to the beach, nor if I go to the gun range to shoot off a couple hundred rounds.
We are both lifelong conservative Republicans and gun owners. We live in a remarkable age of information and in the interest of young people, we need to turn the national conversation to procedures that might have helped avert recent tragedies.
We are neither gun proponents, nor gun control zealots.
Having said that we must allow authorities to have available knowledge about excess purchases of weapons and ammunition; knowledge about persons with mental illness or at-risk behavior; and the intersection of these categories in a manner that offers tools for law enforcement to intervene.
The Chinese take-out, the pizza restaurant, airlines, the credit card companies, Google, Amazon, iTunes and every other American enterprise has moved forward voluntarily utilizing such data.
It is now time for Congress and policy makers to retire the worthless empty phrase “common sense gun laws†and equally worthless “Gun Show Loophole†and actually pass meaningful legislation. Millennials and kids are at risk so enough of the vapid talk.
Well, first you’ll have to do away with the whole 4th Amendment thingy. If you were truly “conservative Republicans” you’d know this. Let’s look at their specific proposal
- Establish a central data base at the FBI and Department of Homeland Security for future gun purchases to take effect upon enactment of legislation.
- The statute would mandate that before the purchase of any gun or ammunition, the buyer must present a valid state driver’s license or a U.S. passport and a social security number. Furthermore, every purchase must be by credit card — not by cash or trade-in.
- Any party that purchases more than one gun or three 24-round boxes of ammunition within the same calendar week will be flagged by the database for further review.
- Flagged buyers shall, following further review, be subject to additional data scrutiny including readily available public information on traffic violations, reports of domestic violence, public intoxication from drugs or alcohol, postings on social media, obituary notices, employment terminations and the like. This additional review will be established by the FBI and Homeland Security with appropriate help from Silicon Valley creating a “risk scoring” of data associated with flagged persons.
- Cross references will highlight concerns raised about a person’s health status, treatment or behavior combined with flags for multiple purchases of firearms or ammunition.
They’re proposal sounds more like a gun banner’s delight, along with being Big Progressive (nice Fascist) Government watching your every move.

American ammosexuals, with the blood of innocents on their hands, want to preserve the status quo regarding firearms, or even loosen restrictions, ’cause 2nd ‘Mendment.
Their criticism of current laws is not an attempt to reduce gun violence but is an attempt to REDUCE government oversight.
A few shot kids every week is a small price to pay for your peace of mind, calmed as you are by holding your assault gun waiting for the “bad guys” to come a-knockin’.
Ammosexuals? You come up with that one all by yourself?
BTW you do know rifles kill fewer people than knives, right?
And it might do a little more good to look into protesting the amorality and thug culture pushed by your Lefty overlords at kids. Funny, but, when I was a teenager 65 years ago, we didn’t have this.
Nope I stole “ammosexual” from someone else. It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it?
Yet, AR-15 type rifles are the tool of choice for mass shooters. Just think how more difficult the Las Vegas murderers job would have been if he was throwing knives at the crowd.
Most AR-15 owners are responsible just as most oxycontin addicts don’t overdose.
Did you mean the amorality of the current president?
form, Jeffy thinks his attempt at shaming language is effective. It’s just boring, and do you really think he’d call anyone the oh-so clever “ammosexual” to their face. Uh-huh. And, as usual, the lefties overlook every variable that contributes to this type of problem to decide on diminishing the 2nd Amendment. Same old, same old.
More threats from an ammosexual. What would you do? Shoot me? Take a swing at me?
The ammosexuals and their mom (The NRA) have been very clever in changing the discussion, conflating restrictions on high capacity assault weapons as banning all firearms. Nicely done.
Most Americans disagree with you, but the NRA (National Redoubt of Ammosexuals), owns all the GOPhers and many of the Dems.
Awe, Alinsky tactic in action. Ridicule, eh? It’ getting old chump. They want us disarmed because it will be easier to get rid of the ones who insist on private property rights or their own 401K money. But since you have neither, (you have to have a job sport), you don’t care.
Move to Cuba or North Korea. It’s about the level of freedom and prosperity you can deal with.
Conspiracy much?
If you think the only thing standing between the elites- funded government toadies and your 401K plan is an AR-15 armed peckerwood than you’re dumber than your nickname.
They understand that by ginning up a running battle between “ammosexuals” and “gun grabbers”, they’ll keep your support, and importantly, energize you on election day. In office, they will siphon your 401K a dollar at a time. They will shift the federal tax burdens from rich guys (like me) and corporations (like mine) to local taxes on the working men and women of America. They’ll cut education support for your kids, roads, Social Security, Medicare, clean air, clean water, corporate regulation… And if you’ve worked at Walmart for 20 years you’ll get a one time $1000 bonus and Walmart will save 10s of billions EVERY year.
They want Americans to fight over guns and abortion and gay marriage so they can loot America and her workers. That’s the real conspiracy.
It’s cute when people make believe their rich and have wealth.
It’s true, the only thing between the government and it just deciding to take away our stuff, via nationalization of industries, or giving all of our 401Ks a haircut, (20%?) is the fact that we’d all take to the streets, armed.
Without guns, we’d be as docile and tame as the Jews in Nazi Germany or the intellectuals in Mao’s China who went easily to be exterminated. The rest were kept in line.
Ignorance of history would be funny if it didn’t have serious consequences.
By the way, mowing your parent’s yard for allowance really isn’t a corporation. LOL!!
They’re taking your stuff every day and you keep voting them into office. The collapse of the housing market, market crash and financial system bailout cost working class Americans trillions. And we rewarded the perps with bonuses and tax cuts!! They don’t care about your violence, as there are not enough to hurt them. They just want enough votes in key states to stay in power.
They’re taking your stuff gradually, so you hardly notice. How have middle class wages fared the past couple of decades? How have the wealthy elites done?
Unless Congress acts soon your health insurance is going to skyrocket. If Congress DOES act, your Social Security payments are likely to go down and your Medicare costs up. They have to pay for the tax cuts for guys like me by cutting working class Social Security.
It’s purely hypothetical, because as I said, gammas like you never have the balls to say face-to-face the stuff you type from behind the security of your keyboard. You’re probably too big of a pussy to even look me in the eye if we met.
I do love the moral preening from the party of snuffing babies though…because even you don’t believe that a baby isn’t being snuffed by the abortionist’s knife.
It’s unlikely we’ll meet as I don’t shop a Walmart. But enjoy your bonus.
“A few shot kids every week is a small price to pay for keeping schools as gun free zones…â€. Fixed it.
“A few shot kids every week is a small price to pay for keeping the Gun Grabbers busy with justifications for confiscation. If the government did its job, we would even hear about this kid. Notice, not a peep about the Maryland Shooting. Good guy with a gun ruins the narrative.”
We already have a lot of this, in the instant background check: people with felony convictions are supposed to be flagged and denied.
Of course, when squishy liberals don’t charge people with crimes when they should be charged. like the various groups in Broward County, the system fails. When the military don’t report court martial convictions, as was the case regarding the Texas church shooting, to the civilian NICS system, the system fails.
There is no reason to require that the transaction be made by credit/debit card; if the buyer is identified during the background check, that should be sufficient.
Here’s the bad part:
So, if you lose your job, you can’t own a firearm? How the f(ornicate) is that due process? If you happen to post something on Facebook that the FBI don’t like — and the FBI won’t like anything on Facebook — you lose your constitutional rights?
Just say, “Go gay marriage” every 3.6 posts on the average. You can get away with almost anything. Ask any Hollywood Celebrity.
“can metal detectors and armed guards at McDonald’s be far behind?”
You mean to say this isn’t SOP in Baltimore and Detroit?!?