It would be easy to say in Kerryland, Kennedyland, or even Mittland, but, how ’bout just Deluded Liberal Looking Towards Nanny State Land?
( – A Massachusetts family earning up to $103,000 a year is eligible for state-subsidized health insurance. However, Massachusetts officials won’t disclose how many families making that much are also getting state insurance.
The state’s health care plan, passed by the legislature and signed by then-Gov. Mitt Romney in 2006, is now expected to exceed state budget estimates by $400 million in 2009, or about 85 percent than projected.
Though the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, which administers the program, says a family of eight earning up to $103,716 is eligible for government health care, such information cannot be made public under federal privacy rules, said Joan Fallon, spokeswoman for the agency. She cited the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that shields health records.
Bad Mitt!
“Joan Fallon, spokeswoman for the agency…. cited the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that shields health records.”
I thought that meant individual records?
But then, almost no-one really understands that law. I remember a case in which a man went out to get something from a local mom-and-pop, was struck by a car, and taken to a hospital. His frantic family and even the police could not find him while he lay in a coma for four days, because the hospital refused under HIPAA to admit they had a patient of that name. It was only after his death that the hospital sent a bill to the family, which is how they learned of his whereabouts.
Yeah that sure is a great state. Mitt’s plan !!