…are tropical trees which will soon be growing in Canada, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post wondering why Democrats say voter fraud doesn’t exist.

…are tropical trees which will soon be growing in Canada, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Elephants, with a post wondering why Democrats say voter fraud doesn’t exist.
That ain’t no elephant.
Cougar, maybe.
What I see is this image violates our terms of service and has been removed.
Internet censorship is beginning. Micahel Knowles was banned from twitter for telling a joke. He said on twitter remember democrats get out and vote this Wednesday. 24 hours passed. His post was untouched. Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted it the next day and within one hour his account was suspended.
Yet their are documented instances of 1000’s of democrats on twitter saying the exact same thing to Republicans and their accounts are not banned.
we live in an era in which the left project facism and communism on the right. In reality it is the left who wants to shut down free speech, debate and freedoms that they do not agree with. It is beginning now. Mulit-Mega corporations such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, all want to be the new thought police.
I have mentioned this before but one of the brightest minds for Apple and an avowed leftist was fired for writing an E-mail saying apples workplace was too Patriarchal and should be made more woman friendly. He was promptly fired for his remarks. Literally he was advocating for women and was fired for being an mysoginist.
It is beginning. The world is becoming a scary place as the echo chamber of the left empowered and embolded by the GOEBELS MSM and Thought Police of social media begin their systematic campaign to suppress differing opinions.
thats what I see here today at your blank picture removed for Violating TOS.
Unfortunately, this happens now and then with Photobucket. Someone complains or something, even though the folder is locked.
I’ve gone and used my Gallery site to re-upload.
Right now I’m suspended from Twitter, and of course they do not tell you why.