And you can bet most took a fossil fueled vehicle to the protest, and took lots of selfies and videos with their large carbon footprint smartphones. Plus all the road miles for the clothes they wore
More than 10,000 students skipped school again in Belgium to join a march demanding better protections of the globe’s fragile climate.
Despite the rain and cold, the colourful protest march in Brussels was bigger than the initial one last week.
Banners reading “School strike 4 Climate†and “Skipping school? No. We fight for our futureâ€, highlighted the march, which was free of incidents.
Some schools show understanding for the no-shows.
Patrick Lancksweerdt, a director of a local school, told De Standaard newspaper that “education has to turn youngsters into mature citizens. By their actions, they proved that they areâ€.
They look cold, eh? And it wasn’t just in Belgium
(Seattle Times) Thousands of students are holding rallies across Germany and Switzerland to protest lack of action against climate change.
The demonstrations taking place in dozens of cities Friday were inspired by a Swedish student’s weekly “school strike.â€
We’re saved! Of course, with all the ‘climate change’ energy restrictions in Germany and many other EU nations, people have moved quite often to burning wood pellets for heat. Trees. Good job.
When will these little Warmists start practicing what they preach? Bet they wouldn’t like that.
Photo from a BBC video on the Belgium protest.

The Big Mac is a hamburger sold by international fast food restaurant chain McDonald’s. It was introduced in the Greater Pittsburgh area, United States, in 1967 and nationwide in 1968. It is one of the company’s signature products.
Why is this important and what does it have to do with the article.
Well McDonalds just lost a copyright battle against a company in Ireland called Supermac which was established 10 years after the introduction and copyright of the big mac.
The EU court ruled in favor of Supermac. The connection. More and more litigation by the EU is scheduled on AGW agendas of course all of which will see the anti-AGW crowd lose. It has as we all know by now long been a staple of the left to litigate everything.
This protest is taking place in the Eu where most of the member nations are struggling mightily to live up to their commitments. The problem is these are young children organized by Communist agents to put pressure on the French Protests that are now spreading thorough out Europe.
As if to further put an exclamation point on this GREECE just elected a nationalist, populist right government after spending the last four years with a hard line hard left government they thought would restore their jobs and stand up to the EU. What resulted was a complete capitulation by their ex government to the demands of the EU further putting strain on their tiny nation.
Global warming is not a threat to this world, but it is a tactic used by the globalists to put pressure on nations to cede their power to a centralized and ever increasing fascist government in Brussels. Once the ceding of power is complete the EU will be in a position to simply dictate to their member states co2 quotas.
Once the EU is fully fascist and totally in control by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels they will then have the power to put ever increasing pressure on the United States. President Trump understood this and it is why he has reworked all of these trade deals which on the surface appear to favor the USA but in reality they simply take back from the EU and China and the TPP areas of the world economic power ceded by the United States in the first place.
Mr. Trump might be a crass and brazen individual but in the long run people will see him for what he was. Even if he were to be impeached today or only serve 4 years as president he has set back the globalist movement by a generation.