Supporting illegal immigration and being a sanctuary jurisdiction is all fun and games right up to the point where it comes back and bites them with a real world atrocity
Immigration debate intensifies in San Jose
The debate on sanctuary city policies intensified at a City Council meeting this week after an update on activities of a government office — implemented to help and protect undocumented immigrants — sparked controversy.
The debate, spurred by the recent death of a San Jose woman who was allegedly killed by an undocumented immigrant, highlights the concern some residents have over the safety and security of their neighborhoods as they grow more diverse with immigrants.
In a statement following the death of the slain woman Bambi Larson, Mayor Sam Liccardo said it’s “long overdue for the County to reconsider its current policy of ignoring ICE hold requests for predatory felons.â€
That’s a rather sanitized way of saying that she was murdered by an illegal alien. “Death”?
Liccardo has maintained his position for the past four years that the county should reconsider its stance on sanctuary policies after the murder of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco stating that “elected officials should be able to distinguish between a violent, predatory felon and more than the 99 percent of members of our immigrant communities who would never commit such crimes.â€
“They would simply need to pick up the phone and call the authorities when those individuals would be released into the community,†added Liccardo.
Implemented in 2015, the city’s Office of Immigrant Affairs provides immigrants with a wide set of resources to help create pathways to citizenship, protect against deportations, and integrate the immigrant community in civic engagement.
The office has been criticized for providing immigrants with safety networks through its Rapid Response Hotline — a community defense project intended to help those in the event that Immigration and Customs Enforcement activity takes place.
But, they ultimately will end up not changing their sanctuary policy. Many on the council are equating legal with illegal immigration, and even have an Office of Immigration Affairs, meant to protect illegal aliens.

Radical leftists, even the ones who post here, always conflate legal with illegal immigrants. It helps them obscure the nature of what they’re trying to do. Besides, that way they get to call everybody who questions them “RAAAACIST”. The radical leftists here do it too. They all work from the same commie playbook.
Regressive hatemongers, even Kye and his ilk, always conflate radical Islamic terrorists with all Muslims. They think that it helps them obscure the nature of what they are trying to do, which is to encourage others to adopt their hateful and bigoted views.
Hilariously, these extremist xenophobes utterly fail to hide their true intent and nature.
Jeff, or bill or who cares,
You are vilifying Kye is a fairly stupid manner. He is not posting about Muslims, he is posting about illegals and that is not racist, it is a matter of law.
Now on Muslims. So far in 2019 there have been 450 incidents of Muslim terror. Muslim terror is a very prominent problem world wide, I myself have been involved in two such events in Germany and Egypt. Now, why is that terror different from Christian terror which is the next stupid statement non-thinkers use. Well, it goes to Muslim organizations like CAIR being complicit in there attitude to terror. You can argue the point, but it does not matter as it is obvious over at least 10 years that they will not honestly condemn Islamic based terror and have even instructed Muslims to not cooperate. You will have a few statements that say otherwise, but noting convincing. Then there is the fact that all Muslims live by there spiritual teachings, which include conquering us. Your response is that Christian lit. has similar stuff, no it does not and most of us are not adherent to a religion. Christianity made a quantum shift in attitude over the last few hundred years and is a different religion from that of 1400. Islam has not made that shift. As Islam is not a race, but a thought process, much like the KKK or Nazis or any other hate group, it should be condemned by society till it makes the proper shift, idiots like you can’t see the logic in that process.
Thanks to david7134 for providing a textbook example of bigotry.
We’re still waiting for all those “moderates” to take a stand against the crazies.
these extremist xenophobes utterly fail to hide their true intent and nature.
Gee, sounds a lot more like you, Winnie The Poo.
david7134, you need to understand the intellectually deprived left gets all their information from their preferred oligarchs like Bezos and Carlos Slim. Independent thinking is frowned upon. Haven’t you noticed how the networks use the exact same words to describe an occurrence? They accuse anyone who identifies Mohammadans as the barbaric thugs they are as raaaacists because they fear breaking ranks and thinking on their own. I’ve given up even talking with them because their minds (?) are completely closed to any idea not approved by the politburo. Say something not approved and you’re a racist or denier or whatever name they have been trained by their commie handlers to interject at that point.
On this day in 2015, Boco Harim beheaded 25 Christians in Nigeria with a chainsaw. Bill and Elwood were SILENT!
So far this week Nigeria:
280 Christians Killed
Other Recent “Misunderstandings
of Islam” in Nigeria again.
2019.03.21 (Afghanistan)
Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
2019.03.19 (Syria)
Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
2019.03.18 (Netherlands)
A ‘strict Muslim’ with Jihadi ties opens fire on strangers riding a tram, killing three, including a woman.
2019.03.18 (Nigeria)
Boko Haram aerate a bus with shrapnel, killing all eight passengers.
2019.03.17 (DRC)
Three woman and a 9-year-old child are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2019.03.17 (Israel)
A rabbi is among two Israelis shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
Bill and Elwood still remain silent since it is in their interest to see Christians, whites and Americans slaughtered and replaced with…….?
I saw one of their comments were they stated that you could not declare war on a religion. But the U.S. has done this. We had a war against the Normans as they had a bad habit of raising wagon trains to take the women. So many things they don’t know, but feel for them.
The very first war America fought was against the Mohammadans on the Barbary Coast. If a religion can declare war on us, then we can declare war back. BTW, the Mohammedan barbarians have declared jihad on us continuously. That’s why they should be thrown the hell out of America. It’s a Trojan friggin’ horse. Now they’re using the Democrat-Communist Party to infiltrate the government. And the stupid brain-washed leftist are letting them.
I bet their tune would change if the Pope declared war on America. Then war on a religion would be all acceptable.
Didn’t the Catholic Church declare war on children?
Anyway, who is the central authority of Islam with the power to declare war?
Are you just joking when you say all Muslims should be thrown the hell out of America? Many right-wing threats/hate speech when challenged are said to be “jokes”. If you’re not joking, what is the legal mechanism for deporting citizens based on their faith? If you’re not kidding, you’re just a hateful, racist asshole. You pick.
White Supremacist barbarians have declared jihad on us. That’s why they should be thrown the hell out of America. How does that sound?
Kye typed: Now they’re using the (Democratic Party) to infiltrate the government.
American citizens of all faiths (or no faith) have the right to run for Congress as long as they satisfy the requirements. The Republican-Nazi Party even has a Cuban born in Canada as a Senator and admitted White Supremacists/Nationalists in office and occupying our White House.
Hate is all you have.
And stupid is all you have.
Didn’t the Catholic Church declare war on children?
Musta missed that one. Certainly the Left has, what with murdering babies outside the womb and all.
who is the central authority of Islam with the power to declare war?
Islam has been fighting over a single caliph for 1400 years but, if you want some influential parties who’ve declared Holy War:
The mullahs in Teheran, bin Laden, the World Islamic Front
Are you just joking when you say all Muslims should be thrown the hell out of America? Many right-wing threats/hate speech when challenged are said to be “jokesâ€. If you’re not joking, what is the legal mechanism for deporting citizens based on their faith? If you’re not kidding, you’re just a hateful, racist asshole.
No, that’s your gig. And I don’t know about who says it’s a joke. Perhaps you could give us some verified examples.
We do know there’s a lot of Moslem-on-Moslem violence in the country and plenty of Moslem-on-anybody else violence, too. Now Harvey mentions citizens and the question must be asked, how many?
Of those who might be, Harvey needs to be reminded Lucky Luciano was a citizen and it didn’t keep him from being deported.
White Supremacist barbarians have declared jihad on us. That’s why they should be thrown the hell out of America. How does that sound?
We were born here, jerk.
But you keep telling us you go to a Christian church or something. Now you’re a Moslem? Hope the guys at the Naked Goat don’t hear about all the nasty things you say about God.
You could get hurt.
Now they’re using the (Democratic Party) to infiltrate the government.
American citizens of all faiths (or no faith) have the right to run for Congress as long as they satisfy the requirements. The Republican-Nazi Party even has a Cuban born in Canada as a Senator and admitted White Supremacists/Nationalists in office and occupying our White House.
Hate is all you have.
When was that admitted? Of course, you have a verbatim confession.
As for Hell’s Harem, both are mobbed up with terrorist organizations and MN-5 is the most active Congressional district in the country for terrorist recruiters.
According to your government that you want to run our lives.
How interesting that Kye has failed to compile a list of murders committed by white supremacists.
One cannot help but wonder why…
Sanctuary policies are killing innocent Americans.
All that support those policies are accessories to murder pure and simple.
White Nationalists are accessories to murder, pure and simple.
Hmmm, lessee now, Lefties create sanctuary cities so illegal aliens can vote Democrat in exchange for free everything.
Since these illegals are lawbreakers, they are not very nice or sociable.
Since the Lefties want the illegals to stay to keep them in power, they’re given a free hand.
Since many illegals are violent criminals, that means people get shot.
Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do since it looks like all the responsibility is on your end.
Trolling comment. Only intended to incite and inflame.
“Trolling comment. Only intended to incite and inflame.”
Ah. So you would agree also that any comment that blames all Muslims for acts of terror is also a trolling comment, intended only to incite and inflame?
Now, if only there had been a clue that this sort of policy could have ended in a terrible outcome…..
Yeah, 1400 years of examples aren’t enough for radical Democrat-Communists. I saw where Maduro gave a speech and pulled an Obama. He said if he had a daughter she’d look just like Dyslexia Occasional-Cotex.
All Kye has is hatred.
No, this is your problem since you’re the one with the hatred as well as willful ignorance.
Maduro could have pulled a Trump, and said if he had a daughter he’d want to f*ck her.
All you have is stupidity Elwood. All you have is erudite ignorance of a poorly educated traitor. I can’t figure out if your politics leans toward the Nazi or the communist side but I do know there is no leaning toward the American side.
Christopher Lasch’s last book, The Revolt of the Elites, published in 1995 could have been written today.
Lasch’s description of the self-regarding liberal elites of the 1980s and 1990s reads even more strongly today. Here’s one sample:
Upper-middle-class liberals. . . have mounted a crusade to sanitize American society: to create a “smoke-free environment,†to censor everything from pornography to “hate speech,†and at the same time, incongruously, to extend the range of personal choice in matters where most people feel the need of solid moral guidelines. When confronted with resistance to these initiatives, they betray the venomous hatred that lies not far beneath the smiling face of upper-middle-class benevolence. Opposition makes humanitarians forget the liberal virtues they claim to uphold. They become petulant, self-righteous, intolerant. In the heat of political controversy, they find it impossible to conceal their contempt for those who stubbornly refuse to see the light—those who “just don’t get it,†in the self-satisfied jargon of political rectitude.
Simultaneously arrogant and insecure, the new elites, the professional classes in particular, regard the masses with mingled scorn and apprehension. In the United States, “Middle Americaâ€â€”a term that has both geographical and social implications—has come to symbolize everything that stands in the way of progress: “family values,†mindless patriotism, religious fundamentalism, racism, homophobia, retrograde views of women. Middle Americans, as they appear to the makers of educated opinion, are hopelessly shabby, unfashionable, and provincial, ill-informed about changes in taste or intellectual trends, addicted to trashy novels or romance and adventure, and stupefied by prolonged exposure to television. They are at once absurd and vaguely menacing—not because they wish to overthrow the old order but because their defense of it appears so deeply irrational that it expresses itself, at the higher reaches of its intensity, in fanatical religiosity, in repressive sexuality that occasionally erupts into violence against women and gays, and in a patriotism that supports imperialist wars and a national ethic of aggressive masculinity. . .MAN DOES THAT SOUND LIKE YOU AND BILL!
The growing insularity of elites means, among other things, that political ideologies lose touch with the concerns of ordinary citizens. . . In some quarters the very idea of reality has come into question, perhaps because the talking classes inhabit an artificial world in which simulations of reality replace the thing itself.
Now go get your f*****g shoe shine box!
Another White Supremacist goes on a crime spree…
Although not all White Supremacists are rapists, we can’t take any chances.
North of California on Wednesday, residents and law enforcement officials were mourning Kittitas County, Wash., sheriff’s deputy Ryan Thompson, who died Tuesday after exchanging gunfire with a suspect who allegedly evaded a traffic stop.
The suspect, 29-year-old Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro, entered the U.S. in 2014 on a temporary agricultural work visa. Investigators say he fatally shot Thompson, 42, and wounded Kittitas police Officer Benito Chavez, who is expected to survive.
or this:
Four slain in Nevada
In Reno, Nev., the killings of four people have become part of the national immigration debate. The bodies of Connie Koontz, 56; Sophia Renken, 74; Gerald “Jerry” David, 81; and David’s wife, 80-year-old Sharon, were found between Jan. 10 and Jan. 16 in Gardnerville and South Reno.
Wilber Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, 19 — whom investigators say entered the U.S. illegally from El Salvador – has been charged with multiple felony counts related his alleged 10-day rampage because he needed money to buy drugs.
We can start by finding and deporting formwiz, since he has admitted above that he is a white supremacist.
Isn’t it interesting how the “hate America first” people equate importing criminals to criminals born here. They are incapable of understanding we have enough of our own born and bread crime we don’t need to import more criminals from second and third world shitholes. But the desire to genocide whites overrules their concept of morality so we have to watch as our citizens are murdered, raped and abused by foreigners with no lawful claim to be here.
They also seem to think they know something about white supremacists. They don’t. For example, my wife is Korean and a white supremacist would never marry out of the race. N-E-V-E-R!!! It’s White Supremacy 101. And my first wife was a JOOOOO. So strike two. Ignorance is no replacement for facts. But I guess when you’re a card carrying member of both the Cult of Climatology and the New Democrat-Communist Party you never let facts get in the way of your programming.
Kye’s claims of having married a Korean and a Jew are, of course irrelevant (not to mention utterly unsupported by any evidence).
Kye’s history of racist, hatemongering comments are all that is needed to establish the fact that he is a white supremacist. Nothing else matters. Kye is trying a feeble variant of the “but I have black friends” argument used by whites to establish that they are not racist. That’s a load of dingos’ kidneys, too.
“Ignorance is no replacement for facts.”
How sad that Kye knows this, but refuses to do anything to remediate his own ignorance. If anything, he seems to revel in his ignorance.
“…we have to watch as our citizens are murdered, raped and abused by foreigners…”
But when our citizens are murdered by white supremacists, Kye says nothing.
How strange…