Good luck with this bit of pleading, Dana Milbank
Democrats, please don’t do this
Watch in slow motion as Democrats, goaded by the media, conspire to reelect President Trump:
Voters care about the economy and making education and health care affordable. And so Democrats are talking about . . . abolishing the electoral college? (snip through the various idiots yammering about this)
Naturally, Trump seized the opportunity. “The Democrats are getting very ‘strange’,†he tweeted Wednesday. “Actually, you’ve got to win it at the Ballot Box!â€
Just like that, another Democratic litmus test was born. Encouraged by left-wing activists and the media, Democrats are performing acid tests like lab technicians. While the rest of the country built March Madness brackets, Democrats, in their own madness, put themselves in boxes, supporting proposals that are impossible, extreme or oversimplified: Medicare-for-all. A Green New Deal. Guaranteed jobs for all. Impeachment. Reparations to African Americans. Packing the Supreme Court. Late-term abortion. Banning PAC contributions. Abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Legalizing marijuana. Eliminating the filibuster. Opposing all Trump judicial nominees. Boycotting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference. Abolishing the electoral college.
Many of these have merit. The problem is that they have become a battery of binary tests of ideological purity — allowing Trump to caricature Democrats as extremist.
But, they dug this hole of extremism, and keep expanding it. Remember when we thought Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were the extreme left? When John Conyers was hold basement impeachment hearings on Bush 43? Now the party has become that of AOC and Ilhan Omar.

They cannot help themselves.

They’re democrats.
“Actually, you’ve got to win it at the Ballot Box!â€
It’s interesting that Trump would say that, since of course this is exactly what he failed to do in the 2016 election.
Won fair and square.
The election was rigged and he still won.
That’s gotta hurt.
Find the woods because you’re FOS, nignorant.
The American people preferred Trump’s opponent by 3 million votes. But Trump won the electoral college vote and is president.
The problem isn’t the antiquated, paternalistic electoral college system, it’s that states themselves decide how to apportion their electoral votes. Almost all require all-or-none apportionment, so that if a candidate wins the popular vote in a particular state by a single vote she receives every electoral vote.
That’s not the problem either, Elwood. The problem is every time the Dmeocrat-Communist Party loses and election it wants to change the rules. It’s like playing Monopoly with a ten year old. Now the freak show on the left wants 16 year old kids voting, felons, illegals and non citizens. How about Martians while they’re at it? Plus they want to redesign the Senate and the electoral college and stack the Supreme Court cause a two party system is just unacceptable when the gods are all on your side and your morality is beyond question.
So basically the real problem is the inability of the DemComs to accept losing an election and just coming back next time to win. They gotta win them all or they gotta stack the deck. Hillary had 3 million more votes than Trump all in states with ballot harvesting or early voting or same day registration or just old fashion ballot box stuffing the DemCons are so famous for. They did their best by voting early and voting often and even voting when dead but they did it in the wrong states so they lost the Electoral College. Now they’re trying to break everything so that can’t happen again.
As usual, Kye is lying.
The election fraudsters are, as usual, Republicans.
Ballot Harvester In NC-09 Testifies She Filled In Ballots For GOP Candidates
Well, that’s not true.
The Hildabeast lost by 4 mil because 7 million of her votes were fraudulent.
You lie.
That’s what liars do.
There is no credible evidence that seven million votes in the 2016 Presidential election were cats fraudulently.
formwiz, as usual, is lying.
That’s what liars do.
Only two states apportion their votes differently: Maine and Nebraska award the two electoral votes representing the senators to the overall state winner, and apportion the other electoral votes by congressional district. That’s how Donald Trump received one electoral vote from Maine, because he carried the second (of two) congressional districts.
But the Democrats would really hate that system, because they would fare even worse. In New York state, Donald Trump won 9 out of 27 congressional districts, meaning that instead of Mrs Clinton receiving all of the Empire State’s 29 electoral votes, she would have gotten 20, and Mr Trump 9.
In 2016, Mr Trump won 230 congressional districts and 30 states; that would have given him 290 electoral votes, and the presidency. Mrs Clinton won 205 districts, and 20 states, plus the District of Columbia. The Electoral college would have been closer, but with 248 votes she’s still a private citizen.
Don’t know a thing about US government. Try this stop making ignorant comments and take some courses or read a few books. You can do it, they teach dogs things so there is hope for you.
Do you know anything about republican government, Bill? Trump won at the ballot box to mount a majority of the Electoral College. That insures we don’t have a democracy which is the Tyranny of the Majority but rather helps represent the smaller states. Or do you believe it to be a better idea America be ruled (yes, ruled) by four or five populous states?
Which he did.
He won 30 states. The Beast only took 20.
You lose again.
That’s what losers do.
All you have is hate.
People in the Department of Justice, Intel community, and FBI need to go to jail.
They manufactured a fake dossier to start a rumor which ended up resulting in the witch hunt.
The attempted coup has failed.
Mueller, Strzok, Comey, Clapper, Clinton, Page, McCabe, Brennan:

All lied to Congress.
All lied to the American people.
All need to be prosecuted and serve time for their traitorous actions.
I’m a just world, all these people would have to pay. But we are likely just stuck with compilations of the liberals crying, which is so satisfying.
Sowing the wind is fun until……
Um … then why did you bring them up as “problems”? They don’t have merit. An argument can be made for them. But they are shattered, decimated — by the arguments against. So as long as you haven’t miseducated America to the point where we have no arguments against, you have to pretend you don’t really want these things.
Democrats ARE extremists.
It’s called Karma and it’s pronounced
“Haha F#ck You!”
[…] buddy Teach at Pirate’s Cove has up “Washington Post Pleads For Democrats To Stop Being Unhinged Nutters.” He knows […]
“Washington Post Pleads For Democrats To Stop Being Unhinged Nutters”
Now, THAT’S funny!
It’s even funnier that they think it’s a caricature that democrats are extremists.
“…allowing Trump to caricature Democrats as extremist.”
That’s not a caricature, simply a description.
The Democratic policy and platform for 2020.
Democrats, in their own madness, put themselves in boxes, supporting proposals that are impossible, extreme or oversimplified: Medicare-for-all. A Green New Deal. Guaranteed jobs for all. Impeachment. Reparations to African Americans. Packing the Supreme Court. Late-term abortion. Banning PAC contributions. Abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Legalizing marijuana. Eliminating the filibuster. Opposing all Trump judicial nominees. Boycotting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference. Abolishing the electoral college.
Cost? 100 trillion dollars.
Chances of ever happening? 0-100 percent depending on the voters and the MSM who are literally trying to work themselves out of a job.
Why you ask?
When communism takes over the first casualty is the truth, Media and Educators.
Looks like we’ll have to sentence Trump to six more years of presidency…