I know many who want tough border security were upset with KIrstjen Nielsen as Director of Homeland Security, but, it was a damned difficult job, especially as it bears on border security. There are laws as made by Congress, which continuously fails to strengthen border security nor give her the tools necessary to do the job. Further, Democrats are actively working to undermine border security. So, her replacement isn’t going to have a whole lot more luck. But, the NY Times Editorial Board hates him, so, maybe he will do better
Kirstjen Nielsen Enforced Cruelty at the Border. Her Replacement Could Be Worse.
Time finally ran out for Kirstjen Nielsen, President Trump’s beleaguered secretary of homeland security.
The terms of Ms. Nielsen’s departure were unclear. She met with the president on Sunday evening to discuss continuing problems at the southern border. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Trump said on Twitter that Ms. Nielsen “will be leaving her position†and thanked her for her service, implying he had asked her to step down. Ms. Nielsen issued a formal letter of resignation, saying it was the “right time for me to step aside.†Considering the long-simmering tensions between the president and Ms. Nielsen, the most surprising thing about her departure may be that it didn’t happen months ago.
The NYTEB then berates her for multiple paragraphs, forgetting that Obama was the one putting kids in cages, Nielsen had them in detention centers, as the law called for. Otherwise, the parents and kids would just be released into the interior on a pinkie promise to return for a hearing, which most do not. The Open Borders advocates have been doing everything possible to make her job and that of Customs and Border Patrol impossible by continuously helping form caravans to overrun the border, all claiming asylum, which most do not qualify for, but, it gets them into the U.S.
For now, Ms. Nielsen’s acting replacement will be Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. This leaves Homeland Security without a top official at either of its critical immigration agencies. It comes as the swell of migrant families across the border pushes the system toward collapse.
Within this leadership vacuum, it seems likely that more influence will be exerted by Mr. Miller, who inspires and reinforces Mr. Trump’s harshest ideas on immigrants and immigration.
Well, they really do not say much about McAleenan, despite the headline. If the system is heading towards collapse, then perhaps the NY Times should be taking the Open Borders advocates to task, rather than those who are trying to protect our borders. And the Democrats in Congress, who block all policy changes that could make a difference. But, they won’t
If Ms. Nielsen wants to perform one last act of public service, she could come clean about the costs of the policies she enforced over the past year and half, not only to the desperate migrants seeking a better life in the United States, but also to the thousands of employees of her department charged with carrying out an inhumane and ineffective set of policies.
What did they want her to do? You can either stop them and send them packing, detain them till the case can be adjudicated, or release them into the interior. The last is what is happening increasingly. What McAleenan should do is release them all in cities like San Francisco, NYC, Albany, Portland, and Seattle, among others. Let these Open Borders sanctuary cities then deal with the illegals.

Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska senator and governor called fellow Democrat Bill Clinton an “uncommonly good liar.”
Kerrey moved on to academia and now to an investment bank, but hasn’t lost the willingness to break ranks with his party. The habit surfaces in a withering criticism of current Democrats, where he says they are suffering from two major “delusions.â€
“The first DELUSION,†he writes in an op-ed “is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives.â€
He cites as examples the foolish push for the Green New Deal, wealth taxes and Medicare-for-all, all of which are being embraced by 2020 candidates.
The Dems’ second delusion, “is that Americans were robbed of the truth when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr concluded that President Trump did not collude with Russia in 2016.â€
He goes on to say there is no reason to think the full report will change the finding that Trump is an innocent man. A battle rages within the democratic party. The far left led by George Soros who is particularly interested in funding attorney generals not only on the statewide but in local elections. We are seeing the results of his actions in which EVEN the Chicago far leftist union has issued a no confidence vote in A George Soros funded AG who dropped all charges against Smollet and are asking for her resignation.
Stupid is as stupid does. No one is above the law unless you have bought and paid for the Attorney Generals all over the nation. In Texas in 2018. The Democrats picked up 50 judgeships almost all of which were funded heavily by George Soros and the left is upset with the Koch Brothers because they want cheap labor and now the left has embraced even the Koch Brothers thinking.
Insanity rules in America these days.
Here’s a close-up look at one of Trumps’ “detention centers”. He and his goons are putting children in cages.
No one expects Porter Good and his ilk to suddenly grow a conscience and oppose this practice. But it is happening nevertheless.
“It’s Hell Thereâ€: This Is What It’s Like For Immigrants Being Held In A Pen Underneath An El Paso Bridge
By Adolfo Flores
Posted on March 29, 2019, at 7:11 p.m. ET
Families are seen inside a temporary migrant holding area set up by Customs and Border Protection under the Paso del Norte International Port of Entry between Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, March 27, 2019, in El Paso, Texas.
EL PASO, Texas — Hundreds of migrants being held in an outdoor camp underneath a bridge that connects the US and Mexico told BuzzFeed News that had they known they’d face such harsh conditions at the Texas border before they left, they may not have made the journey.
The immigrants, held behind a chain-link fence topped with razor wire, said they’ve endured cold and windy nights sleeping on bare, rocky dirt underneath the Paso Del Norte International Bridge that links Ciudad Juarez and El Paso. Most of the immigrants had nothing but thin, mylar blankets. Above, roosting pigeons dropped feces on them.
US immigration officials said they have been overwhelmed by the influx of migrant families trying to enter the country, filling facilities to capacity, and forcing officials to temporarily house people under the bridge in what they describe as a transitional shelter.
On Thursday morning, as cars and travelers went back and forth across the two border cities on the bridge above, a group of immigrant men and a young boy talked and pointed to the razor wire that encircled them. Behind them was a line of portable toilets. On the floor were the metallic-looking plastic blankets they were given to brave the shivering cold.
Reporters were able to view immigrants inside the pen for a brief time before Border Patrol agents asked that they leave the area. Several immigrants at a nearby Greyhound bus station said they spent nights under the bridge before they were released pending scheduled appearances before immigration judges.
N. Rosales, a woman from Honduras who crossed into the US with her son, spent about three days under the bridge until she was moved to a Border Patrol holding cell at the adjacent processing facility. She asked that her full name or age not be used, fearing retaliation from immigration authorities.
Officials installed a large tent underneath the bridge, but it wasn’t large enough to hold everyone. Those who couldn’t fit inside the tent slept outside on the ground littered with rocks, Rosales said. Whether they were inside or outside the tent, Rosales said people had to sleep on the gravel.
Immigration agents would wake them up before sunrise for breakfast, she said.
“I see it as a punishment for entering the country illegally,†Rosales told BuzzFeed News. “Time moved so slow, it seemed like an eternity.â€
Four other immigrants at the Greyhound station in El Paso who were waiting for a bus to Miami, Chicago, or Boston corroborated the description of the conditions, but declined to use their names out of fear of authorities.
Andrew Meehan, CBP assistant commissioner for public affairs, said Border Patrol had issued warnings for several months that “the immigration system is broken” and at “critical capacity levels” along the southern border.
“CBP’s facilities and manpower cannot support this dramatic increase in apprehensions of family units and unaccompanied children,” Meehan said in a statement to BuzzFeed News. “USBP temporary holding facilities were simply not designed to process and care for a population of this size and of this demographic.”
Meehan said the number of families and children has forced CBP to seek every possible temporary solution to house, process, and care for people in their custody. The agency said it was providing full-time, onsite medical providers, as well as blankets, access to shower facilities, water, three meals a day with additional snacks, restrooms, and access to telephones.
Nearly every sector across the southwest border has exceeded their capacity, Meehan said. As a result Border Patrol has begun processing “non-criminal” families for immediate release under their own recognizance.
Roger Maier, a spokesperson for CBP, previously said officials set up the enclosure and tent underneath the bridge because of the large number of apprehensions in the area.
“As illegal aliens arrive at the processing facility, they are placed at the ‘tent’ to await their turn to be processed,†Maier said in a statement. “This tent serves only as a transitional shelter and is not a temporary housing facility. It was established within the last month.â€
The images of women, men, and children detained by authorities under the Paso del Norte Bridge were seen after Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of CBP, held a press conference nearby to discuss the “unprecedented humanitarian crisis†the agency was facing as more unaccompanied minors and a record number of families arrive.
Immigration officials said they’ve been overwhelmed by the number of Central American children and families they are holding in facilities originally built to detain single Mexican immigrants.
In the past, CBP would turn over migrants apprehended at the border to Immigration and Customs Enforcement — but both agencies said they don’t have the space to hold the number of people they’re seeing at the border.
As a result, officials said, Border Patrol has been forced to directly release migrant families in Texas’s Rio Grande Valley instead of waiting for ICE to pick them up. A Border Patrol official said the agency was planning to expand the practice of directly releasing migrant families to other areas of the border in El Paso, Yuma, San Diego, and possibly Del Rio because of overcapacity at facilities.
M. Gonzalez, a Honduran who crossed the border with his teenage brother and asked that his full name not be used, said riding on “The Beast†— a system of freight trains migrants use to traverse Mexico quickly — was easier than the conditions they faced under the bridge. The train is infamous for the number of lives and limbs it has claimed from migrants who fall off or are attacked by criminals.
“It’s hell there,†Gonzalez told BuzzFeed News. “The bridge is one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced.â€
Gonzalez, who spent about four days under the bridge, said the wind would funnel underneath it at night, making it feel dramatically colder. Their lips would chap and crack, he said, pointing to the pieces of peeling skin on his lips.
Droppings from the pigeons perched on the inside of the bridge fell on detainees, he said. Gonzalez said kids were constantly crying and some looked like they were about to faint.
“I regretted coming,†Gonzalez said. “I’m not sure I would’ve come if I had known.â€
During the days they could hear shouts from people they assumed were walking overhead.
“You’re not alone.â€
“You’re with God.â€
Others were less supportive.
“You’re not welcomed.â€
“Go back to your country.â€
Not everything was so horrible. The portable toilets were clean, the walls around them disinfected, and the water at the plastic portable sinks to wash their hands was refilled.
Rosales and Gonzalez said that before they made the journey to the US, they didn’t hear from friends or family who had successfully entered about the conditions they faced in detention.
Rosales thinks people are too ashamed to describe their experience. Then again, she said, some migrants are so desperate that warnings about conditions in immigration detention would do little to stop them.
Gonzalez said he had been told by undocumented people in the US it was safe to make the journey and nothing bad would happen to him.
“They said they let people with children pass,†Gonzalez said.
After spending days under the bridge, Gonzalez said he would be forthcoming with others back home about his journey.
“I’d tell people what it’s like,†he said. “If they want to risk it, that’s on them.â€
“The influx is overwhelming .Why yes, if you try to enter the US illegally, whatever consequence is the fault of the US…….Said no sane person ever..
Our esteemed host hit the nail on the head.
They should be repatriated to Mexico immediately upon capture. We won’t have to separate families, we won’t have to hold them in facilities or under bridges or whatever, if they are sent back to Mexico!
More, immediate deportation will send the message to other potential illegals: making the trip is useless, because you’ll be sent back.
Personally, I would like to see all of them fingerprinted and photographed, and even have a microchip implanted in their skulls, to be able to identify any second-time border crossers, to be able to add felony charges to them, so that they would know that getting caught a second time means the penitentiary for a few years, followed by immediate deportation.
And, and make the microchip rupture and release ricin inside the illegal if they try to take it out! That’ll Teach ‘en!
You do understand that most of these people are legally seeking asylum in the US, right?
“Personally, I would like to see all of them… have a microchip implanted in their skulls”
Hmmmm… now what is that reminiscent of… oh yeah…
Cherrypick, edit, conflate.
Yeah, that works.
Words, typing, random.
works, Yeah that.