I’ve been waiting for this for over a week, when it was first announced that it would be released
Scientists have obtained the first image of a black hole, using Event Horizon Telescope observations of the center of the galaxy M87. The image shows a bright ring formed as light bends in the intense gravity around a black hole that is 6.5 billion times more massive than the Sun pic.twitter.com/AymXilKhKe
— Event Horizon 'Scope (@ehtelescope) April 10, 2019
It’s 55 million light years away
(Fox News) Scientists have released the first-ever image of a black hole, revealing the distant object in stunning detail.
The groundbreaking discovery was made by the Event Horizon Telescope, an international project involving telescopes across the globe that describes itself as a “virtual Earth-sized telescope.†Telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona, Chile, Mexico, Spain and the South Pole participated in the ambitious research project.
The black hole was spotted in galaxy Messier 87 (M87) that is 55 million light years away. A light year, which measures distance in space, equals 6 trillion miles.
“We’re delighted to report to you today that we have seen what we thought was unseeable,” explained Dr. Shep Doeleman, director of the Event Horizon Telescope, during a press conference at the National Science Foundation Wednesday. “We have taken advantage of a cosmic opportunity.”
“”If immersed in a bright region, like a disc of glowing gas, we expect a black hole to create a dark region similar to a shadow — something predicted by Einstein’s general relativity that we’ve never seen before,” explained Heino Falcke of Holland’s Radboud University and chair of the EHT Science Council, in a statement. “This shadow, caused by the gravitational bending and capture of light by the event horizon, reveals a lot about the nature of these fascinating objects and allowed us to measure the enormous mass of M87’s black hole.”
There have been photos of the supposed lensing affect of black holes, but none that ever really showed one.

Not an actual image. It is a software enhanced creation from a multi-spectral computer data stream. But at least it is far superior to “artists concepts” that have passed for science so far.
I am glad you mentioned that. I am not familiar with the limits of this project. It seems that numerous radio telescopes are used, the hard drives are collected and taken to a central point and the image produced. I can see numerous points of failure and a potential to generate what you may desire to see. Do you know much more about the process?
this is cool. I love astronomy. I have a rather large telescope I set up all summer long and use expensive goto features to track, but this is simply beyond my scope. The images were 16 Petraflops of information from giant telescopes all over the world and had to be collated and put into the image above.
Just think of the amount of technology and effort that went into just this one image. its staggering.
Science is indeed cool. But for Porter Good, it is only cool so long as it tells him something he wants to know.
When it tells Good something that he would prefer he did not know, he always turns his back on science and runs to the friendly and comforting arms of ignorance and mendacity.
So he posts a quote from a well known author of science fiction.
Should I tell him what category of logical fallacies that falls under?
Your negativity is consistent and telling. It degrades your other post in which you may be trying to make a point and convenience others of you case. As it is you come across looking more like a nut and truthful utterances are discounted. I don’t know what Teach has done to you, but he tries very hard to give a balanced point of view. If the truth is so abhorrent to you, you can go elsewhere.
“I don’t know what Teach has done to you, but he tries very hard to give a balanced point of view.”
Very childish response.
Jeffery only knows the un- part of balanced.
I have come to believe that our child Bill is not Jeff. Bill has distinct elements of schizophrenia. Jeff, has some of this but Bill is much worse.
Oh, FFS. Can’t you just enjoy something without making it personal? You dont get invited many places a 2nd time, do you.
If Porter Good does not like being called out on his ignorance and mendacity, there is a simple solution:
Stop being ignorant and mendacious.
Good one Teach.

That’s the spirit.
Asimov is, of course, correct.
And nowhere is it on greater display than Jeffery’s willful obduracy in pushing climate nothing.
William Teach: It’s 55 million light years away
Sure, it is. That’s just what they want you to think. It’s the same fake science they use to make people believe in global warming or the moon landings. Where’s the raw data? Eh? And why did they have to “adjust” the data before providing the obviously contrived images?
Isaac Asimov: There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’
A lot of people don’t know that Asimov was not just a science fiction writer, but a scientist, with an MA and PhD in chemistry, and a professor of biochemistry at Boston University School of Medicine, where his personal papers are archived.
I figured that liberals would jump in with their negativity on everything. I am glad that you notice how easy it is to distort data for result. There are a number of books on the climate hoax, I would suggest you read them. I have looked at the literature on trying to prove the climate religion as being anything more than a scam, but they are not convincing. One of the major problems with the climate religion is the fact that taxes are the only solution and destruction of western economy is the holy grail of stopping the world from destruction in 12 years.
A lot of people don’t know that Asimov was not just a science fiction writer, but a scientist, with an MA and PhD in chemistry, and a professor of biochemistry at Boston University School of Medicine, where his personal papers are archived.
And of course the snooty professorial attitude that anyone who does not have a 150 IQ is certainly beneath him and not worthy of his time. When I went to college I ran across professors and students who had the attitude that the common man needed to be told what to do. None of us are worthy. We are ignorant savages who need to be kept in check.
The liberal mindset which runs to the plantation mentality of keeping them poor, keeping them on the plantation and keeping them voting for Democrats so they can be the sheeple the left needs. What ever happened to freedom of expression even if it is ignorant of all the scientific facts that supports a persons position.
Knowledge does not make one wise. Only smart. Wisdom makes one wise but not necessarily smart. I would much rather be wise than smart.
What a pity, then, that Mangoldielocks has failed to become either wise or smart. Observe his recent foolish display of stupidity regarding the ethnic heritage of Rep. Ted Lieu.
Which, of course, has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but Jeffery can’t get past the idea a Conservative black Republican female kicked the ass of a Japanese hack politician on national TV.
So now you have a problem with calling someone Japanese? Did I use a slur word. The point of my post was obvious to all. The ANGRY OLD WHITE MEN ON THAT HOUSE COMMITTEE had this information in waiting for when Candice OWENS a BLACK WOMAN arrived to give testimony. You can tell it was an ambush and you can see the snooty your beneath us attitude and Ill let your own TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT WORDS SPEAK FOR ME by Mr. however you spell his 4 letter name. You should be defending a BLACK WOMAN from a panel of angry WHITE DEMOCRATS NO MATTER WHAT HER POLITICS BUT INSTEAD ARE USING HER AS EXAMPLES OF RACISM. BESMIRCHING A BLACK WOMAN IS RACIST. YOU ARE PART OF THE @METOO movement and a sad example of one as well.
You are the racist here. Not me. I happen to know a black person. I once talked to one. I have eaten at an Asian restaurant. I once had a Hispanic framing crew frame my new home. In fact speaking of which the janitor at one of our schools is Hispanic. Don’t tell me I’m a racist. My daughter once dated a black man. I have actually seen muslims on TV and have thought to myself they have funny looking head apparel but of course I kept that to myself because people like you would call me a racist for thinking such absurd things. But after listing all my bonafides you will still be calling me a racist or stupid on every post I make and I laugh at you.
Of all the people to call racist I am not one. I even once called the NAACP and asked them a question for a college term paper. How dare you call me racist when you don’t even know me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember one thing. The air I expel is the air you breath. So now your a racist bigot homophone moron climate denying ignoramus you claim all the rest of us are. Its contagious. You even said we are now all dumber for having read something I posted so guess what. Your so much more dumber than you were before we ever crossed paths and the more you read here the dumber you become until I am afraid the men with funny white jackets will be coming for you soon.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Can I take pictures?
“So now you have a problem with calling someone Japanese?”
Mangoldielocks is still too fúcking stupid to understand why he made an utter fool of himself in regards to Ted Lieu’s heritage.
Paging Dr. Dunning, paging Dr. Kruger, white courtesy phone please…
“You can tell it was an ambush and you can see the snooty your beneath us attitude”
Someone who says that Hitler’s nationalism (which included stripping Jews of citizenship and, eventually, undertaking the Final Solution) was just fine until he tried to export it is beneath anyone with a moral center. This clearly excludes the raging imbecile calling himself “Mangoldielocks”.
And… would there have even been an “ambush” if Owens had not made the Hitler remark to begin with?
What context changes the fact that Owens was saying that Hitler was a great guy, but he just should have kept his murderous impulses confined to Germany’s borders? I do hope that the drooling cretin calling himself “Mangoldielocks” will enlighten us regarding this elusive “context”.
david7134: I have looked at the literature on trying to prove the climate religion as being anything more than a scam
Have you checked out the raw data on the black hole? You do know the data was “adjusted”?
If you sit and think for a bit, you might be able to say something even more stupid. Notice that I asked the prof if he had experience with this form of telescope. That is what scientist do. It also separates liberals from conservatives as I have seen far more liberals justifying there positions in what a web site tells them, conservatives seem to accumulate data and information before making an informed decision.
If you sit and think for a bit, you might be able to say something even more stupid.Â
Doubt it.
david7134: If you sit and think for a bit …
We did. You have apparently not examined the raw data, which has been significantly “adjusted”.
Oh, did they eliminate data which did not conform to the politically correct drama of the day?
Uncle Gene: did they eliminate data which did not conform to the politically correct drama of the day?
What data? The data isn’t available, but they have admitted to extensive adjustments to the data.
Likely the data has been utilized in an honest manner. But if they can develop a method of taxing us, then it will be contaminated, just like the climate religion.
Maybe they can show the black hole moving toward us and it can be stopped by a tax and destruction of western civilization.
david7134: Likely the data has been utilized in an honest manner.
You haven’t seen the data. They’ve admitted to “adjusting” the data. On what you base your claim?
As long as we’re using climate references, is the black hole going to kill us all in 12 years, or whatever the next guess is? Do we have to give up something here to keep from feeding the black hole? I didn’t think so
Have you checked out the raw data on the black hole? You do know the data was “adjusted�
You do realize that 97 percent of the scientists agree that this picture is accurate and does not contain fake science right? I mean come on.
Has it been adjusted to compensate for certain physical distortions or has it been adjusted to advance a lie?
Mangoldielocks: Have you checked out the raw data on the black hole? You do know the data was “adjusted�
That’s just it! The raw data is not available!
Mangoldielocks: You do realize that 97 percent of the scientists agree that this picture is accurate and does not contain fake science right? I mean come on.
But what do they know?! They’re just a bunch of know-it-alls. The bartender down the street says it isn’t true, so that’s definitive.
Wait you know the bartender? Now it makes sense. One ounce of booze destroys 1 million brain cells so you should break up with the bartender.
Why are they hiding the “black hole” data?
Why do you trust data from 55 million light-years away, but not trust thermometer data from Des Moines? Have climate scientists not “proven” to your satisfaction that the expansion of mercury with temperature has been adequately evaluated?
If the Professional Predator Class (ExxonMobil/Trump/GOP/Cons etc) saw the “black hole” as either a threat to their businesses or a benefit to the working classes they’d be attacking the scientists.
One question, they say the radio waves suggest the object is 55 million light years away. So where is it now? The object would have propagated that wave many years ago, but is subsequently moved.
55 million light years away!!
So the light we see took 55 million years to get here.
Do you wonder if it’s still there after 55 million years?
But they are claiming radio waves, much slower.
Is the speed of light variable in your world?
In my world and yours the pronouncement of Einstein was that speed of light is constant. But some have recently said it can be slowed.
Was trying to throw you a bone. Deniers could claim that since infrared is electromagnetic radiation moving at the speed of light, there’s no way that CO2 could ever intercept it as IR heads out to deep space.
OH NO. Once Again. Wrong.
Two papers, published in the European Physics Journal D in March, attempt to derive the speed of light from the quantum properties of space itself. Both propose somewhat different mechanisms, but the idea is that the speed of light might change as one alters assumptions about how elementary particles interact with radiation. Both treat space as something that isn’t empty, but a great big soup of virtual particles that wink in and out of existence in tiny fractions of a second.
The question is can it be possible that light which passes near the gravitation event horizon of a black hole is warped and changes speed? Or the dark and light matter which blinks in and out of existence has mass and masses pull on each other changing speed and direction.
As for Radio waves in regard to this event.
The speed of light c that is always talked about as the “speed limit of the Universe” is the speed of light in vacuum. Light travels slower in a medium, and how much slower can be dependent on the wavelength of the light.
Because it has been established that Light has mass it would be affected by the massive black hole. Any pictures seen is the light that managed to escape the black hole the enormous gravity slowing the radio waves even though minutely. Another factor at play here as with all radio telescopes as well as visual light is that light is altered when it encounters particles in space. Therefore light travelling thru a medium such as a Nebula which has mass and mass attracts mass and slows both spectral and radio waves to an nth degree their is a very real chance that light and radio waves for a time are not traveling the speed of light but something less than the speed of light because of the above effects on the light.
Are we just being silly again in the pursuit of trying to appear erudite?
Did you ever reconcile F vs C?
What app do you use to generate your randomly constructed sentences? Mad Libs?
If Porter Good does not like being called out on his ignorance and mendacity, there is a simple solution:
Stop being ignorant and mendacious.
Says the one who practices it every hour of every day.
This guy must lie in his sleep.
“But they are claiming radio waves, much slower.”
Just wow.
So you can’t enjoy the discussion as housing understand. Add another point to schizophrenia as they do have issues with learning and education, and are very immature.
On the contrary, I greatly enjoy watching ignorant dumbshÃt wingnuts like david7134 make very public fools of themselves by advertising their ignorance of basic science.
Then I get to enjoy the bonus of rubbing their noses in their own stupidity.
Wow! From the little Bear who hasn’t posted a fact all day.
Hey guys, I hear the evidence for the “Russian collusion†is somewhere in that black hole….
The black hole of Bill Barr’s integrity…
I just heard a great theory put forward by the left. The recently discovered a new previously unknown species. It is too bad they didnt reveal this earlier. Mueller could have subpoena’d it.
Did Dutch Formwiz loan you his random sentence generator?
Aww Bill Bear your attempt at angering me is hilarious. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. It is so much fun pissing you off. You should not go to a bar or out in public for that matter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You are hilarious. Your anger amazes even the great Creskin. I will now look into my crystal ball and tell you what I see.
I see an angry white man sitting on a commode with constipation typing on a cheap lap top his 400 lb momma bought him. He is angry that she is pounding on the door wanting to use the crapper so she buys a clapper and turns out the lights on you. Clap on Clap off the two of you turn the lights on and off without realizing you are actually typing responses and hitting enter.
The great Creskin speaketh. Can I get a hallelujah!!!!!?????