This has made Democrats and the Washington Post Very Upset, but, you can bet every Trump voter, and a whole lot of others who aren’t for Open Borders, is saying “that would be great!”
White House wanted detainees released to ‘sanctuary cities’ to target Trump’s foes
White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release detainees onto the streets of “sanctuary cities†to retaliate against President Trump’s political adversaries, according to Department of Homeland Security officials and email messages reviewed by The Washington Post.
Trump administration officials have proposed transporting detained immigrants to sanctuary cities at least twice in the past six months — once in November, as a migrant caravan approached the U.S. southern border, and again in February, amid a standoff with Democrats over funding for Trump’s border wall.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco was among those the White House wanted to target, according to DHS officials. The administration also considered releasing detainees in other Democratic strongholds.
White House officials first broached the plan in a Nov. 16 email, asking officials at several agencies whether members of the caravan could be arrested at the border and then bused “to small- and mid-sized sanctuary cities,†places where local authorities have refused to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation.
The White House told U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that the plan was intended to alleviate a shortage of detention space but also served to send a message to Democrats. The attempt at political retribution raised alarm within ICE, with a top official responding that it was rife with budgetary and liability concerns, and noting that “there are PR risks as well.â€
After the White House pressed again in February, ICE’s legal department rejected the idea as inappropriate and rebuffed the administration.
It’s a long front page article that kinda repeats the same information in a different way multiple times, and, despite it being pretty much almost all anonymous sources, it is entirely believable. They even call the people who brought it up “whistleblowers”, rather than leakers. But, at the end of the day, we do learn that this was pretty much a idea thrown against the wall, rather than any sort of actual policy proposal.
And why did DHS have a problem? Way down in the article we learn (Matthew Albence is ICE’s acting deputy director)
Albence replied that such a plan “would create an unnecessary operational burden†on an already strained organization and raised concerns about its appropriateness, writing: “Not sure how paying to transport aliens to another location to release them — when they can be released on the spot — is a justified expenditure. Not to mention the liability should there be an accident along the way.â€
So, it was pretty much about the money and time to move the illegals from the border to places like San Francisco. Heck, it’s 500 miles from San Diego to San Francisco, and, on California highways, that will surely take way more than 8 hours. And these aren’t just border detainees, but the ones caught in the interior by ICE. Anyhow, perhaps if Democrats weren’t such Open Borders advocates political plans like this wouldn’t be floated.

Just more Trumpian nonsense. It’s all a game to these people.
ICE and NHS pointed out it was a stupid joke, even by Trump standards.
Of course the low-information, cruel TRumpitista see it as great idea.
“The extent of this administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated,†said Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne. “Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable.â€
“The extent of this administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated,†said Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne. “Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable.â€
And yet the left keeps doing it.
Don’t see how lefties can object to this – after all, illegal alien preserves – I mean, “sanctuary cities”, of course – are all liberal creations specifically designated as “safe spaces” for these poor souls. How can they realistically object, unless they were simply posturing in the first place, as liberals do constantly?
Yes, it IS a game to “these people” – only it’s not the people you think. All Trump did was expose the massive hypocrisy of the “open borders” crowd.
Keep trying!
What exactly is wrong with this plan? Obama was loading up people on planes and flying them to OHIO, NORTH CAROLINA and RED STATES and dropping them off unannounced.
Via NY Times:
Hoping to stem the recent surge of migrants at the Southwest border, the Obama administration is considering whether to allow hundreds of minors and young adults from Honduras into the United States without making the dangerous trek through Mexico, according to a draft of the proposal.
Was this sick too? Why would releasing Illegal Immigrants into sanctuary cities where they are protected be any less disturbing than Obama flying people from Honduras and then releasing them into RED STATES?
In fact if you remember when he was president several states were up in arms when airplanes full of immigrants arrived with NO WARNING to the state and were allowed to disembark by the FEDS and states had no say other than, they now had to use state resources to pay for these people.
What is the difference. Why is Trump sick and Obama a God?
It was Trumpian nonsense. Intended to give boners to the tRumpitista. It worked.
Even his own ICE and DHS objected.
“What exactly is wrong with this plan?” was the question, which you haven’t answered. Because you can’t.
If “sanctuary cities” exist as havens for illegal aliens, how can those who support them oppose shipping illegals there?
OK with me.
But ask DHS and ICE what they find wrong with the plan. They say it’s expensive, counterproductive, impractical, makes their job harder, misallocates resources, opens them up to liabilities, etc.
This is just more Viagra that Trump is sprinkling on his band of flying monkeys to get them aroused. Mission Accomplished.
“This has made Democrats and the Washington Post Very Upset, but, you can bet every Trump voter, and a whole lot of others who aren’t for Open Borders, is saying “that would be great!—
Exactly. For Porter Good and his fellow sociopathic assclowns, political power has only one real purpose: to hurt people you despise.
That’s it. That’s all. Just like every other Trumpkin, Good is focused solely on how much pain can be caused to people he doesn’t like.
Feelings hurt, Boo Boo?
This is what Porter Good, and every single one of his groupies here, have become.
I would ask Good and his supporters to think long and hard about that fact… but self-awareness is a quality his kind loathes and avoids.
(emphasis mine in the article below)
“He’s not hurting the people he needs to beâ€: a Trump voter says the quiet part out loud
January 8, 2019
On Monday, the New York Times’s Patricia Mazzei published a dispatch from Marianna, Florida — a small, politically conservative town that depends on jobs from a federal prison and thus has been deeply hurt by the government shutdown. In the piece, Marianna residents grapple with the fact that President Donald Trump, who most residents support, is playing a role in the pain created by lost wages.
Most Marianna residents support Trump’s border wall, his key demand in the shutdown fight, and don’t blame him for the fight. But Crystal Minton, a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother caring for disabled parents, had a somewhat different reaction — one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump’s political appeal.
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,†Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.â€
He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.
Think about that line for a second. Roll it over in your head. In essence, Minton is declaring that one aim of the Trump administration is to hurt people — the right people. Making America great again, in her mind, involves inflicting pain.
This is not an accident. Trump’s political victory and continuing appeal depend on a brand of politics that marginalizes and targets groups disliked by his supporters. Trump supporters don’t so much love the Republican party as they hate Democrats, a phenomenon political scientists call “negative partisanship.†They like Trump not because he sells them on the GOP, but because they believe he’ll stick it to the Democrats harder than anyone else.
The president’s particular brand of identity politics — the racist attacks on blacks and Latinos, the Muslim ban, his cruel treatment of women — similarly depends on negative rather than positive appeals. Antoine Banks, a political psychologist at the University of Maryland, wrote a book on the connection between anger as an emotion and racial politics. When politicians gin up anger, an emotion that necessarily has a negative target, voters tend to think about the world in more racial (and racist) terms. Trump makes his voters angry, he centers that anger on hated targets, and that makes them want to take his side.
This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point.
But nothing you have said is the truth. If you sought out the truth, you would be happier. Now what is wrong with place illegal, law breaking folks in sanctuary cities. They obviously have the means of caring for them. Maybe it is your bigotry that is the problem.
LOLOLOL AT BILL BEAR. Obama shipped planeloads of Illegals to red states going so far as to fly them to states like OHIO and the states didnt even know they were coming.
I think its awesome. Put them all in California and NEW YORK. After all these places have vowed to care for them.
IN FACT New York just passed a law giving illegals more college funding while cutting funding to GOLD STAR CHILDREN.
Its awesome. Line Up the Planes. Here they come CA and NY.
Sending illegal aliens to the very cities who support and have an open door for them is now racist? How? I know, because it makes the radical leftist in those cities financially and culturally responsible for the positions they espouse. IOW, leftist hypocrites again!!! They say they are sanctuary cities for these people but when faced with them coming freak out. They are racists at heart and only don’t want these good, wonderful, clean, well educated folks is becaust they’re BROWN. Leftists are racists!!!
“Sending illegal aliens to the very cities who support and have an open door for them is now racist?”
Of course, no one has claimed that Trump’s plan is necessarily racist.
As usual, Kye is making shÃt up. He clearly lacks the intellectual integrity (and probably the intellectual capacity) to participate in an honest, rational, fact-based discussion of virtually any topic.
“I know, because it makes the radical leftist in those cities financially and culturally responsible for the positions they espouse.”
And Kye proves my point. Hurting other people is a core “value” of his kind.
No, you clearly said Trumps actions are racist. He has the best interest of all at heart. The politicians want them there and the cities and states desire there presence.
“No, you clearly said Trumps actions are racist.”
david7134 is, of course, lying. I have made no such statement in this comment thread.
Lying is a sacrament for wingnuts.
As expected, American Sanctuary Cities are lining up to take in the families that America’s first unAmerican “president” wants to discard.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
America is more decent than its “president”.
Our “president” offered to pardon the acting head of DHS if he would illegally keep asylum seekers from seeking asylum.
Could he, would he, pardon vigilantes who murdered immigrants at the border for him?
That would sure deter those “invaders”.
Well, um, This is… CNN
And they never ever lie.
Our “president†offered to pardon the acting head of DHS if he would illegally keep asylum seekers from seeking asylum.
There should be no penalty for anyone who enforces the immigration laws. The laws do not require that asylum seekers be let into the county and they can, in fact, be stopped short of sovereign US soil. A single judge said they had to be let in.
Funny how you support the illegal actions of a judge simply because the judge doesn’t like the law.
Why whine to me?
Your “president” offered the pardon. Why would he need to pardon his official for “following the law”?
And from where did the “Migrant Protection Protocols” originate?
Judges serve as a check on our Executive and Legislative branches. Why do you think the judge’s actions were illegal?
“Your “president†offered the pardon.”
Like you, they never lie.