Whether it was originally a serious proposal, a joke, or just throwing ideas against the wall, it matters nary because Democrat Open Borders advocates are twisting their own panties into massive knots in High Dudgeon. So, of course, Trump will further tweak their noses, because this is a hill Dems apparently want to die on
Trump says he is considering putting migrants in sanctuary cities
President Trump said Friday his administration is “giving strong considerations†to a controversial plan that would release migrants into so-called sanctuary cities, even though officials said the idea was never seriously considered.
In a pair of tweets, Trump accused Democrats of being “unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws†and suggested they should feel the consequences of what he has called the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Everything else says that the idea was discarded, being too expensive and too much of a pain to accomplish for ICE to implement. Transporting illegals a day or more away to sanctuary jurisdictions would suck up too many resources and time. But, Trump really does know how to troll Democrats and move them to Barking Moonbat level 10. Look at Senator Spartacus
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) hammered President Trump for reportedly telling the head of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that he would pardon him if he were jailed for violating immigration law.
“That should shake every American. We basically have a president telling people to break the law and that he will pardon you,†Booker, one of more than a dozen Democrats running for president, told MSNBC host Joy Reid.
By all accounts, it was not serious, but, you do you, Spartacus. Because I reckon that the coming polls will show that a majority of Americans don’t care about this, and are against illegal immigration. Hey, perhaps they could just send illegals to Seattle to help clean up all the used drug syringes
Seattle isn’t afraid of immigrants, Mr. Trump
Here’s a message to President Trump: Seattle is not afraid of immigrants and refugees. In fact, we have always welcomed people who have faced tremendous hardships around the world. Immigrants and refugees are part of Seattle’s heritage, and they will continue to make us the city of the future. (snip)
On Friday, Trump took to Twitter to confirm a Post report that the White House wants to place detained immigrants in so-called sanctuary cities represented by Democrats.
In doing so, he trotted out his favorite playbook: He is demonizing immigrants and refugees to incite fear and to distract the American public from his own failures. Despite his party having control of the whole federal government for two years, Trump has utterly failed to fix our immigration system, to provide real opportunity for middle America or to improve the lives of the Americans in the places that supported him.
And, in writing this, Jenny A. Durkin, Mayor of Seattle, trotted out a favorite trope, namely, conflating legal immigrants and actual refugees with those who are unlawfully present in the nation. And she should worry more about the city’s rising crime rate, unemployment rate, filth in the streets, and homeless arriving in droves.
If Democrats want to keep making a Big Deal out of this, Trump will continue to troll them. It takes him all of a minute or two to do, and then he moves on with his day, while Open Borders advocates spend the day fuming and writing pieces. They just can’t help themselves.

Once again, Porter Good proves that for him, hurting other people is the point.
I am certain that his mindless, morally bereft groupies will back him up on this.
(emphasis mine in the article below)
“He’s not hurting the people he needs to beâ€: a Trump voter says the quiet part out loud
January 8, 2019
On Monday, the New York Times’s Patricia Mazzei published a dispatch from Marianna, Florida — a small, politically conservative town that depends on jobs from a federal prison and thus has been deeply hurt by the government shutdown. In the piece, Marianna residents grapple with the fact that President Donald Trump, who most residents support, is playing a role in the pain created by lost wages.
Most Marianna residents support Trump’s border wall, his key demand in the shutdown fight, and don’t blame him for the fight. But Crystal Minton, a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother caring for disabled parents, had a somewhat different reaction — one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump’s political appeal.
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,†Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.â€
He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.
Think about that line for a second. Roll it over in your head. In essence, Minton is declaring that one aim of the Trump administration is to hurt people — the right people. Making America great again, in her mind, involves inflicting pain.
This is not an accident. Trump’s political victory and continuing appeal depend on a brand of politics that marginalizes and targets groups disliked by his supporters. Trump supporters don’t so much love the Republican party as they hate Democrats, a phenomenon political scientists call “negative partisanship.†They like Trump not because he sells them on the GOP, but because they believe he’ll stick it to the Democrats harder than anyone else.
The president’s particular brand of identity politics — the racist attacks on blacks and Latinos, the Muslim ban, his cruel treatment of women — similarly depends on negative rather than positive appeals. Antoine Banks, a political psychologist at the University of Maryland, wrote a book on the connection between anger as an emotion and racial politics. When politicians gin up anger, an emotion that necessarily has a negative target, voters tend to think about the world in more racial (and racist) terms. Trump makes his voters angry, he centers that anger on hated targets, and that makes them want to take his side.
This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point.
“And, in writing this, Jenny A. Durkin, Mayor of Seattle, trotted out a favorite trope, namely, conflating legal immigrants and actual refugees with those who are unlawfully present in the nation.”
Actually, Donald Trump himself conflates legal immigrants and actual refugees undocumented immigrants. But Porter Good lacks the honesty and integrity to tell his readers that.
Trump Doesn’t Need to Explain Which Immigrants He Thinks Are “Animalsâ€
May 17, 2018
By Mark Joseph Stern
At a roundtable discussion about California’s sanctuary policies on Wednesday, President Donald Trump made a remark that quickly dominated the news. Responding to a sheriff who complained that “there could be an MS-13 member I know about†but “cannot tell ICE about,†because of California’s immigrant-friendly policies, the president declared:
We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in—and we’re stopping a lot of them—but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals.
Trump’s dehumanizing rhetoric sparked instant controversy. Some outlets asserted that the president had called immigrants animals and noted that genocides are frequently preceded by the dehumanization of a minority group. Others hedged their bets, noting that Trump may have been referring to members of the MS-13 gang, the subject of the preceding comment. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that his father “was specifically talking about MS-13,†adding that “they are animals.†White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump was “very clearly†referring to gang members and scolded the media for “defend[ing] MS-13.†The AP even reporting on Trump’s response because “it wasn’t made clear that he was speaking after a comment about gang members.â€
This dispute largely misses the point. Yes, it is important to take the president’s words in context. Let’s consider that context: From Day 1, the Trump administration has strived to collapse the distinction between undocumented immigrants and gang members. Under Trump’s authority, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has ramped up its efforts to categorize law-abiding immigrants as “gang-affiliated,†thereby subjecting them to detention and deportation. Trump may have been referring to MS-13 specifically in his roundtable comment. But to the president and his immigration enforcement officers, virtually all Latino immigrants are possible MS-13 members. The two groups might as well be indistinguishable.
Trump, of course, has long implied that a majority of Latino immigrants are criminals. In his presidential announcement, he notoriously proclaimed: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.â€
This view has clearly fueled his governing philosophy. Shortly after entering office, Trump made two moves that eroded the critical distinction between criminal aliens and all others immigrants. First, he issued executive orders that dramatically expanded immigration agents’ ability to target, detain, and deport any undocumented immigrant, including those accused of no crime. Second, he appointed Thomas Homan to lead ICE, who quickly hired Jon Feere as a “special adviser.â€
Feere previously worked at the Center for Immigration Studies, an anti-immigration advocacy groups founded by John Tanton. An infamous white nationalist, Tanton once wrote that “for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.†He also warned of a “Latin onslaught†and questioned whether minorities “can run an advanced society.â€
At CIS, Feere focused on MS-13, arguing that, in order to take down the gang, law enforcement would need to engage in a broader crackdown on immigrant communities. In 2008, he authored a white paper arguing that lawmakers should cite the threat posed by MS-13 to justify much harsher enforcement of immigration laws. In a video flagged by the Intercept’s Lee Fang, Feere asserted that the best way to expel MS-13 is to drive immigrants out of public life under the assumption that a huge number of seemingly innocent individuals are secretly affiliated with gangs.
It is no surprise that Homan hired Feere; the ICE chief frequently deploys xenophobic rhetoric and reportedly refers to undocumented immigrants as “tonks,†a slur derived from the sound of beating in an immigrant’s head. Once installed at the agency, Feere found that the groundwork for his CIS proposals had already been laid. Since 2006, ICE has been building a database of ostensible gang members that uses outrageously vague criteria as gang-affiliated, allowing agents to categorize an immigrant as a gang member on the basis of uncorroborated hearsay. The agency also draws from state-level databases like CalGang that are similarly overinclusive. For example, a state audit of CalGang in 2016 found that 42 individuals under the age of 1 were considered gang members — including 28 infants who allegedly “admitted to being gang members.†A few other examples of individuals falsely labeled as gang members:
• ICE accused an undocumented immigrant named Sergio of being a gang member because he had the letters “H.S.†tattooed above one eyebrow. “H.S.†were the initials of his daughter, but ICE insisted that they stood for the “Hillside gang.†No such gang exists.
• Police officers in Salt Lake City conducted a “gang sweep†in a high school by entering classrooms, photographing 24 students of color, and adding them to a gang database. They appear to have targeted these students exclusively on the basis of their skin color.
• ICE revoked a Dreamer’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program status and accused him of being “gang-affiliated†because he had a tattoo commemorating his birthplace. A federal judge later ruled that ICE agents were lying about the Dreamer’s alleged gang affiliation.
It is essentially impossible to have one’s name removed from a gang database. And as soon as immigrants has been added to the system, they become high priorities for detention and deportation. That’s why, under Trump, ICE agents are eager to use whatever “evidence†they can to accuse as many immigrants as possible of membership in a gang. In 2017, one ICE officer, candidly acknowledged this strategy to CBS correspondent Margaret Brennan. During a ride-along with ICE during an immigration raid, Brennan witnessed agents classify an individual as an associate of MS-13 without any indication that he actually was. She asked an ICE agent, Jason Molina, why they’d given the immigrant this groundless label.
“The purpose of classifying him as a gang member or a gang associate,†Molina responded, “is because once he goes in front of an immigration judge, we don’t want him to get bail, because the whole point of this operation is to get these known gang members off the street.†Molina effectively conceded that his agency maligns undocumented immigrants as gang members in order to justify their arrest and expedite their deportation. Evidence of gang membership is optional.
So, back to the question at hand. Who are the animals to whom Trump referred on Wednesday? Sure, he may have meant individuals accused by his administration of associating with MS-13. But since ICE operates under the assumption that every undocumented immigrant it nabs is an MS-13 member, the distinction disappears. With the president’s blessing, America’s immigration agents have come to brand all undocumented immigrants as gang members. Trump’s defenders want us to consider his comments in context. And the context is that “animals†are whomever ICE decides to dehumanize for their own convenience.
And yes, I am aware that the instant reaction of the flaming imbeciles who are Porter Good’s bootlickers will be nyahh nyahh Slate.
This proves only one thing — that not one of the drooling morons who back Porter Good have the brains to actually discuss the facts.
“And yes, I am aware that the instant reaction of the flaming imbeciles who are Porter Good’s bootlickers will be nyahh nyahh Slate.”
That’s because Slate is a fact-free site, as the quoted article proves. The “animals” quote has been debunked over and over again. He was referring to MS-13 members, as anyone with a brain (i.i, not liberals) can clearly see.
“This proves only one thing — that not one of the drooling morons who back Porter Good have the brains to actually discuss the facts.”
Let’s see some. All you’ve presented – ever – has been opinions and quotes from inaccurate leftie rags.
Thanks for playing! You lose.
“That’s because Slate is a fact-free site”
It is because alanstorm and his fellow raging cretins here lack the intellectual capacity to come up with anything beyond attacking the source.
I thank raging cretin alanstorm for being a sterling example of his kind.
SEATTLE is dying.
“Let me ask you something. What if Seattle is dying and we don’t even know it?†So begins Eric Johnson’s sobering look at present-day life in The Emerald City, a city in obvious advanced stages of decline. Seattle Is Dying is the title of a powerful hour-long documentary by Johnson, a news anchor for KOMO, the ABC News affiliate in Seattle.
The Mayor of Seattle will not let the police round up drug addicts crapping on sidewalks, stealing clothing from stores, destroying property and other crimes to numerous to mention. The News Affiliate did a poll of police officers asking them to comment. Not a one responded. They then offered them anonymous means to respond and there was not one single positive comment because the politicians in Seattle are basically BATSHIT CRAZY.
But Bill Bear knows this. He is a paid bully. Michael Knowles had a chemical thrown on him on his opening sentence when ASKED to deliver a speech at Missouri University. Bullying and verbal assaults along with physical threats of violence and attempted outing and doxing is all the left has in its bag of debate tactics.
When asked if they are Capitalist not a single candidate so far will answer that question which is alarmingly telling.
Bill Bear never debates. He simply posts long and laborious letters written by someone else. He is here to bully and his enemic attempts are comical. Unless Jeffy is a schizoid he makes Jeffy look quite sane.
Mango typed: “Michael Knowles had a chemical thrown on him on his opening sentence when ASKED to deliver a speech at Missouri University.”
Knowles alleged that a protestor attempted to shoot bleach from a water gun on him but was unsuccessful. The protest occurred at UMKC (Kansas City). Knowles was invited by a right-wing student group to denigrate transgender people.
In an early interview, candidate John Hickenlooper clumsily wouldn’t say he was a “proud capitalist” (he is… he was a geologist for an oil company, in 1988 started a successful and continuing brewery and restaurant in Denver). Can you cite the other candidates who alarm you by not answering if they’re a capitalist? Why aren’t you alarmed that our current ‘president’ is a proud predator capitalist and is the worst US President in history (after only 2.5 years!).
Knowles was attacked. Successful or not is immaterial. He was invited to speak and was bullied by the left who refuses to listen to free speech. Your horrible attitude of defending anyone attacking another’s right to free speech is beyond troubling. NO one had to go listen to him. Its not like he was Shouting from a soap box in the middle of campus. I do not go listen to leftists rail about Capitalism while driving home in their BMW’s.
There has been more than Hickenlooper. Tulsi did as well when confronted.
Others have said they believe in capitalism it just needs to be fixed. Solution.(From Harris, Booker and Warren) Give the poor money. Baby Bonds. Solution Give MY money to them. That doesn’t fix anything. That simply keeps the system in place and redistributes the wealth.
Heres a novel idea. How about create good jobs. Keep companies in America. Offer hope. Get together and fix healthcare instead of using it for votes of which both sides are extremely guilty of doing. 2016 the GOp claimed they could repeal and replace Obamacare and got a mandate to do so. They then failed to even have a ff’ing plan. They got spanked in 2018. They will get spanked in 2020 which is why Pelosi wont offer a fix to Obamacare. She wants them to lose more votes all at the expense of people suffering with SHITTY insurance.
As predicted: drooling moron Mangoldielocks lacks the intellectual capacity to conduct a fact-based, honest, rational discussion of the topic.
I thank Mangoldielocks for his cooperation.
“…long and laborious letters…”
Translation: WAAAAAHHHHH… Mommy make the bad man stop! He’s posting facts! He’s using words with more than one syllable! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Fùcking pig-ignorant crybaby.
Fùcking pig-ignorant crybaby.
As predicted: drooling moron Mangoldielocks lacks the intellectual capacity to conduct a fact-based, honest, rational discussion of the topic.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Did you know Bill Bear that the definition of moron is: a very stupid person. How to use moron in a sentence. a very stupid person; a person affected with mild mental retardation.
So you are making fun of the mentally unfit. I remember once when the left went off on trump for making fun of the handicapped and now here you are making fun of all us morons and mentally handicapped people.
Forshame. I would think a regressive bully like you would have better things to do that beat up on morons, but alas you are what you are. A racist, who beats up on handicapped people for fun because you are so angry over something that happened in your life. I bet you suffer road rage, beat people up in the parking lots for taking your parking spot and march with a mask on your face throwing gasoline on cop cars.
“So you are making fun of the mentally unfit.”
I am stating a fûcking fact about Mangoldielocks.
I am stating a fûcking fact about Mangoldielocks.
I am handicapped. You are berating me. You are an evil person.
Billy BEAR took an ax
Gave those Trumpers 40 whacks
When he saw what he had done
Gave those Cons 41.
I wished we could find out who you are. I am afraid for the people who live near you or with you. I think you need a serious mental evaluation.
Shorter Mangoldielocks:
WAAAAAHHHHH!!! MOMMY!!! Make the bad man stop pointing out my blatant stupidity!
“I am handicapped.”
Oh, suuuuuure he is. How conveeeeenient.
I wished we could find out who you are. I am afraid for the people who live near you or with you. I think you need a serious mental evaluation.
“I am handicapped.â€
Actually I am handicapped. Have been since 2000. Not that you care because you need a mental evaluation. I’m pretty sure you would knock me out of my wheel chair and spit on me if I was wearing a Maga Hat on the street.
Actually, several Sanctuary Cities are stepping forward, telling the “president” to bring it on.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Trump has no idea how to interact with decent Americans.
The difference between Trump and Obama is Trump just makes these stupid comments about what he should do.
Obama actually rounded up immigrants and DID IT and no one said a word. That was just swell he was sending them by AIRPLANE TO RED STATES.
Seriously Jeffy. You should be a bit more like Tim POOL. Even Jimmy Dore a progressive from the young turks who has his own YouTube show. Watch them both. You would learn a lot and realize one over riding thing. The left or the right dont have all the answers.
And right now. CNN just did a lamblasting of PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATES ON THEIR PROGRAMMING ridiculing them for their inability to Say they are capitalists. DO YOU KNOW WHY?
Well if you watched Jimmy Dore you would but I will tell you why. CNN and MSNBC are CORPORATISTS owned by CORPORATIONS YOU RAIL AGAINST. Do you actually think they are going to be all in for anti-capitalist communists running the democratic party?
See this is what I mean by you don’t understand your own party let alone the GOP. The GOP does not exist. It is taking over many positions once held by YOU. But because you can’t see past the brainwashed idea that Trump is a racist because some of his followers are then you will never see the true concept of what is happening to both parties.
The GOP is moving center and the democrats are moving crazy left in response to the right taking over many of their old positions.
Immigration checks at the border. Anti-War. Infrastructure spending. These are just a few positions once held by the left but now are firmly in the rights camp. It is why Hispanics are moving to Trump. They look around and not ONE PERSON has been rounded up that is a legal resident or here legally. Those ILLEGALS are taking VOTERS JOBS. They get it. the Left doesn’t.
That’s just the point, thank you. The US has become a plutocracy where the wealthy control the government. Trump is their crowning glory – a malleable authoritarian who does their bidding. Men like Trump are predators roaming the land taking what they can and working to make it all perfectly legal through their control of government. Now they ARE the government.
Trump is hardly their crowning Glory. Seriously? OMG JEFFY. Come on. You hate Trump. I get it. He is hardly their crowning glory. Remember when the markets crashed when he was elected? Remember when they were going up and up as HRC was sure to win the election.
The real corporatist and crowning Glory for big business was supposed to be HRC. All Trump has done is cut the income tax for corporations SO THEY MOVE MONEY BACK TO THE USA WHERE IT IS CHEAPER.
CNBC’s headline has been picked up by most news outlet, both liberal and conservative: Apple will make a $350 billion “contribution†to the U.S. economy over the next five years, although it’s unclear exactly how the company came to that number.
The company also said it will spend over $30 billion in capital expenditures, create 20,000 stateside jobs, and open a new campus within the next five years.
You can google this all day of the companies returning investments to the USA. He has simply made it profitable for companies to BE IN THE USA not overseas.
Jeffy your side is losing the battle with the middle class. This Green New Deal has the unions terrorized as almost everyone of the major unions would be drastically affected by this DEAL. Trump is the Molotov cocktail as Michael Moore said who could NEVER return jobs to the USA. Yeah we are seeing how that is working out.
How many of these “huddled masses” have you taken into your home and fed and clothed. I bet none you lousy lying hypocrite. When you start pointing your finger aim it first at yourself! You are not a “decent American”.
“How many of these “huddled masses†have you taken into your home and fed and clothed. I bet none you lousy lying hypocrite.”
Which is exactly how the racist assclown Kye would want it. After all, the cruelty is the point.
I wished we could find out who you are. I am afraid for the people who live near you or with you. I think you need a serious mental evaluation.
“They look around and not ONE PERSON has been rounded up that is a legal resident or here legally.”
ICE detains legal resident who lived in US for 50 years
Trump administration ‘denied Muslim detainee’s green card application after Border Patrol fed him pork for days’
Mangoldielocks is a fücking liar. As usual.
I wished we could find out who you are. I am afraid for the people who live near you or with you. I think you need a serious mental evaluation.
Notice that fücking liar Mangoldielocks is suddenly changing the subject after his mendacity has been exposed.
You sir need a mental evaluation. I fear for your family, friends and neighbors. I fear for the city, town and state in which you live. Please seek help!
“Databases reveal that Mr. Garcia has past criminal convictions that make him amenable to removal from the United States,†ICE said in a statement to The Mercury News. “Mr. Garcia is currently in ICE custody pending removal proceedings, where an immigration judge with the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) will determine whether or not he has a lawful basis to remain in the United States.â€
LPR status is not really permanent; there are many circumstances that can lead to loss of status.
These circumstances include certain criminal conduct, extended absences from the United States,
assisting other persons to enter the U.S. unlawfully, using false documents, and making false
claims to U.S. citizenship.
He’s just doing what you do all the time.
In your case, it’s always when you know you’re beaten.
In his, it’s exasperation.
There really is something seriously wrong with Bill Bear, Mangoldielocks. You hit the nail on the head. He strikes out in such hate when someone makes a mistake or overstates something or just disagrees with him. He becomes unhinged. I wonder if he is on medication or undergoing some form of psychotherapy? His irrational thrashing and seething hate seems dangerous to those around him as you pointed out. Something needs to be done before this off-hinged idiot goes completely bonkers on his family. Maybe his family sexually abuses him and keeps him in the basement living in his own waste. That would explain his hate for so many people who are guilty only of being Americans who don’t agree with the Great Bill Bear. He’s a nut case.
“That would explain his hate for so many people who are guilty only of being Americans who don’t agree with the Great Bill Bear.”
Kye is guilty of being a liar and a bigot. Liars and bigots do not deserve kindness or respect. They deserve to be called out for what they are.
If Kye doesn’t like being called a liar and a bigot, there is a simple solution:
Stop being a liar and a bigot.
You sir need a mental evaluation. I fear for your family, friends and neighbors. I fear for the city, town and state in which you live.
You first.
It’s just Jeffery off his meds.
OH and INCIDENTLY the man is not a citizen of the USA and indeed has been here illegally even if it has been for 50 years. So find another example please.
Garcia will have an opportunity in immigration court to raise a defense against his removal from the country
“OH and INCIDENTLY the man is not a citizen of the USA and indeed has been here illegally even if it has been for 50 years.”
Mangoldielocks is lying — again.
Garcia received his green card and became a permanent legal resident in 1988.
Keep lying, moron.
You need help. Seek mental health. I believe Obamacare pays for it.
According to HuffPost, several lawyers and advocates, including Mr Asif’s attorney Cathy Potter, believe the detainee’s religion might have a role in the rejection of his green card application.
A lawsuit in 2012 discovered that USCIS places additional scrutiny on green card, visa and citizenship applications from nationals of select Muslim-majority countries, including Pakistan, which is Mr Asif’s nation of origin.
UNDER OBAMA which was the DEPORTER IN CHIEF was the one who put in place these restrictions. He arrived in 2014 under Obama. It was not until 2018 that he was denied access to a green card under the same rules PUT IN PLACE BY OBAMA.
Read the decision. Its there to see.
Databases reveal that Mr. Garcia has past criminal convictions that make him amenable to removal from the United States
So they have the right under law.
Who’s the moron?
Mr Asif moved immigrated to Spain from Pakistan as a child. He was granted citizenship in Spain. Then in 2014, he visited the US to visit his uncle and cousins in New York City. When he travelled to Columbus, Ohio, where his uncle owns and operates a gas station, Mr Asif met Jennifer and began dating. Rather than returning back to Spain, Mr Asif stayed to continue dating her which left him undocumented after three months in the US.
So he was undocumented and the United States is picking on someone illegally. Seriously. You need mental help. You cant even cut and paste to prove a point let alone debate real positions. Seek help Bill. I prescribe bed rest and a year off from any computer. That will be 250.00 please.
“Although Mr Asif had a work permit allowing him to legally work in the country while his green card application was pending, Border Patrol detained the Pakistani immigrant for six days.”
Keep lying, moron.
Let me put this where it belongs.
According to HuffPost, several lawyers and advocates, including Mr Asif’s attorney Cathy Potter, believe the detainee’s religion might have a role in the rejection of his green card application.
A lawsuit in 2012 discovered that USCIS places additional scrutiny on green card, visa and citizenship applications from nationals of select Muslim-majority countries, including Pakistan, which is Mr Asif’s nation of origin.
UNDER OBAMA which was the DEPORTER IN CHIEF was the one who put in place these restrictions. He arrived in 2014 under Obama. It was not until 2018 that he was denied access to a green card under the same rules PUT IN PLACE BY OBAMA.
it has been claimed.
Just another bogus hate crime.
And clearly Jeffery is losing again.
You are a very tolerant person regarding the commentors on the blog, but I would say that there is one who has gone quite over the limit with direct personal attacks, name-calling, and other breaches of good conduct. In just about any other social situation he would have long since been shown the door.
“Teach: You are a very tolerant person”
That is true. Porter Good tolerates bigots, racists, liars, and cowards on his blog.
What a guy!
Bill you need help. Please seek out mental health care providers. I believe Obamacare pays for it.
Well, then you should thank him for tolerating your odious presence.
Indeed. He is a saint for allowing the mentally ill to have unfettered access to his website and to berate and harass not only himself but everyone who dares to opine.
Today’s rancor between the minds of reason and the dysfunctional brain of Bill Bear is indicative of the type of crazy nonsense I ran across all week.
While perusing the internet this week I noticed an up tick in leftist trolls on non-leftist web sites. They seem to be getting more agitated and their ability to reason at all is completely gone. It’s mostly the usual racistwhitenationalwhiteprivilege bile tossed about at anybody not genuflecting to the victim color du jour or offering up enough “white guilt” or self hate to assuage the relentless need for penance for some dumbass perceived insult or action. But there seems a new tone of deep seething hate for anyone not on board with the most radical communists in the party like AOC or the most despicable anti American Mohammadans like Rashida Tlaib and that creature Ilhan Omar.
I also noticed the leftists are bobbing and weaving about Bernie admitting he’s rich (finally!) and the complete failure of the green new deal to gain any traction with anyone other than their co-conspirators in the press or the usual already convinced of weak mind, children, criminals or the insane (the bulk of the party). Anecdotally, a friend from the VFW* announced yesterday he switched from a life long Dem to Republican “due to the Dem party becoming the communist party in America” (direct quote). I welcomed him to the world of saneness, love and reason with a drink. He did admit he noticed we’re always happy and the leftists are always “pissed-off” and that may have had something to do with it. It takes a lot of energy to walk around all day mad. It’s exhausting.
Seems the leftist trolls are flabbergasted that all their old ideas aren’t inspiring new recruits. They are also so agitated they are contemplating violence. I was at a few of my favorite crazy-azzed leftist blogs and they wanted “action”. They are very hateful people if you don’t agree with them from doxxing and trying to keep people unemployed to physical assaults. Seems the mental problem of pathological leftism is teetering on the edge. Perhaps President Trump’s victory in 2020 will be the push they need to go all Bolshevik on us. Time will tell.
The same observations can be made here at The Pirate’s Cove. Our resident leftist crazies have been getting more and more insulting and disrespectful which usually is indicative of a failing philosophy and they are realizing it. The nastier they get the more we know they are losing.
VFW- for Bill Bear- this is a club comprised of American war veterans who actually fought in foreign lands for our country as opposed to cowards who never served their country and gain a perverse pleasure by insulting those who have.
In looking at the comments it is clear that you are the one who does not know the truth. You are very hateful for no reason. Teach really does need to report you as your type would harm others.
You say you are disabled,that means you are living on our tax money, I have seen folks like you for the last 40 years and most often you could do something that would keep you out of our tax money. But instead of gratitude for the people here keeping you in comfort, you attack us for no reason. Really a disgusting piece of work.
“You say you are disabled”
david7134 is, of course, lying. I have never claimed to be disabled.
Lying is what david’s kind does.
Lying is all they know.
Perhaps you should read you comments.
It was Mango who claimed to be disabled, not Bill Bear.
Will you now berate Mango for sucking at the teat of the taxpayers?
And didn’t you once claim to have made a fortune treating Medicare and Medicaid patients?
No, mango is a good guy and paid his dues. You can tell leeches such as yourself who have taken money as grants and then expect us to pay more. Mango is not pushing for taxes and wealth destruction as you and Bill do. I wish him the best and am sorry if I put him out. Not so for bill.
Got it, dave.
You believe disabled liberals are parasites, but disabled conservatives have paid their dues and deserve handouts. And you believe that Trump thinks the same way you do, and will harm 100 million Americans if he can.
Do you oppose Medicaid, Social Security (disability) and Medicare, all they while having taken millions out of the system?
Your savior is a small man but with a huge moral void, and ugliness inside and out. No true American could back him.
“”Perhaps you should read you comments.
Perhaps david7134 should stop lying.
Of course, if he did so, he would have nothing whatsoever to say.