Really, Trump threatening to send illegal aliens to sanctuary jurisdictions was initially just throwing food against the wall and seeing if it would stick. When told by ICE and DHS that it wasn’t a good idea due to the cost and time involved, Team Trump moved on. The the Washington Post published an article on it, and Trump and his team ran with it. Why? Because it drives Democrats nuts, exposes many as Open Borders advocates, and also highlights the hypocrisy of the illegal alien supporters who didn’t want the illegals sent to their towns.
But, hey, you know what it’s really about? Trump being mad at urban centers who didn’t vote for him, per Excitable Ronald Brownstein
Trump’s battle with sanctuary cities is the next phase of his confrontation with urban America
President Donald Trump’s threats to relocate undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers to “sanctuary cities” capture his determination to constantly press the boundaries of law and morality with hardline immigration policies. But it may reveal even more about his political posture toward the nation’s biggest population centers.
n 2016, Trump lost the largest metropolitan counties by a bigger margin than any Republican presidential candidate in modern times. In 2018, House Republicans were routed in suburban districts not only in metropolitan areas already trending toward Democrat — such as the suburbs of Denver, Philadelphia, Seattle and northern Virginia — but also in places that had still leaned toward the GOP, including Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Richmond and even Oklahoma City.
But rather than looking to rebuild bridges with these growing population centers, Trump appears determined to use them as a foil to energize his predominantly non-urban base.
“He wants to portray cities as alien to the two-car garage in Naperville,” outgoing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told me in an interview, referring to a suburb west of his city. “They want to make the soccer mom more scared.”
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan likewise wrote in the Washington Post last weekend: “So if this president wants to send immigrants and refugees to Seattle and other welcoming cities, let me be clear: We will do what we have always done, and we will be stronger for it.”
See? Orange Man Bad! Jenny Durkan, though, never expressly said that Trump should send illegal aliens to Seattle. Nor are any other mayors, or even Governors of sanctuary states like California, offering to actually take illegals.
And Orange Man wants to intentionally punish all those urban areas which didn’t vote for him by…..sending them the illegal aliens who Democrats say are awesome and great and contribute? If illegals are so super duper awesome, then how would sending them to these big cities which are sanctuaries be any sort of punishment?

“And Orange Man wants to intentionally punish all those urban areas which didn’t vote for him by…..sending them the illegal aliens who Democrats say are awesome and great and contribute?”
Nope. Porter Good is being deliberately stupid — again. (At least, one can hope that Good’s stupidity is an act. It must be noted that one has reason to doubt this frequently.)
Trump wants to intentionally punish all those urban areas which didn’t vote for him by sending them people who he claims are *”people that have lots of problems… bringing drugs… bringing crime… rapists… killers… bad ones… These aren’t people — these are animals”.
From Trump’s point of view, he is in fact plotting to send immigrants to areas that did not vote for him specifically for purposes of retaliation against voters in those areas.
Porter Good knows this. He simply lacks the intellectual integrity to admit the truth.
Lack of intellectual integrity — lack of basic honesty — is what has come to define Porter Good over the past years. That, of course, has been Porter Good’s deliberate choice. And that is why Porter Good supports Donald Trump: he recognizes in Trump a kindred spirit.
Funny that you talk about integrity and then push the lie that Trump was referring to all immigrants, legal or illegal, as “animals”
But good of you to admit that sending illegal aliens to these cities and/or states is punishment.
“Funny that you talk about integrity and then push the lie that Trump was referring to all immigrants, legal or illegal, as “animals—
He was. You’re just too fùcking dishonest to discuss that fact.
That is who Trump thinks he’d be sending to sanctuary cities. He believes that he is using people as weapons of political retaliation. And that is the action that his masses of hateful followers are cheering.
“But good of you to admit that sending illegal aliens to these cities and/or states is punishment.”
I didn’t. You’re a fùcking liar, just like Porter Good and Donald Trump.
Funny how the guy who claims everybody else lies does more of it than everybody else.
That quote is Trump talking about MS-13.
And the tactic was something deeper than Jeffery’s zero-dimensional mind can grasp. It was about getting a decision by a Federal judge that ruled “asylum seekers” must be quartered here, rather than sent back to Mexico. A 3 judge panel of (are you ready?) Ninth Circus stayed the order.
The idea he could turn Pelosi Galore’s Hashbury district into Guadalajara was just icing on the cake.
“Nor are any other mayors, or even Governors of sanctuary states like California, offering to actually take illegals.”
Porter Good is, of course, lying — again.
=== begin quote ===
Many mayors of America’s sanctuary cities stood ready to accept migrants seeking asylum with a warm embrace.
• “It’s time to stop fanning hate and division @realDonaldTrump — I’ve been consistent and clear: #Oakland welcomes all, no matter where you came from or how you got here,†Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf (D) tweeted after Trump claimed “the Mayor of Oakland and other Sanctuary Cities†did not want “detained immigrants.â€
• “We need a Pres. who is willing to push for sensible solutions, not political pettiness. Until then, mayors will continue to clean up the mess created by this admin’s dysfunction & welcome families who’ve faced incredible hardship to be part of our nation,†San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (D) tweeted.
• “Of course,†Lori Lightfoot (D), Chicago’s next mayor, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper when asked if she welcomed migrants under Trump’s proposal. “We have immigrants from all over the world who call Chicago their home. They’ll continue to do that, and we’re going to continue to make sure that this is truly a welcoming community for those immigrants and we want them to come to the city of Chicago.â€
• “As a welcoming city, we would welcome these migrants with open arms, just as we welcomed Syrian refugees, just as we welcomed Puerto Ricans displaced by Hurricane Maria and just as we welcome Rohingya refugees fleeing genocide in Myanmar,†Chicago’s current Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) said.
• “We have already been working alongside partners to ensure that recently arrived families, women and children get the services they need to make their successful transition into America,†Mayor Steven Hernandez (D) of Coachella, Calif., told The Daily Beast’s Scott Bixby and Sam Brodey last week.
• “Fine by me,†Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone (D) of Somerville, Mass. fired back on the proposal. “But does he realize that the moment after people get ‘placed’ they’ll start moving to wherever they want to go? Every city has an open border.â€
• “Somerville has experienced a continuous wave of immigration now for well over a century of Europeans and those from the Caribbean and Central and South America,†he said in a telephone interview. “We speak more than 52 languages in our neighborhoods and our schools. We embrace it.”
=== end quote ===
Porter Good really needs to work on his lying problem. It’s getting worse.
Aw Boo Boo, so much hate, so much stupid, and so early in the morning…
If you look, none of them actually say they want them.
A few platitudes and that’s it.
That’s what Democrats do.
If you look, you can easily see that formwiz is lying.
That’s what liars do.
Trump is just Trolling the Left. With this one tweet, he has gotten the entire Left to universally reject the party line they held onto just last week: that immigrants were a welcome addition to their communities. Now they are a “burden” and a “punishment” according to the Left. Trump pulls their string and they dance.
It’s a great idea,†Levin said. “And you know how I know it’s a great idea? Because the media are going nuts and the Democrats are going nuts.â€

Somerville, MASS.
Demographic make up:
Population. 75.5K people.
Ethnic make up.
73 percent white.
10 percent Hispanic
8 percent Asian
6 percent black
10 percent some other race including 2 races or American indian.
So let me get this straight. The huddled masses are flocking to sommerville at the rate of oh say a couple hundred per year. I can see why their arms are open and they are SO WILLING TO ACCEPT ILLEGALS.
How about 100,000 show up on your door step mayor. The number that hits the border in a month. Lets send a 100k to your city. All Muslim, Hispanic and then lets see how you deal with that.
Coachella, Calif:
Demographics of this fine city.
2017 population was 45,443.
The city grew by a staggering 527 residents in 2017.
Ethnic breakdown:
271 blacks
267 Native Americans.
13,239 Whites.
30,324 some other race which is of course their refusal to admit they are predominantly Hispanic.
NOW lets look at a startling fact.
Graduated High School: 34.10 Percent
Failed to graduate: 44.24 percent
College degree of some type: 6.04 percent.
Give us your huddled masses and your town would collapse.
Now a big city referenced by Bill BEAR.
Oakland California”
Oakland Demographics:
Population as of 2017 425,195. Makes it the 8th largest state in California. Why would they open their arms to illegals? well……..In 2011, Oakland lost about 25% of its African American population. This made Oakland one of the only big cities in California to decline in size with the second largest overall population decline in California. Only Santa Ana lost more residents during this time.
In fairness since that time they have become one of the fastest growing cities in California per capita which is pretty enemic when you consider only 2k plus per year are joining this fine city.
More Demographics:
White 153k
black 101k
Asian 66k
SOME OTHER RACE…no one in California lists Hispanic as a RACE. Every city I looked up it is always given as SOME OTHER RACE.
WHITE: 8.87 percent
Black: 25.83 percent
Hispancic: 22.47 percent
Asian:20.5 percent
The stats dont lie. Once again another California city keeping them poor and keeping them on welfare to keep them voting democrat.
Labor force participation:
Black 58 percent meaning 42 percent of blacks are unemployed.
Hispanic 71 percent are working which means 29 percent of Hispanics are not working.
Whites: 75.9 percent are working which means 24.1 percent are not working.
A city in decline is begging for more immigrants to fill its city. A city with a high unemployment rate and way too many on the dole for welfare and food stamps. A city recovering from a mass exodus of citizens in 2011.
Once again Liberals have no argument other than Sure we love illegals send them too us. With ZERO ability to deal with them when they arrive. They are all for Sanctuary cities as long as they go to some other city.
“They are all for Sanctuary cities as long as they go to some other city.”
Just like Porter Good, Mangoldielocks is lying.
Funny how one liar will attract a whole bunch of his kind.
So, Boo Boo, where in his obviously well researched comment is he lying?

“They are all for Sanctuary cities as long as they go to some other city.”
Reading comprehension is not a strong suit amongst the liars of the far right.
LilLyingPuppyShÃt is a sterling example of this fact.
How’s his opinion a lie, Boo Boo?
Jeffery gets all profane when he’s shown up.
Then how come they didn’t rush to take all the illegals?
Ahh the poor little boo boo cant handle facts. His response to everything ever typed at this website is YOUR LYING. You should seek help. We all care about you and think that you need to see a specialist before you HURT someone. Like your dog or cat or parakeet or perhaps momma upstairs who sets you off when she tells you to get a job instead of screaming at the computer and throwing your keyboard against the wall because you don’t like other people.
Set up a go fund me page, let us know what it is and we will contribute. Some more than others. Perhaps some not at all. No really. You should let us know who you are so we can contact local authorities and make sure YOU DO NOT OWN, POSSESS or have the ability to buy a fire arm, Dynamite or own, Drive or otherwise have access to any kind of moving vehicle.
I suspect the big pushes against the borders this year are all tied to the census. Activists organizers are literally shipping in temporary “residents” just to be counted for the census and impact new district lines and representation for the next ten years. This is what playing for keeps looks like. Nothing is off the table. Explains why Democrats are furious about not letting the census record immigration status. You really need to ask, who’s side are they on? What is so important about the democratic party agenda that they are willing to poison their own well for generations to come? Why do they hate their own people (including other Democrats) so much that they would go to this much trouble to destroy their homes? The mind boggles.
Even Cher gets it.
“Activists organizers are literally shipping in temporary “residents†just to be counted for the census”
There is, of course, zero evidence for this accusation.
“Professor Hale” is another pseudonymous liar who finds himself welcomed by Porter Good, a prodigious liar in his own right. Good allows the publication of any sort of falsehood, so long as it supports the agenda of the racist far right. Good himself publishes this sort of hatemongering garbage on a regular basis.
His blog, Boo Boo, anything else?
Once you look into the bear suit’s claims, there’s even less evidence for them.
PS Truth In Advertising:
Prof, I’d like to know your source because it’s going to be fun ramming down the gas menagerie’s throat.
You must not have been paying attention. It doesn’t matter what source I use. He will claim they are tainted. If I use different sources, he will change the subject. Then he will throw in some name calling and non sequiturs. He will deliberately focus on inconsequential details and miss essential facts. It will never be enough. But it will satisfy his ego to believe he is “winning”. I’m not going to play that game. Reasonable argument with evidence simply doesn’t matter with such people. it is a waste of energy to attempt it. As an aside, I have mentioned this to several of you before and failed to convince you to change your ways either. You have to stop feeding the trolls if you want them to get bored and go away. For My own part, I recognize that Jeff/Bill/(new name) has every right to be wrong. I get zero benefit from convincing him otherwise. And it isn’t entertaining. I long ago accepted that a whole lot of people on the internet has no interest in learning anything new, just reinforcing their own pre-conceived ideas that their political party told them they had to believe. You can’t convince such people no matter what facts, evidence, or eye witnesses you have. There are people who believe man never landed on the moon. The are people who believe 9-11 was an inside job. There are other people who believe it was the Jooos. There are people who believe that big drug companies can make billions from cancer treatments but are too stupid to figure out how to make a profit from curing it so they hide the cure in a basement. There are people who believe that the “big three” auto makers colluded with oil companies to keep a magical carburetor that would give huge gas mileage off the market, by locking it in a basement… even though the entire car industry stopped using carburetors decades ago. This is the world we live in. No point tapping on the glass. The fish don’t care.
pH typed: “It doesn’t matter what source I use.”
no comment…
Bear really needn’t post anything more than Ditto! That should cover him calling people liars, etc. for a while.
BTW, there’s plenty of evidence for that “observation” not “accusation”. Look it up. Anyone with half a brain not shoved up their ass can see the positioning of leftist areas to benefit from census results. Duh! They’re looking to increase House seats and electoral votes. Or are you gonna lie about that too?
Your welcomed by Porter Good. Explain that one. I guarantee you if I was doing what your doing at ANY FAR LEFT WHACKO website I would be banned a 100 times per day and my posts deleted.
The difference between Antifa and real fascists is Real fascist dont hide behind fake names. Antifa and Bill Bear all hide behind real names and then call people names. Despite your absolute despicable behavior. Your still welcome here, allowed to post.
Yeah Porter Good is a saint. Some of you on the left should take lessons.
Mr. Mangoldielocks (if that really is your real name!),
Has it ever occurred to you and your pack of geniuses that Bill Bear is a real name? There are thousands of William Bear’s in the US alone. He may be the only one here (other than Edward Dutcher and Teach) who uses his real name. Note the hint: he keeps pointing out your pseudonyms.
So be men for once and use your actual name as he does. What are you afraid of?
“BTW, there’s plenty of evidence for that “observation†not “accusationâ€.”
Then it will be a simple matter for Big Brave Kye to supply that evidence.
So, I challenge Kye to do just that: Provide the independently verifiable documentary evidence for the claim that “Activists organizers are literally shipping in temporary “residents†just to be counted for the census”.
Watch Big Brave Kye turn tail and scurry for the underbrush, just as “Professor” Hale has already done.
You live in an interesting little world where you can order total strangers around on the internet and expect them to dance to your tune. You argue like a 12 year old, accusing me as “scurrying”, as if you can irritate me into using Google on your behalf, which you will simply dismiss anyway. Have fun in your fantasy world, Jeff.
And yet here you are, buying into a conspiracy theory that Bill Bear and I are the same person. Even as Teach has told you it’s very unlikely. Conservatives foment conspiracy theories to combat the psychological conflicts involved with reconciling uncomfortable competing realities.
“Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by commies to enable their hegemony!”
“Jews financed the caravans of refugees traveling to America!” (That one even goosestepped an anti-Semite into murdering several Jews in a synagogue).
“Bill Bear and Elwood are the same person!”
close enough, Jeff
“You live in an interesting little world where you can order total strangers around”
A challenge is not an order. “Professor” Hale — he of the nonsensical evidence-free allegations — is lying… yet again.
Boo Boo’s world.