This really says it all
BARR: "The special counsel found no evidence that any American — including anyone associated with the Trump campaign — conspired or coordinated with the Russian government or the IRA in this illegal scheme."
"The special counsel found no collusion by any American."
— Olivia Beavers (@Olivia_Beavers) April 18, 2019
“Any American.”
(Fox News) “After nearly two years of investigation, thousands of subpoenas, and hundreds of warrants and witness interviews, the Special Counsel confirmed that the Russian government-sponsored efforts to illegally interfere with the 2016 presidential election but did not find that the Trump campaign or other Americans colluded in those schemes,” Barr said, adding that Americans “should be grateful” for the findings.
As for obstruction
He said that Mueller’s report also went on to “consider whether certain actions of the president could amount to obstruction of the Special Counsel investigation.”
Barr, meanwhile, sought to head off another controversy during his press conference over the issue of obstruction of justice. The Mueller probe did not reach a conclusion on whether the president committed this offense, but Barr and Rosenstein determined there was not sufficient evidence on that front.
“As I addressed in my March 24th letter, the Special Counsel did not make a traditional prosecutorial judgment regarding this allegation. Instead, the report recounts ten episodes involving the President and discusses potential legal theories for connecting these actions to elements of an obstruction offense,” Barr explained. “After carefully reviewing the facts and legal theories outlined in the report, and in consultation with the Office of Legal Counsel and other Department lawyers, the Deputy Attorney General and I concluded that the evidence developed by the Special Counsel is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.”
Do not expect Democrats to give up. Heck, they still whine about the 2000 election being stolen. And a brief watching of MSNBC saw Democrats who were heartbroken, delusional, unhinged, and living in a fantasy world, as they attempt to spin this into some conspiracy theories.

A normal person would figure it’s good news that our election wasn’t compromised. An honorable American would be grateful our president isn’t a Russian spy. Now, can we talk about real issues or is that too much to ask?
Kye: A normal person would figure it’s good news that our election wasn’t compromised.
The report says that the Russians illegally hacked the DNC, then released the emails for maximum political damage to Clinton.
For over 2 years you kiddiez claimed there was evidence that Trump colluded with Putin to win the 2016 election.

Yeah, y’all have a lot of credibility.
Would you please ban drowningpuppies for namecalling.
Thank you.
Sorry Z. I’m not through with this boring crap so I have not seen the declaration that the Russians “released the emails for maximum political damage to Clinton” in the Mueller Report. Do you know on what page that statement appears?
Pg 36
Nope, it was a phising program, which someone was dumb enough to fall for. Interestingly, y’all aren’t concerned that the Russians and many other nations hacked Hillary’s insecure, illegal server which had unlawfully held national security material on it.
But, regardless, yes, Russia played games. Just like the U.S. has done to other countries. Including during Russian elections while Obama was Pres and Hillary Sec of State. Like Obama interfering with Israeli elections and the Brexit vote. Nations are always interfering. That’s the way of the world. And it looks like they were trying to make Hillary lose, since they had programs going to try and make Bernie win the primary. But, none of this means any collusion, conspiracy, or coordination between Team Trump and Russia, which is what you guys alleged. It’s time to move on.
There are two takeaways today by the media about the Mueller Report.
1.) The leftist MSM’s take: Trump bought off Barr.
2.) What the report shows: Y’all were wrong all along.
Which one makes sense?
William Teach: it was a phising program
That’s right. A felony.
William Teach: Obama, …
Oh? Did Obama hack into an email system then drop the emails to interfere in the Brexit election?
Not what he wrote dipshitz.
What’s it like to be wrong for so long?
Right, but not hacking. Yes, a felony, but someone was stupid.
Interference is interference, no matter how you cut it. And nations do this all the damned time. Evidence points toward 1. hurting Hillary and 2. sowing discord in American politics between the parties. Hillary hurt Hillary more in the election, but, Russia did a great job in dividing us, eh?
Would you be so kind as to ban drowningpuppies doing nothing but namecalling.
It will improve the quality of your comments section.
William Teach: Right, but not hacking.
Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer; hence, when phishing is used to gain access to data in a system or computer, it is a type of hack.
William Teach: Yes, a felony, but someone was stupid.
The law applies whether the victim is stupid or careless.
William Teach: Interference is interference, no matter how you cut it.
Uh, no. The example you provided of Obama voicing an opinion on Brexit is considered rude, but it not a crime.
So, Trump talking a lot is not a crime, just rude? Huh.
But, Hillary and Obama attempted to interfere with the Russian elections to take down Putin (I have no problem with this). Further, Obama meddled with at least 6 other elections. I’m not slamming him, this is what happens with foreign affairs from like, always.
William Teach: So, Trump talking a lot is not a crime, just rude?
You had compared two things: Russian interference through felonious computer hacking, attempted infiltration of the Trump campaign, as backed by an army of trolls; with Obama taking an open position on Brexit. They are not comparable. The former is illegal under national and international laws. The latter is usually considered unseemly.
William Teach: Hillary and Obama attempted to interfere with the Russian elections
According to your link, Putin claims Clinton “set the tone” for the protests. That is not illegal interference, certainly not comparable to hacking and infiltration.
We took at look at your linked list of elections. We’ll take just the first, the Kenyan election. Expressing a preference is not a violation of international law; however, Obama did not take sides in Kenya.
So what do you want Zach? A do over. Do you want to have the election again and let us all vote for Trump or HRC and pretend the emails didnt exist?
Trump did not hack the emails. Trump did not publish the emails. Wiki leaks published them. Just as they would have published the RNC’s emails. In fact upon careful inspection they tried to get the RNC’s and Trumps emails as well with phishing programs that only the democrats and Podesta was dumb enough to fall for.
The Chinese hacked HRC’s private server and took top secret information from her server. She should be in jail. The Russian Collusion should have been the Hillary Hootnanny.
Mangoldielocks: So what do you want
Simply to correct the misimpression that Russia did not interfere in the U.S. election.
Mangoldielocks: Just as they would have published the RNC’s emails …
In fact, the Russians did steal RNC emails, but chose not to dump them.
There is no evidence Clinton’s server was breached, though it is certainly a possibility. While the server did contain some secret information, the vast majority was ordinary emails, with classified information normally sent through the secure intranet.
Yes, there was Russian collusion in the election, only Hillary is the guilty party as will done shown.
Zac, I didn’t say the Russians didn’t interfere with the election I said they didn’t compromise it. Or do you think they made Trump the winner?
I don’t know where you get the Russians hacked the RNC since all I’ve read is they tried and failed. And as a foreign agent if they breached they would have dumped. What’s the use of spying if you don’t use it? Anything to muddy up the American election is fair game to an enemy.
As far as Clintons server being breached I seem to recall it was but I don’t have the energy to look for it. You say “while the server did contain some secret info, the VAST MAJORITY were ordinary emails with classified emails normally sent through the secure “intranet”. ”
First that argument sounds specious at best and second how would YOU know what was and wasn’t on her computer. Did she reveal that info to you before she erased it? The very fact she had email servers in her bathroom is criminal negligence in my book. But my book don’t count. If you or I treated secret info like this we’d be in Leavenworth.
Hillary willfully destroyed subpoenaed government evidence.
Does not matter what the emails contained.
While the server did contain some secret information
Which is a violation of multiple policies and laws, and those laws are felonies. Very serious ones. There were some emails that contained national security material that was never supposed to leave a classified reading room. It would not have been permissible to discuss this with people who were “read on” the program, much less even transmitting over the appropriate State Dept email system.
Kye: I didn’t say the Russians didn’t interfere with the election I said they didn’t compromise it. Or do you think they made Trump the winner?
Russian interference resulted in tumult during the Democratic Convention and the resignation of the chair of the Democratic National Committee. That’s a very significant effect.
Kye: I don’t know where you get the Russians hacked the RNC since all I’ve read is they tried and failed.
Comey testified that the RNC was hacked, but it was mostly old emails. Nonetheless, they were never leaked.
Kye: What’s the use of spying if you don’t use it?
As Mueller found, they wanted to damage Clinton and help Trump.
Kye: Anything to muddy up the American election is fair game to an enemy.
And yet Trump welcomed Russia’s help.
William Teach: Which is a violation of multiple policies and laws, and those laws are felonies.
Let’s review. The server was set up for day-to-day communications. Clinton used the secure intranet for the vast majority of classified communications. However, as is not unusual, some classified information made its way into day-to-day communications. This would be illegal if it was purposeful, but all indications are that it was accidental. It happens all the time. Colin Powell had classified information on his AOL account.
There is no evidence Clinton’s server was hacked. However, Russia attempted to hack her personal emails immediately after Trump called for Russia to find the so-called missing emails.
Max damage meaning that the emails demonstrated what her true positions were and what a bike person she is.
david7134: Max damage meaning that the emails demonstrated what her true positions were and what a bike person she is.
Maximum damage meaning dumping the data in a way to cause the most damage to Clinton and to most help Trump. The Democratic National Committee has the right to private internal communications. Russia feloniously violated this right, Trump welcomed it, even egging it on.
Do you work for the “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” NKVD? You seem determined to cast aside all of Clinton’s and the DNC’s illegal activities in order to pin SOMETHING on Trump. Why? Why do you not believe Trump is innocent until proven guilty and why after not being charged with a crime do you continue to act as if he was?
Do you feel as most of the radical leftist Democrats do, that Trump is guilty until proven innocent? Like Rush says “It’s not the crime, it’s the seriousness of the charges that count”. IOW, keep throwing out charges until you find one that sticks.
Kye: You seem determined to cast aside all of Clinton’s and the DNC’s illegal activities in order to pin SOMETHING on Trump.
There is no evidence the DNC or Clinton committed crimes, but that would be irrelevant to the question of whether or not Russia interfered in the U.S. election.
Kye: Do you feel as most of the radical leftist Democrats do, that Trump is guilty until proven innocent?
Trump shouldn’t be imprisoned unless found guilty in a court of law. However, we know that Trump welcomed Russian interference in the election, and attempted to obstruct justice, in violation of his oath of office.
Loses all.
Yes all sides of the spectrum are calling for the country to move on. We have so many problems but the left is terrified of the progressive left base. Bernie sanders is a non starter even though he is moving even farther left.
Ann Coulter has said she will vote for and even work for Bernie Sanders if he returns to his position in 2007 on immigration where he rejected BUSH’s plan to cowtow to the corporate interests.
In those days it was the democrats who were furious over open borders and the depression of wages. Today the two sides have flip flopped. Again I talk about how every couple generations the two major parties actually flip flop. Democrats take over GOP policies and vice versa.
Today we are seeing that. Immigration, War, Infrastructure. Inner cities, Hispanic and Black approval of Trump and his policies are on the rise.
If trump wants a slam dunk 2020 win, he needs to do one thing. Order the corps of engineers to Flint Michigan and fix their water supply on the government’s dime. Yeah I get it. Its cynical but it would be the first thing the infrastructure program would fix and Michigan would hand Trump a landslide victory with Wisconsin and PA and OHIO cheering him to victory.
This is exactly what Trump and Barr wanted to accomplish before the report was released. Carpet bombing to soften the oppo. Now the real work begins. Trump et al will be working to tamp down any political fallout from revealed details.
For Trump’s fervent supporters they will turn off their TVs, read only conservablogs and feel vindicated. He will keep his solid 30-35%. But the questions will remain and eventually be answered.
It will be interesting to see if Trump now pardons good soldiers Manafort, Stone et al.
And after 2 1/2 years and three investigations what questions remain, little fella?
The fun is just starting, we get Hillary now and maybe Obama, it will be great.
Dems hope against hope that Trump instructs “his” DOJ to go after Clinton and Obama. The sooner the better. You should write Trump encouraging him to prosecute them.
Early days, early days. This is just the beginning.
But, you guys had said that you would except the results of the Mueller investigation. Now you’ve shifted the goal posts? Really, I don’t want Dems to drop it, though it would be wise for them to be “Mueller? Who dat?” at this point. They’ll keep over-reaching and guarantee Trump a win in 2020.
William Teach: But, you guys had said that you would except the results of the Mueller investigation.
The Mueller report indicated that the Trump Campaign expected they would benefit from Russian election interference. Trump made public statements welcoming that help, and has repeatedly minimized Russian interference, despite the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies. The Mueller report also provided substantial evidence of obstruction of justice by Trump.
I absolutely accept every word of the Mueller Report at face value, and unfortunately for our nation, it paints a very troubling picture of our President.
It’s understandable that you wish to accept Bill Barr’s view, but there’s much more to discuss.
If Trump doesn’t win in 2020, he’ll likely face criminal charges, unless he makes a deal.
Does it make sense to you that we should be on high alert before the 2020 election concerning further tampering with our electoral system? Or should we just put it all behind us?
Sore Loser.
This is exactly what Trump and Barr wanted to accomplish before the report was released. Carpet bombing to soften the oppo. Now the real work begins. Trump et al will be working to tamp down any political fallout from revealed details.
Even the WaPo admits there’s no there there.
Of course, without the bear suit, you have no there there.
And here’s the report!
The Wa Po was too sane?
Sorry-link is bad
Here-boo boo was always mentioning Trump Jr. …’
Hey J-was this part of the “spanking†that Bill gave us, as you said? Didn’t think so
Shhh, little fella’s still reading the report. Probably up to page 3 by now.

How many times did the little man child tell us that the report would put Trump away? Well that is over now and the Justice Department can concentrate on Hillary and Obama.
How much have you read so far, or are you still relying on the word of Trump’s Press Secretary, Baghdad Bill Barr??
The Gateway Pundit??? No comment.
The Mueller Report is as bad for Trump as he thought it would be. He wasn’t indicted for obstruction because 1) Barr wouldn’t do it and 2) Trump’s staff disobeyed his orders to break the law on his behalf.
Have you read any of the report yet? Yikes. Trump ordered Hope Hicks to lie about the nature of the Don Jr-Russia meeting.
Much, much more to come.
So tell us what laws were broken, little fella.
Apparently none.
Keep shittin’ the bed.
Gateway’s had the straight story a lot more than the Gray Lady, the WaPo, Commie News Net, or MSLSD.
The Mueller Report is as bad for Trump as he thought it would be
No, it’s as good as he knew it would be. No collusion, no obstruction.
Only little snowflakes like you crying your eyes out.
Since the WaPo corroborates what Barr says, Baghdad Bunny just looks silly.
TEACH will you ban Edward Dutcher/formwiz for namecalling?
formwiz: Can you link to the WaPo corroborates Barr? Thanks
I linked it last night.
Go find it.
PS I thought Teach laid down some rules on names.
You may get your ass banned, too.
You have also used the name Edward Sibley Dutcher.
Is that name calling in your world?
TEACH can ban me at any time.
I have no intention of banning you. You haven’t come close to crossing any line in years. Though I disagree with you on most things, I welcome you here.
Trump’s staff disobeyed his orders to break the law on his behalf.
This right here indicates many things. The two that fly off the top of my head is that:
Trump is not a politician.
Trump is not a lawyer.
To survive in DC where everyone is out to get you you need to be a lawyer and a politican or surround yourself with both and let them insulate you from doing stupid things. All his advisers are telling him and have been telling him to shut up on twitter. One day he will say the wrong thing and there will be an impeachment.
But I think its very apparent Trump was running the White house like he ran his companies and you cant do that. He is not the emperor. He is a servant of the people and people biting the dust right and left are owed an enormous debt by Trump to them for insulating him and keeping him honest.
What this report is revealing to me is how out of place Trump was the day he stepped into the political ring. Rudy Guillani finally managed to throttle Trump back and rein in his insane rants, but if he is to survive 2 or 6 years he needs a powerful cast of sword takers around him.
Trump doesn’t realize how much he owes all the people who have quit, been fired or burned out to protect him from Impeachment. That much is obvious.
So like his son, Trump Jr, The Don was too ignorant to commit a crime? Trump may not like it, but Americans would certainly buy that explanation. Trump tried to obstruct justice. It’s up to Congress.
It seems Bill Barr misled America when he said the decision not to prosecute was not based on the DOJ policy to not indict a sitting president. The report stated clearly that that is why they didn’t prosecute on obstruction. This of course leaves open possible prosecution when Trump is not president. If he thinks he won’t win the 2020 election, look for your hero to cut a deal.
Trump instructed Don McGahn to fire Mueller – McGahn refused – Trump asked McGahn to write a memo indicating that Trump DIDN’T ask him to fire Mueller.
Of course Jeffery. Trump is guilty of every conceivable crime you can throw at him because you hate him.
I get it. Good luck trying to impeach him. Even if he did obstruct justice that calls for impeachment. Good luck getting 67 senators to vote for that.
I imagine you could get perhaps 60 and if for some reason the GOP voted to impeach Trump I surmise that all 67 of them would be looking for new jobs in the next 2-4 years.
Just as you claim the left is drooling at Obama being impeached are you not really following your own party? Most of the progressives are not fans of Obama at all. Just like the never trumpers would love to see Trump drop dead. The progressive left doesn’t have much good to say about Obama.
Thats not me. Thats me listening to dozens of progressives on YouTube trashing Obama and all the crap he did including drone killing 1000’s of civilians while he was prez. I don’t think the left would shed as much blood as you think if HRC is rounded up. She is after all a corporatist and not a progressive which is running the party now.
This now becomes a marketing battle between Trump and those seeking justice. The report shows Trump obstructing justice multiple times, but Mueller wouldn’t charge him because of the OLC (DOJ) rules.
Congress can impeach and try to kick him out, which they should do, even if it costs the Dems. It’s their responsibility.
Or… if he loses the election, he can be prosecuted, convicted and go to prison for up to ten years. He might die in prison.
It’s like saying the birthers were wrong after Zippy admitted he’s a born Kenyan.
Nothing is going to happen. Schiff For Brains and Nadless are just bloviating.
You lost. Grow up.
Your not seeking justice. Your seeking a political edge for the next elections. Make no mistake. Every politician is a crook, liar and thief. Every billionaire stepped on a thousand people and crushed competition to get to the top.
Your not seeking justice. Your seeking a reckoning.
Bill Gates Stole DOS from some guy that invented it. For peanuts then sold it to IBM for millions.
How many people have been crushed as billionaires rise to the top of the food chain? How many little people have politicans crushed. Remember the guy who took a couple benign pictures in the Submarine(No intent but he broke the law) and was actually put in jail. Remember HRC who had 100’s of secret and top secret files on her private server.
the Law states(when handling classified material) there needs to be NO INTENT only the act. She broke the law. Comey said she didnt intend to break the law therefore there was no crime and he said she could not be tried. THAT WAS NOT HIS JOB. Thats the DOJ’s job, the FBI simply presents evidence.
But I digress. In obstruction it has to be with INTENT to obstruct. That is why BARR held his press conference yesterday morning to show that the reason Trump did not obstruct justice is that he did not have the INTENT to obstruct justice because at the individual times of his personal rants to his staff and AG there was no effort made by either Trump or the Trump people to prevent something from happening that could indict or harm the president LEGALLY and not politically.
This is the gold standard NEVER TRUMPER LAWYERS are putting forth. THERE WAS NO INTENT to break the law and with obstruction there must be intent. You can accidently obstruct the law all day long and not be charged.
A good example of this is not getting out of the way of a policeman racing thru town. IF YOU obstruct his movement in attempting to dispense justice you cannot be held liable unless it can be proven you INTENTIONALLY refused to move. If your in a traffic jam the police can pull up and start arresting the entire traffic jam for obstructing justice.
INTENT. There was no intent. There was personal rants, there was Trump angry that his name was being dragged thru the mud by the left. HAHA on that one. Like he has never drug peoples name thru the mud, but there was no intent.
NO INTENT. So long left….cry me a river…..spend the next 18 months on TRUMP instead of defeating him. PLEASE. Keep those tin foil hats in place.
Mangoldielocks: Remember the guy who took a couple benign pictures in the Submarine(No intent but he broke the law) and was actually put in jail.
That is incorrect. There was knowledge and intent. He pleaded guilty.
Mangoldielocks: the Law states(when handling classified material) there needs to be NO INTENT only the act.
The Supreme Court determined that for the law to be constitutional “scienter and bad faith” must be proven. See Gorin v. United States, 1941.
Mangoldielocks: THERE WAS NO INTENT to break the law and with obstruction there must be intent.
The Mueller report did not exonerate Trump on obstruction, but laid out the details of a possible obstruction charge. Intent must be shown. However, there is substantial evidence of intent.
In any case, the president can be impeached without a criminal finding. Trump egged on Russian interference. Even if this doesn’t constitute a legal finding of conspiracy, it is highly unethical and a danger to the republic.
Mangoldielocks: INTENT. There was no intent. There was personal rants, there was Trump angry that his name was being dragged thru the mud by the left.
INTENT. There was no intent. There was personal rants, there was Tony Soprano angry that his name was being dragged thru the mud by the police.
Trump committed several acts of obstruction, but not every conceivable crime. I DO hate what he is doing to America.
And Mule Ears said he couldn’t divine Trump’s intent and his acts may have been perfectly innocent, so on obstruction.
Get with it.
And the real crime of what Obama and Clinton and the alphabet agencies did is a total non-entity to you leftists, so spare us the whingeing about what Trump is doing to this country. Everyone involved in the Mueller debacle should walk because the whole shebang was predicated on fruit from a poisonous tree.
“Tried to obstruct justice”. LOL.

Let’s see the law that says if someone tries to do something but doesn’t actually do it he can be indicted or something.
Are you that ignorant?
Never mind we already know.
Most Americans see he regularly outsmarts people like you.
The way he handled the inquisition proves that.
Trying to beat the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne is a fool’s errand.
You don’t actually think the MSM will admit they were wrong, do ya?
Time for the President to unleash the power of the federal government leaving no stone unturned to get to the bottom of this hoax.
The media didn’t conduct the investigation, Mr. Mueller and his team did. Mueller revealed evidence of obstruction of justice by the president, but chose not to indict based on DOJ policies. It’s clear from the report that this was no hoax. It’s up to Congress to act.
It IS likely that Trump will try to settle scores using the US government to do it.
Once again the little fella uses his interpretation of that word “clear” along with “evidence”. LOL.

The President has been called a traitor not just by the media but by government officials who claimed to have proof of such for over 2 years.
You can bet there will be payback and it will be justified.
The Dems will be very happy if Trump uses the machinery of the US to go after his critics.
If any other American had committed the offenses of Trump, they would have been indicted. Trump is protected by DOJ policies.
Presidents are above the law! Unless Congress acts.
If The Donald were indictable, it would have happened. Repeating it only make you look like a fool.
Sounds more applicable to the Choom Gang and the Ozark Mafia.
We guess you haven’t read the report.
Mr. Mueller stated outright that he couldn’t indict Trump because of the OLC rules. (Barr lied about that earlier).
Mr. Mueller then listed a dozen or so examples of Trump obstructing justice.
Would you please ban drowningpuppies for namecalling.
Thank you.
For what, li’l fella?
You regularly call people racists, rapists, and liars.
Seems to me you should be the next to go.
Such a whining little pussy. LOL.
Would you please ban formwiz and drowningpuppies for namecalling?
Thank you.
The media didn’t conduct the investigation
Of course, they did. They did everything they could to help it along.
Mueller revealed evidence of obstruction of justice by the president
No, he didn’t. You may wish he did, but even he said otherwise.
It IS likely that Trump will try to settle scores using the US government to do it.
If you mean see justice done, I wouldn’t doubt it.
You are hopelessly misinformed.
You should read Vol II of the report.
Are you claiming that the Mueller Report is a collection of lies?
You’ve read it all, I’m sure.
When you find a speed reader who actually has read it, you’re gonna cry.
Yep, they’re really going to get Trump this time, for sure. The Mueller Report was just a fake-out for the real crime of obstruction of justice, so you can quit calling people Colluders when they’re actually Obstructers. Come on, I’m serious; he’s really in for it this time, the other 653 smoking-guns were just a warm-up; smokescreens. Get ready for the big-house DJT, it’s gonna happen, for reals. Quit laughing, I’m serious. Stop laughing, damnit!
There were also 14 separate criminal referrals, 12 redacted. Likely referred to the SDNY. Jr? Ivanka? Kushner? Manafort? Hope Hicks? Sanders? Felix Sater? Sessions? McFarland? Erik Prince? Carter Page?
Whiny little pussy grabbing at straws while hijacking the thread.
Do you miss your little Boo Boo?
Will you please ban drowningpuppies?
Notice nobody cares.
It’s over.
We guess you haven’t read the report.
Mr. Mueller stated outright that he couldn’t indict Trump because of the OLC rules. (Barr lied about that earlier).
Mr. Mueller then listed a dozen or so examples of Trump obstructing justice.
You and your banned menagerie can guess whatever you want.
And the binding nature of the rules is quite fuzzy, so, if Mule Ears used them as an out, it’s a crock and he has no guts. If he thought Trump was indictable, he should have gone ahead and the SCUS decide.
No guts, no glory. Much like yourself.
Would you please ban formwiz and drowningpuppies for namecalling?
The Alan Colmes thing is a joke. Give it up.
Apparent the whiny little pussy fella obtained his law degree from Rachel Maddow U.
Would you please ban the offensive and deprecating drowningpuppies?
He/she never has anything of substance to add and appears to exist for name calling.
Pot, kettle.
Seriously? From you?
Pot, kettle.
You have also used the name Edward Sibley Dutcher.
Is that name calling in your world?
Jeffery L Keene appeared several times and you were incensed people used it.
Teach was talking about stalking, doxxing, and other trademarks of the vindictive, infantile Left.
TEACH can ban me at any time.
Your lips to Teach’s ears.
Funny thing is he, Jeffery Keene, posted his own name several times because he was in such a hurry (or just too lazy or too stupid to check) to provoke other commenters. Then later he denied it was his name altogether. Threatened law suits too against Teach and others. LOL.

Such a whiny little pussy.
Please, name calling like that.
Aye, Captain…
drowningpuppies posted a business name and business address he believed was associated with me. That act is not only bad form but likely illegal, and hardly within the bounds of even lively discourse.
It’s understandable that commenters want a comfortable place to agree with the blogger and with each other. As I have stated many times, I appreciate the opportunity provided by Teach to offer starkly differing facts and opinions than those he and commenters typically provide. Some commenters want to make honest arguments, most want to attack those with differing opinions.
I’ve consistently been called hateful, moron, troll, ignorant, nigger, pedophile, rapist, communist, child abuser… and often give as good as I get.
I freely admit that I don’t understand the openly racial and religious superiority expressed by the far-right.
And I freely admit that I don’t understand the openly racial and religious bigotry by the far left so I guess we’re even.
Does it make sense to you that we should be on high alert before the 2020 election concerning further tampering with our electoral system? Or should we just put it all behind us?
Who should be on high alert? ME? YOU?
This is why the federal election commission exists. There was known tampering Under Obama and HE DID NOTHING. It was not until TrUMP won that the left lost their collective shit. IN FACT OBAMA tried to Tamper heavily in the Israeli election and get Netanyahu defeated. IS THAT PROPER? The USA meddles in elections all over the world.
Now suddenly the left is up in arms. The SIDE THAT SAID THERE IS NO ELECTION FRAUD is now suddenly ALL ABOUT ELECTION FRAUD.
Too funny to watch Jeffy become the man with the tin foil hat when his go to retort was the right is full of conspiracy theorists when they were talking about Obama and HRC. but now….OMG NOW…the left is buying all the tin foil.
Let’em squawk…