This is the kind of story that gives me hope that not all people in positions of power are idiots
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Anne Hobbs was angry. The head of the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission had just learned of a Hispanic couple who said their landlord asked for their driver’s licenses – but didn’t ask the same of non-Hispanic tenants.
Hobbs said it sounded like the couple were “treated differently than everybody else because of national origin,” and sent the case to the state’s top prosecutor, hoping he would sue on their behalf under fair housing laws.
When Attorney General Jon Bruning received the case, he was angry, too – for a different reason than Hobbs.
“I’m not going to use taxpayer dollars to file lawsuits for illegal aliens,” said Bruning after learning the couple was in the U.S. illegally. “You’re not going to get a free lawyer” from his office, he said, “if you’re not a citizen of this country.”
Huzzah! Finally, someone with common sense. Of course, you know that folks are going to sue him, right? Because we just havvvvvveeee to protect the rights of people who came to the USA illegally. You know, those rights that are not included in the US Constitution except for LEGAL residents.
Raul Gonzalez, legislative director of the National Council of La Raza, a national Hispanic rights group, said Bruning’s interpretation would allow people to “run wild over immigrants.”
Under Bruning’s logic, he said, prosecutors would not seek justice against someone who ran a red light and injured an illegal immigrant.
“They’re basically saying it’s open season on undocumented immigrants,” Gonzalez said.
Bruning’s office said that’s not the case.
“It’s ridiculous to compare prosecuting criminal cases using taxpayer dollars to filing a lawsuit seeking damages from a private citizen for the benefit of illegal aliens,” said Bruning’s chief deputy, David Cookson.
But, La Raza, which of course means “The Race,” will not care, as their concern is more with Hispanics then upholding U.S. law.
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Frau Vader (Baroness of Der Fatherland)thanks you Teach for saying ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and ILLEGAL ALIENS and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and illegal DNC voters and illegal landscapers and illegal illegals!
WUNDEBAR!! She LEGALLY became a U.S. CITIZEN / AMERICAN after a process that took 18 months. She even votes CONSERVATIVE / REPUBLICAN too, imagine that, ja vol?