Now, Democrats keep telling us that ‘climate change’ is the most important issue of the century. That we are doomed if we don’t Do Something. They run apocalyptic story after story at media sites like the NY Times and CNN. Straight articles and opinions. Democrats make Pronouncements. Yet
CNN and the New York Times skip climate change in the fourth Democratic debate
Moderators of the three previous Democratic primary debates caught a lot of flak from environmental advocates for not spending enough time on climate change. On Tuesday night, moderators of the fourth debate paved the way for a new era of climate politics by featuring warming front and center. Just kidding. In actuality not a single question about the biggest threat facing residents of the United States, and the world, was asked of the 12 candidates who qualified for the debate.
That’s despite the fact that CNN, one of the night’s two host media organizations, recently held a climate change-themed town hall during which moderators grilled candidates on all angles of the issue. The New York Times, the other host, has a team of journalists specifically assigned to climate stories. (CNN even ran a Times ad touting its climate coverage during one of the debate’s commercial breaks). And yet, somehow, CNN and the Times were unable to muster even a yes/no question about a crisis that is projected to claim millions of lives and alter the world as we know it.
Instead, the candidates were asked about hot topics in recent news cycles, like about whether President Trump should be impeached and the commander-in-chief’s recent decision to pull troops out of Syria — as well as topics that have come up previously, like gun control, a wealth tax, and the minutiae of single-payer health care versus Medicare for all versus “Medicare for all who want it.†That’s all well and good: It’s certainly important that voters hear from the candidates on those issues. But at the 11th hour, when it seemed the moderators might finally ask the candidates a question about climate change, they delivered a disappointment of epic proportions.
And, at the end, when they still had a chance, the candidates were asked about…..the minor kerfuffle of Ellen Degeneres sitting with George W Bush at a football game.
An entire debate without a single question on climate change––the existential issue facing not just our country, but our entire planet. I am prepared to use the emergency powers of the presidency to take on the climate crisis and protect the American people.
— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) October 16, 2019
Not one single question about the climate crisis.
Not one single question about the climate crisis.
Not one single question about the climate crisis.This is the existential crisis of our time. Not one single question, and that’s completely inexcusable. #DemDebate
— Jay Inslee (@JayInslee) October 16, 2019
Julian Castro also yammered on Twitter about climate change being an existential threat. He’s polling at 1% nationally. Steyer is at 1.6. Inslee, who made his whole campaign about ‘climate change’, isn’t polling, because he dropped out months ago. At the end of the day, as I’ve written many times, people may Care about ‘climate change’ in theory, but, in practice, most aren’t interested in Doing Something. They certainly aren’t interested in spending their own money or having their lives changed.
Climate change may poll high with Democrats, but, not with the general public.
Despite being the leading issue among all American voters, according to Harvard/Harris polling, CNN anchors and a New York Times reporter ignored the immigration issue that motivated millions of voters in the 2016 presidential election.
Instead, debate moderators focused largely on impeachment, gun control, health care, and abortion.
Of course they did.

What debate?
How about them Yankees?
Lolgf losers
Again, not one American flag on the stage with all those “people” running to be it’s leader. Kinda makes one wonder. Why do the DemComs hate America so much they are ashamed to have the flag displayed?
From Ace of Spades:
“The other sobering observation I had is that no one on that stage had anything at all that was in the least bit positive or uplifting about America and Americans. How can they? They’ve built their entire careers, as have all of their predecessors for the past half century or more, running down the country, culture and its heritage, sowing division in order to seize absolute power. And that leads right into my final observation. Whether it’s open borders, command and control economic madness, racialism, censorship, abortion, the war on religious liberty, you name it – every crackpot, lunatic idea and assault on the republic as founded that came out of the collective maw of that 12-headed beast last night is now the baseline platform and policy goals of the Democrat Party going forward. Yes, it always has been but now it’s out in the open. They will race pell-mell for it openly and brazenly, as opposed to secretly and incrementally. Assuming Trump wins in 2020 (please G-d), what happens when he leaves? He has singlehandedly been the first president to ratchet back at least one notch, as Margaret Thatcher once described IIRC, the step by step march to globalist/socialist totalitarian tyranny. The Left will not abide by that. The big question is will the Trump era be a one-off pause or will it be a harbinger of a movement?”
Of course, trying to reverse the continued decline of our middle class IS very positive.
The trump era (less than or equal to 4 years) is an era of corruption, traitorous behaviors, sacrificing our leadership and respect in the world, and continued hollowing out of the impoverished and our middle class. Trumpism is the final throes of America.
We understand that most far-right white conservatives see trump as their savior to deliver them from the “hell” of democratic liberalism, pro-choice, diversity, immigration, and a government that works for all Americans not just the wealthy.
What you’re seeing is the response to the corporatism/fundamentalism/racism/jingoism of Reaganomics, neoconservatism, “New” Democrats, the Tea Party and Trumpism.
trump promised Americans better, cheaper healthcare. An economic miracle of 4, 5, even 6% growth. No nukes in Korea or Iran. Improved infrastructure. Increased taxes on the wealthy! A magnificent Wall paid for by Mexico! A balanced budget. A world that fears America!
Silly little sissybitch keeps repeating his tired little mantras over and over again hoping they will have some kind of relevance to the real world.
Pro tip: they don’t.
Lolgfy stupid.
The wall is being paid for, bit by bit. These folks would have shortly been using our services and voting Democratic…
How many billions has Mexico contributed to The Wall?
They just stopped another convoy of illegals in southern Mexico. The money saved by the Border Patrol is their contribution.
I know grifting doesn’t think that way, but the amount of money that would have been spent holding them at bay now can go to the wall.
The trump era (less than or equal to 4 years) is an era of corruption, traitorous behaviors, sacrificing our leadership and respect in the world, and continued hollowing out of the impoverished and our middle class. Trumpism is the final throes of America.
He sounds like he’s happy about it. What he doesn’t know id that the Commies are quite racist. To them, you’re just another ni.
And that era of corruption, traitorous behaviors, sacrificing our leadership and respect in the world, and continued hollowing out of the impoverished and our middle class is what’s been happening until Trump came along.
The working stiffs in this country are doing 5 times better than they were when the Mocha Messiah was mishandling things. Can’t get away from the facts, although, God knows, you try.
We understand that most far-right white conservatives see trump as their savior to deliver them from the “hell†of democratic liberalism, pro-choice, diversity, immigration, and a government that works for all Americans not just the wealthy.
No, Virginia, your little voices are wrong. Parscale thinks he can flip at least 7 (maybe more) states next year and the wind is at his back.
The “hell†of democratic liberalism, pro-choice, diversity, immigration, and a government that works for all Democrats is what we had for 8 years and people didn’t want any more of it.
What you’re seeing is the response to the corporatism/fundamentalism/racism/jingoism of Reaganomics, neoconservatism, “New†Democrats, the Tea Party and Trumpism.
That’s right. Their asses are getting kicked. Hear about the wipeout in LA? That’s what’s going to happen all over this country 13 months from now.
trump promised Americans better, cheaper healthcare.
I notice ZippyCare is no longer part of most people’s lives. Medicare premiums down 23%.
An economic miracle of 4, 5, even 6% growth.
Too bad the Fed wanted to cool off the economy.
No nukes in Korea or Iran.
He’s working on it. When was the last time Li’l Kim shot off a missile?
Improved infrastructure.
Can’t get from here to there because of all the road construction.
Increased taxes on the wealthy!
No, that’s Fauxcahontas and donors are avoiding her like the plague.
A magnificent Wall paid for by Mexico!
A balanced budget.
Talk to Occasional Cortex.
A world that fears America!
Nobody’s taking hostages.
Sorry but with unemployment at a 50 year low, more jobs than people to fill them and wages going UP, the middle class is expanding and those in poverty are shrinking. Also interesting that you keep crowing “white conservative” while ignoring the fact that ALL minorities are doing much better now with Trump as POTUS than when Obama had the reins. If Trump’s a racist then he’s doing it wrong.
I see your screeds getting more and more insulting and hyperbolic as time goes on and it seems that you are running scared knowing that most of America is waking up to the BS the left has been feeding them for decades, that all the doom and gloom predictions made about Trump and if conservatives were to be in power have not happened. In fact, just the opposite has been happening. This country is much better off now than it ever has been and it drives you nuts. The meltdown has been almost as much fun to watch as watching election night 2016.
If you honestly think that when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall he meant that the would write us a check, you really are delusional.
Yet, Americans are not optimistic. They overwhelmingly believe America is on the wrong path. A solid majority think Trump and Congress are performing poorly. Half of Americans believe trump should be impeached and removed. Shouldn’t he have 70% favorability?
The economy may be “booming” but the American people aren’t feeling better off.
“What is the meaning of democracy, freedom, human dignity, standard of living, self-realization, fulfillment? Is it a matter of goods, or of people? Of course it is a matter of people. … If economic thinking cannot grasp this it is useless. If it cannot get beyond its vast abstractions, the national income, the rate of growth, capital/output ratio, input-output analysis, labour mobility, capital accumulation; if it cannot get beyond all this and make contact with the human realities of poverty, frustration, alienation, despair, breakdown, crime, escapism, stress, congestion, ugliness, and spiritual death, then let us scrap economics and start afresh. — E.F. Schumacher
Just a few days ago, Bernie Sanders, the guy who is running for President of the USA, is quoted as saying, “no US ally should trust the USA”. Wow. There’s a basis for diplomacy if I ever heard one.
[…] Pirate’s Cove – Bummer: Democrat Debate Fails To Mention ‘Climate Change’ Yet Again […]