Comrade De Blasio Singles Out Jews In Warning Message

Democrats do not seem to really have an issue singling out Jews in America anymore, do they?

De Blasio singles out one religious group in warning about social distancing, and he’s getting roasted for it

Democratic New York City Major Bill de Blasio faced a fierce online backlash after he singled out Jews in a message warning everyone against large gatherings during the pandemic.

De Blasio tweeted out his warning on Tuesday against those not observing the social distancing guidelines in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. He was referring to a specific gathering for a funeral of a rabbi that the police dispersed in Williamsberg.

“My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed,” he tweeted.

“I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period,” he added.

“We have lost so many these last two months [and] I understand the instinct to gather to mourn. But large gatherings will only lead to more deaths [and] more families in mourning. We will not allow this. I have instructed the NYPD to have one standard for this whole city: zero tolerance,” de Blasio continued.

Not surprisingly, Comrade Bill was blasted

“I can’t imagine de Blasio saying this about any other community,” said Ben Shapiro. “It’s pretty amazing. And for the record, MANY of the leaders of the Jewish community have taken strong stands on social distancing.

“NYC has been a refuge for Jews fleeing persecution and death for decades and more. How on earth does the mayor of NYC single them out for persecution in the middle of a pandemic? Words do not exist to describe the criminal incompetence at City Hall,” said Lis Smith, the former senior advisor to Pete Buttigieg.

Yeah, let’s see Bill single out Blacks or Muslims. He won’t. It’s easy to go after Jews. The Democratic Party hatred of Israel morphed into hatred of Jews. When do Jews realize this and stop voting Democrat?

Also Comrade Bill

Why didn’t Bill #StayHome? These are both linked, as the gathering for the funeral involved a large group Orthodox Jews, which led to his tweet on “the Jewish community”. While it certainly puts it all in context, why only call out Jews?

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10 Responses to “Comrade De Blasio Singles Out Jews In Warning Message”

  1. formwiz says:

    Doctors’ Plot II.

  2. Kye says:

    A little observation by lloyd Marcus, the non-hyphenated American Patriot who wandered from the Democommie Plantation.

    “Ponder what your life would be like if Democrats gained control of the White House, the House and the Senate. Kiss all your constitutional freedoms good-bye.

    I repeatedly find myself asking, “What is wrong with Democrats and the American left?” Why is everything they want harmful to American citizens? Why is their thinking so dramatically different from that of average Americans? I realize they have globalist and progressive agendas. But still, why are they obsessed with killing as many American babies as possible even after they are born?

    Democrats and the American left claim to be advocates for LGBTQ. Why do they praise Islam which advocates killing homosexuals and despise Christianity which courts them with love?

    Fake news media and Democrats scared America into a total shutdown. Then, Democrats in Congress refused to sign on to coronavirus relief checks for suffering Americans they created unless they were allowed to include funding for their pet projects unrelated to the shutdown or virus.

    Why have Democrats used the coronavirus to release felons who are harming citizens? Twenty-six million and counting Americans have lost their jobs due to the shutdown. Why are Democrats pushing for illegal aliens to be allowed to enter our country to take jobs?

    Do you see a pattern? Folks, I could go on and on with things Democrats want which harm Americans. Again, I ask. What is wrong with these people?

    I am extremely grateful that Americans are rising up across our great nation, demanding the return of our freedoms. God is on our side. Please join the rebellion.”

    Trump 2020 He is the Rebellion!

  3. gitarcarver says:

    Rules are for little people:

    Mayor Bill de Blasio and wife Chirlane McCray didn’t let coronavirus stop them from traveling 11 miles from Manhattan to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park for a leisurely stroll — eliciting outrage from New Yorkers, online video shows.

    “Seriously, you guys have a park. You live in the middle of a park. You don’t need to non-essentially travel to Brooklyn,” Twitter user Darren Goldner says, referencing Carl Schurz Park near Gracie Mansion, in a clip posted to Twitter Saturday.

    Hizzoner responds, “C’mon guys give it a break,” as he and the first lady continue to walk away.

    de Blasio had banned “non-essential” travel. New Yorkers are noting that as de Blasio lives in “the middle of a park,” his travel by motorcade is most assuredly “non-essential” under his own edicts.

  4. david7134 says:

    Big Bill made a bad mistake here. From what I understand, this is not a group to make mad.

    But exactly what is wrong with these people doing their thing. Sure, they have a greater tendency to get the covid, but that is their choice. At some point we have to acknowledge that this strict isolation of the whole population is stupid and worthless for the long term.

  5. Dana says:

    Because nothing has ever gone wrong with threatening to round up the Jooooos before.

    • Kye says:

      It probably helps that Bill de Stasio’s real name is “Warren Wilhelm Jr.” Little Nazi got into the wood pile I recon.

  6. Dana says:

    I went ahead and (Google) translated Oberbürgermeister de Blasio’s tweets back into the original German:

    Meine Botschaft an die jüdische Gemeinde und alle Gemeinden ist so einfach: Die Zeit für Warnungen ist vorbei. Ich habe die NYPD angewiesen, sofort mit der Vorladung fortzufahren oder sogar diejenigen zu verhaften, die sich in großen Gruppen versammeln. Hier geht es darum, diese Krankheit zu stoppen und Leben zu retten. Zeitraum.


    In Williamsburg ist heute Abend etwas absolut Inakzeptables passiert: eine große Beerdigung mitten in dieser Pandemie. Als ich hörte, ging ich selbst dorthin, um sicherzustellen, dass die Menge verstreut war. Und was ich gesehen habe, wird NICHT toleriert, solange wir gegen das Coronavirus kämpfen.

    I found a tweet with photos of the funeral procession for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, but is you want to see anti-Semitism in action, scroll down and read some of the responses . . . if you can stomach it.

    • formwiz says:

      Stalin, let us not forget, was as big an anti-Semite as Hitler and, had he lived, intended to finish the job the Krauts started.

      Then there’s the fact that, once the Left found out the Arab terrorists had been trained in Moscow, they became anti-Semitic.

      This is just the culmination of that process.

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