More Obama Seal’s

Just having way too much fun with this

obama seal care bear iran Obama Seal USSA Obama Seal Arugual Obama Seal Middle Finger

Yes, I have several more. Stay tuned for this afternoon!

PS: Jim at bRight & Early has a great one. Ace of Spades has some more.

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11 Responses to “More Obama Seal’s”

  1. […] Graphic courtesy of William Teach […]

  2. Carl says:

    Oooh….trackbacked to THIS one, too! Good job, William!

  3. Thanks, Carl.

    For whatever reason, Akismet is catching all your stuff, even comments. Rescued.

  4. John Ryan says:

    That has about as much validity as putting a swastika on McCain’s

  5. Stacy says:

    Awww, once again John Ryan forgot to take his meds. I get 1,2 and 4. But what’s up with the arugula?

  6. Stacy says:

    Never mind. Went back through your posts. See, I take off for a few days and miss out on important stuff like arugula.

  7. How does a swastika fit in with John McCain, John? Unless you are talking about the original meaning, which was meant to be a good luck charm and had completely positive meanings, prior to your fascist buddies in Germany hijacking it.

    Meanwhile, why is it you can never defend Obama, John? Tell me where I am wrong on any of them (well, the finger one might be a stretch, but, meant to be what he really thinks of Americans, from my point of view.)

    I have a couple more goodies, too, Stacy. Just can’t post them at them moment.

  8. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Teach & Stacy, what about this Obamanation motto that I just made up?
    E Poorous Yum Yum?
    PS: Ryan…. SWASTIKA? I’m doing the Berlin Waltz now! What would Hitler have done with the Ryans in the Third Reich? “Knock Knock… Whose there? Guess? No!… GESTAPO!!”

  9. Heh heh heh! :)

  10. Obama’s “presidential seal” bites the dust…

    The unofficial official seal for the Barack Obama campaign has been show the door:
    While we don’t have full details, someone at Obama’s press center, when asked if the seal would be used going forward said simply, “No.” There we…

  11. […] – William Teach jumped the gun just a bit on the 19th with a Pooh pop-gun. – Matt Lewis broke the news Friday afternoon. – Ace released the hounds (or more-specifically, Slublog). – John McCormack wondered if it was illegal. – William Teach (with not 1, not 2, […]

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