It’s all so simple!
Dawone Robinson column: After the statues come down, let’s build a more equitable society
The fall of the Confederate statues reminds us that no nation forever can be shackled to symbols that defy its values, subvert its purpose, and cause its people anguish and pain.
Removing these statues, though, also creates an opportunity, and focuses us on what we must do to build a just and equitable society.
Part of the answer must be to confront the ways systemic racism has put Black people on the front lines of environmental hazard and harm far too often, and for far too long.
Few things more directly impact the quality of our lives and health. Drinking safe water, breathing clean air and eating healthy food are basic human rights. And part of the promise of an equitable society is that each of us has the opportunity to live in a comfortable and affordable home near good schools, workplaces and centers of commerce. (snip)
When factories and toxic waste sites disproportionately are located where Black people live; when Black people drink water contaminated by concentrated animal feeding operations; and when Black people breathe fumes from nearby incinerators, that is environmental racism. Putting an end to it is part of our larger charge to ensure justice for all.
The strange thing is how it is Democrats who are keeping black people in these conditions, yet black people keep voting overwhelmingly for the people who keep them in poor conditions
Second, we need to center justice in our fight against the central environmental challenge of our time: climate change. Black people, other people of color and low-income communities are bearing a disproportionate share of the costs and risks of rising seas, withering heat, raging storms and floods, and other consequences of climate change. We need help now to prepare our communities for more change to come.
Sure, why not ask your Democratic Party pals? I’m sure they’d be happy to patronize black people while continuing to enforce their modern version of Jim Crow. And it’s cute how Dawone is using the Cult of Climastrology to hijack BLM
We need to expand, for example, access to healthy, sustainable food for Black people, too many of whom live in urban food deserts where it’s easier to buy packaged snack foods than fresh produce.
So, band together and purchase supermarkets for those areas. I’m sure you won’t mind all the losses, from those from using EBT to theft to BLM “protesters” breaking in and trashing the places, right? If you rely on the Government, you get Government conditions. And then they own you. And passing ‘climate change’ legislation is just going to make the poor poorer.
And thank your Democratic Party pals for putting blacks in this situation.