In Liberal World, tolerance is only tolerated for those who hold the exact same beliefs. If not, it’s time for personal destruction
American cyclist suspended by team after pro-Trump comments
American cyclist Quinn Simmons was suspended by the Trek-Segafredo team on Thursday after posting antagonistic comments on social media in support of President Donald Trump.
The 2019 junior road race world champion replied to a journalist from the Netherlands who had criticized Trump on Twitter.
”Regrettably, team rider Quinn Simmons made statements online that we feel are divisive, incendiary, and detrimental to the team, professional cycling, its fans, and the positive future we hope to help create for the sport,” Trek-Segafredo said in a statement. ”(He) will not be racing for Trek-Segafredo until further notice.”
Must have been some horrible comments, right?
The 19-year-old rider reacted Wednesday when Dutch journalist Jose Been posted on Twitter that she hoped for her American friends that ”this horrible presidency ends for you,” adding ”if you follow me and support Trump, you can go.”
Simmons replied by writing ”Bye” with an emoji of a dark-skinned hand waving.
When a separate account replied ”Apparently a Trumper,” Simmons countered ”That’s right” with a United States flag symbol.
That’s it. But, hey, we can all understand that Biden supporters hate the American flag, considering it a symbol of hate. And the dark skinned hand? He’s 19, no big deal. Professional athletes have said way worse things about Trump and his supporters (and law enforcement) with no consequences.

— Doc Zero
Organizations have the right to discipline their members as they see fit, correct?
Free speech and all that.
So, no, you can’t.
Well, the First Amendment protects your freedom of speech from punishment by the government; private organizations are not covered.
We’ve had this discussion before, Dana and I still disagree. Our Constitutional rights don’t end at Congress. They are unalienable rights which are enumerated (in part) in the Constitution where they are forbidden to be violated. That does not mean by any understanding of Rights endowed by God that they may be taken away by your neighbor, your state or your businesses.
The very idea that anyone can refuse you an unalienable right just because they are not Congress is revolting. Must we pass legislation saying businesses can’t forbid Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, the RTKABA, right to trial and so on or should the degrading of anyone’s Constitutional Rights by any person, entity or government or are they “self evident”?
As has been said, the Constitution is not a suicide pact. The idea that Mark Zuckerberg or Joe’s Pizza can dictate who you can support for president is exactly that. A deal with the Devil, a suicide pact. That kind of thinking is why right now we are stuck with Oligarchs in the information business and the News business dictating what we can say and what can be said, printed or heard.
If the left can pull abortion, mail in voting and Obamacare out of their ass we can certainly pull universal protection of enumerated rights out of ours.
Trump 2020 Why let the bad guys win when we can stop them?
**Car in front of me had a bumper sticker on it. It read: “Pray for Nancy Pelosi. Psalm 109:8.â€
When I got home I opened my bible to the scripture and read it and started laughing. Psalm 109:8 –“Let her days be few and brief; And let others step forward to replace her.†At last –I can voice a Biblical prayer for our Speaker of The House! Let us bow our heads and pray. This is great, everyone should re post this!!!
** I stole this but I can’t remember from who so I apologize.
Psalm 109:8-9
King James Version
8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
A Sports News Anchor was just fired for calling Senator Tim Scott and “Uncle Tom”
You see the cancel culture goes both ways. But mainly it just goes against white people.
A classic example of The “WOKE WALKERS” was an MMA bout between A. Nunes obviously a woman of color vs a solidly white Schevenchenko who beat the snot out of Nunes. I mean it was overwhelming and yet NUNES WON by split decision.
In the era of “WOKE WALKERS” the chance to be fairly JUDGED is gone. If your White and your opponent is black, You lose. If your a corporation or business that does not kowtow to the COMMUNIST DOGMA of STFU and do what we tell you to do….YOUR DONE.
The left pretends to be in a rage about Trump and the right as fascists but in reality it is the left who are “WOKE WALKING” Lunatics out to “GET” everyone that would dare disagree with their radical agenda.
Joe Biden is in charge of NOTHING. It is the far left that controls the democratic party now and unfortunately I believe that while Trump might win, The house stays blue and the senate flips because of the billions of dollars flowing into the Democrats from China, Russia and all our enemies who want Trump gone so bad they will do anything.
At least if Trump wins we keep them from packing the Supreme court for 4 more years. That is if he doesnt die in the next 4-5 weeks from the Covid-19. To hear the left tell it Trump is as good as gone. You stand no chance if you get the flu. Your a gonner the odds of dying are like 99 percent. HIDE everyone. HIDE. Wear a mask that will not even hold water, it will save you! That and voting for a democrat.
The new plantation. Covid-19.
Not if they’re black or queermo.
The bicycle racing team 1) isn’t a government entity and 2) is not a US based organization. Other than that…
So, Rimjob, what’s #3?
Trek–Segafredo is a professional road bicycle racing team at UCI WorldTeam level licensed in the United States.
I love it when he speaks without thinking.
Of course they do – provided there is an actual breach of conduct to require it. Apparently, simply supporting Trump is sufficient to overwhelm these snowflakes’ delicate sensibilities.
Try again.
And speaking of free speech, mews from AP (of all people) that Gropin’ Joe realizes he’s been sitting on his ass while Trump gets ahead.
Suddenly, the Chinese Floozy isn’t as scary.
And even better
Psalm 109:8-9
King James Version
8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
That’s nice but the bumper sticker was referring to The Nazi Pelousy Not not Guido “The Killer” Cuomo or Reichsfuhrer Schumer or Lazy “I am the DEmocratic Party” Joe Biden. But good try.
Trump 2020 A Patriot, not a putz for Prez. And a Patriot not a putz-sucker for “vice” prez
So changing the sacred texts of the Christian Bible is OK for political purposes? Is that sacrilegious?
President “Super Spreader” Trump and his Super Spreader Melania are both infected with Covid, most likely contracted from their “close” aide, Hope “Air Force One” Hicks. Trump attended a fundraiser in Bedminster AFTER he knew he had been exposed. Kayleigh McAninny held a press conference spewing her unique form of bile AFTER she knew she’d been exposed.
How about Mark Meadows, Pence, the Trump spawn, Amy Comey Barrett, Moscow Mitch etc?
Is this all a hoax to cancel next week’s debate? For Trump to withdraw and be pardoned by Pence?
Kye: Do you wear a mask when you’re out? Why, if it’s all a hoax?
No, I do not wear a mask when I’m “out”. I’m not an ignorant tool who believes a mask can stop a particle the size of the Red Chinese Cuomo Plague but not water. Only a fool believes propaganda that removes his individuality over a flu. Also, unlike the president or other politicians I’m not up to my elbows daily among hundreds of people with unknown diseases while I campaign.
I still don’t know one person personally who has the Red Chinese Communist Cuomo Flu. Not ONE! It’s not a “hoax” it’s a fukin scam to close businesses, unemploy people in an election year an blame Trump which is just what you’ve spent the last 10 months doing since he shut down travel from Red Communist China who created the flu and called him “xenophobic” and racist for doing so. Then your commie comrades Nazi Pelousy and Killer DUH Blazzio held street parties to help the initial spread of the Phony Plague. You’re all liars. Cuomo asked for and received ventilators, meds, masks and general help from Trump. He and Nazi P also got US hospital ships, doctors and nurses, and emergency tent hospitals set up in parks. Now they and you say he did NOTHING. You’re all fukin LIARS. We have eyes and ears and can see how hard he worked with the military, the governors, mayors, CDC, WHO and the hundreds of health organization in the US. He held daily briefings which the Fake Media turned into blaming sessions. He let Fauci and Breix talk incessantly often changing their story in mid paragraph and still you small closed-minded useful idiots bitch and complain like any one of you clowns could have done better.
When you’re not lying you just spitting out hate. That really is all you have left to campaign on since you Democrat strike force burned down the cities where you now keep your blacks in ghettoes. Nice job, burning out you own constituents but you’ll make it up in fraudulent mail in votes. But this time we’re ready. We will be at every drop off, ever polling place and we have our own army of lawyers ready to challenge an entire stat over one fraudulent vote.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the liars and haters win.
With your health history you’re at significant risk if you become infected with Covid-19. Be careful and stay healthy.
Your analysis of the efficacy of masks is not accurate.
Yes, it is. As is social distancing.
In fact, almost everything the Left pushes wrt Wu Ping Cough is a lie.
My analysis of the efficacy of the commonly used cloth or paper face masks (which are what I was referring to) not the specialized type is NOT my analysis. Rather I repeated to you the factual analysis told to me almost word for word by not one, not two, not three but four Physicians. They told me even the usual masks used in operating rooms (3 of these DRs. are surgeons) are only good to stop the saliva of the Dr. from landing on open organs and blood splatter hitting the Dr.
Not one single life was or is being saved by using porous paper or cloth masks. Now you may want to stick with the popular panic propaganda but I choose to listen to the guys who know and who will speak to me in confidence knowing their bosses won’t hear since they are obligated by partisan $$$$ to keep the lie alive.
In fact one DR. said “the only people who need to wear masks are criminals and doctors and you’re neither”. He’s right, I’m neither, which are you?
Trump 2020 A speedy end to quarantine and a victory for America.
“The sober minded will always feels as if the current age sits on the shoulder’s of giants, but the gap between the best we have today and just a few generations ago is breathtaking.”
So changing the sacred texts of the Christian Bible is OK for political purposes? Is that sacrilegious?
You do it all the time.
President “Super Spreader†Trump and his Super Spreader Melania are both infected with Covid, most likely contracted from their “close†aide, Hope “Air Force One†Hicks. Trump attended a fundraiser in Bedminster AFTER he knew he had been exposed. Kayleigh McAninny held a press conference spewing her unique form of bile AFTER she knew she’d been exposed.
5 gets you 10 he’s asymptomatic, like about 99.9% of those who test positive (as opposed to the 90% whose positives are false), and will stay on the campaign trail. And I see we’re trying out a new epithet. She must be getting to the bad guys, just like her predecessor.
And the scare quotes are really stupid.
How about Mark Meadows, Pence, the Trump spawn, Amy Coney Barrett, Moscow Mitch etc?
How about them? Doing a great job, right?
Is this all a hoax to cancel next week’s debate? For Trump to withdraw and be pardoned by Pence?
Believe it when you see it.
Maybe he’s giving Gropin’ Joe a chance to bail out.
PS I know Super Spreader is the new big thing on the Left, but the only Super Spreaders are guys like you.