See, apparently, we all have a Right to know the truth from Trump’s doctors, so, they’re apparently calling the doctors lairs, not trusting the science. This is the NY Times editorial board
The American People Need the Truth
The American people deserve better than to be misled about the health of the president.
Several days into President Trump’s battle with Covid-19, even basic facts about his illness — when he was diagnosed, how high his fever climbed, what triggered his hospitalization — remain hard to come by. The White House is being evasive and secretive. That’s nothing new, nor is it unreasonable to withhold some sensitive information from the public.
But too often in the past few days, the administration has appeared to be actively misleading the American people. Administration insiders are expressing frustration (WT -not one named source for that “frustration”) that no one even among Mr. Trump’s own staff seems to know what is going on. Among the broader public, anxious speculation and wild conspiracy theories are multiplying. The unnerving impression is of a White House in chaos. (snip)
On Saturday, Mr. Trump’s doctors assembled outside of Walter Reed for a news briefing, overseen by the White House physician, Dr. Sean Conley. Far from providing clarity, the spectacle was surreal. Dr. Conley delivered a sunny assessment that made it sound as though the president had popped out for a weekend spa getaway. He dodged questions about testing, Mr. Trump’s symptoms and whether the president had ever received supplemental oxygen.
The only ones unsatisfied where the lefties, including the media, who were hoping Trump was on his deathbed. And, perhaps they’ve never heard of HIPA?
There is a long history of misleading the public about a president’s health. Grover Cleveland’s White House lied about his cancer. Woodrow Wilson’s lied about his stroke. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s team covered up his deteriorating medical condition, and John F. Kennedy hid his chronic health problems for his entire presidency.
Because the media are jackals.
However sick the president may be, the truth cannot be more harmful than the thick fog of confusion the White House has created. The American people are entitled to the truth.
What the NYTEB means is they should be given the news free of charge, without having to do any work, because They Are The Media, you peasants. Even though they do all they can to hurt Republicans and the Trump admin.
And Jake Tapper, another previously somewhat trustworthy and respectable member of the Credentialed Media broken by Trump
The American people deserve the facts and the full truth about their president’s health. This isn’t that.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 4, 2020
We deserved the full truth on Operation Fast and Furious, Obamacare, Benghazi, Iran Deal, IRS targeting, and Hillary's server issue, Jake: where were you?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 4, 2020
Where was this “right to the truth” during the Obama era? Why did they have to be dragged kicking and screaming into covering stories that should have had them in a blood induced shark feeding frenzy? And, typically, they tried to bury the story after and/or defended Team Obama. None of them had any real interest in covering those stories, or other things like the details of the Waters Of The USA rule and the Clean Power Plan rule. So, right now, they can spare me their Covatrutherism.

The ONLY thing we have the ‘right’ to know is if he’s alive or dead. Other than that, any details of his condition are strictly confidential as per HIPAA.
For whatever reason, Trump’s oleaginous doctor was instructed to lie about his condition. It’s probably just Trump’s nature. Plus, he’s an attention whore.
During a pandemic that has killed over 200,000 Americans with a virus that is now being spread throughout the Executive and Legislative branches, Trump has decided to lie. It’s probably just his nature to lie.
The US President is not like other Americans. They can commit crimes without recourse. They command the globe’s most powerful military with the power to destroy the planet. Their physical and mental health is a legitimate concern of Americans.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is associated with diffuse lung damage. Glucocorticoids (e.g., dexamethasone) may modulate inflammation-mediated lung injury and thereby reduce progression to respiratory failure and death.
In this controlled, open-label trial comparing a range of possible treatments in patients who were hospitalized with Covid-19, we randomly assigned patients to receive oral or intravenous dexamethasone (at a dose of 6 mg once daily) for up to 10 days or to receive usual care alone. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality. Here, we report the preliminary results of this comparison.
In patients hospitalized with Covid-19, the use of dexamethasone resulted in lower 28-day mortality among those who were receiving either invasive mechanical ventilation or oxygen alone at randomization but not among those receiving no respiratory support.
For whatever reason, Trump’s oleaginous doctor was instructed to lie about his condition. It’s probably just Trump’s nature. Plus, he’s an attention whore.
Sounds more like the Deep State Dwarf. You project on everybody.
During a pandemic that has killed over 200,000 Americans with a virus that is now being spread throughout the Executive and Legislative branches, Trump has decided to lie. It’s probably just his nature to lie.
More like yours. And the true number of people killed by Chinkypox is about 250.
The US President is not like other Americans. They can commit crimes without recourse. They command the globe’s most powerful military with the power to destroy the planet. Their physical and mental health is a legitimate concern of Americans.
You were so hoping he was going to die.
They can commit crimes without recourse??????????? What the Hell is that?
So now the NYT cares about the Truth? I still haven’t seen them admit they were wrong about the last 4 years of anti-Trump propaganda. Why dont they just make something up and attribute it to an “unnamed source” again?
The attempted murder of President Trump, the First Lady, their family, associates and most likely the bulk of the Republican leadership cannot go on unanswered. It seems the Democommie party already in bed with the Chinese Communists for years has launched a major biological attack directly aimed at the President and upper echelons of our government. The Democrat Party should immediately be declared a hostile domestic army and their leadership be arrested for treason, sedition and attempted assassination of our leaders. Democrat propagandists such as the fake media and persons spreading insurrection and lies should also be immediately arrested and charged accordingly.
There Elwood, I dialed it up to eleven for you. Now you may understand how ridiculous and hysterical you sound most of the time. However, President Trump wouldn’t be the first Republican President murdered by Democrats, now would he? So my theory has precedence.
Trump 2020 Cause they are trying to kill him!!!!
** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic
** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March
** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy based on this model
** A new critique of the Imperial College Model finds the study is “completely unusable for scientific purposes†— The study is a complete sham
** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed a garbage model on the White House and the American public and destroyed the US economy
As reported weeks ago — in mid April Dr. Fauci admitted that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives and commerce.
President admitted that during a press conference in April that “two very smart people†came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus.
But President Trump did not say who those “two very smart people†were.
Trump2020: The Buck Stops Over There!
You were wanting to charge Dems with treason even before Trump recklessly and stupidly got he, his wife and others infected with Covid-19.
The voters and Trump’s Russian collaborators will decide in November.
You overlook that Trump didn’t have the power to shut down America… remember, it was the Democratic Governors and Mayors who killed the economy, right?
Trump has been an incredibly weak leader during this crisis.
I love when you talk silly, Elwood. You’re still with the thoroughly debunked “Trump’s Russian Collaborators” yet nairy a word about Sniffy and Hunter’s Treason with Ukraine. Wonder why? CAUSE ONE IS REAL THE OTHER GASLIGHTING.
Did Trump have the power to “shut down America”. Show me where. And you do realize whether your lying tongue will admit it or not that it was the Blue Commie governors and mayors that shut down their fiefdoms ILLEGALLY. I know Elwood, unlike you I was victimized by a power mad leftist governor. But now the left will pay for their lies and deceit, their illegal power grabs, burning our cities, murdering our police and citizens, tearing down our history and trying to assassinate another Republican US President. You’re all babk killers, immoral killers and traitors to your race and country.
Trump 2020 Because America is worth saving.
From Ace:
Immediately, speculation began about how he caught the virus and the nature of its severity. However, as numerous Republicans in key positions also tested positive, the nature of the speculation began to change. The issue shifted from whether or not the president wore a mask to why so many important Republicans simultaneously got the virus. Among those testing positive were Trump’s campaign manager, the Chair of the Republican National Committee, the President’s senior counselor, and two Senators on the Judiciary Committee who will vote on the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.
Lin Wood, a high-profile lawyer representing Nick Sandman and Kyle Rittenhouse, tweeted, “Many leaders in administration of @realDonaldTrump are quarantined by what almost appears to almost be targeted strike of Covid-19.” He later tweeted, “There are no coincidences. Zero. None. Hard stop.” Deanna Lorraine, who ran for Congress against Nancy Pelosi, also picked up the theme of a “targeted strike” in her tweet, “Does anyone else find it odd that no prominent Democrats have had the virus but the list of Republicans goes on and on?” And Omar Navarro, a Republican politician in California, developed the theme: “1.RBG dies. 2. Trump announces he will nominate new justice before election. 3. Pelosi makes “Arrow in our quivers comment to stop him.” Week later Trump, his top aide, his campaign manager, two Senators all come down with COVID 5. Schumer immediately requests to delay nomination.” He added, “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action…”
The sudden illness of so many prominent Republicans brought to mind a mostly forgotten incident in January 2018. A chartered train carrying Republican lawmakers and their families to a retreat collided with a garbage truck that inexplicably was stranded on the track. The front car derailed, killing one person. The media displayed no interest in the story and offered no follow-up articles explaining the unlikely scenario.
Seven months before the train crash, a gunman opened fire on members of the Republican congressional baseball team, severely wounding Steve Scalise, who was then serving as House Majority Whip. NBC reported: “Witnesses told investigators that when the gunman arrived at the ballfield, he asked people, “Are these the Republicans or the Democrats?”
Fact: Hillary Clinton and/with/or Barack Obama, with the eager cooperation of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies and corrupt judges attempted to sabotage first the candidacy and then the presidency of Donald Trump.
Fact: The Democrat Party and its propaganda arm, aka the media, have politically weaponized a health situation and used it as a pretext to suspend civil liberties as well as sabotage the greatest economic recovery and subsequent boom which showed no signs of slowing down in order to politically damage the president’s almost assured reelection. The move for mail-in voting is a naked attempt to either outright steal the election or cause mass confusion and chaos as a pretext for some kind of power-grab or overt coup attempt.
Fact: Assuming Amy Coney Barrett is indeed an originalist, having her on the Supreme Court effectively neuters the unofficial Democrat-Leftist legislature that that body had become over the past 60 years. Court packing and Roberts notwithstanding. With Trump, along with key senators and perhaps the nominee herself either exposed or testing positive, the Democrats will push this hard to derail the vote past the election in the hope that Trump loses and the seat can then go to a Roland Freisler to be named later. The obvious call is either recess-appoint her to check any final attempt at an election steal at SCOTUS or, given that the Senate Democrats are 100% voting “no” and that she was thoroughly vetted already three years ago when she was appointed to the Seventh Circuit, enter that testimony into the Congressional Record and call for an immediate up-or-down roll call vote. Do it by Zoom or Skype but get her seated on that friggin’ court – now.
Fact: The Democrat Party is either directly or indirectly connected to two violent political terrorist organizations/movements – Antifa and BLM – both of which have waged what can best be described as a wave of political terror to also damage this president as well as cow the citizenry.
Fact: Trump’s term so far has severely checked China’s totalitarian ambitions, strategically and economically. Many leading politicians, especially Democrats and in particular that party’s leaders (Biden and Feinstein in particular) have been in bed with them for decades. Given the recent revelations by a whistleblower claiming the Peking Pox did indeed originate in a Chinese bio lab, and given the fact that a Chinese agent pretending to be a journalist (no pun intended) who was infected and symptomatic was removed from a West Wing press conference a few months back… do the math.
Taking all of the above into account, it is not tinfoil hat nuttery to speculate that the President, his staff and other Republican leaders were, for all intents and purposes, subjected to a biological attack in an attempt to actually kill him/them, or severely cripple him in the hopes of once again sabotaging the election. Given that the bureaucracy is probably 90% or more leftist and Democrat, and given how Obama has done a Stalin-like purge of the military and installed boot-licking globalist lackies and flunkies like Bearclaw Doughboy Vindman as flag officers, I’d be a bit concerned about the staff at Walter Reed. Just saying.
In any case, my fear is that this slow motion Lee Harvey Oswald will ultimately fail (that is assuming that the biological agent is only regular Chinese COVID and not Hi-Test). And that means a James Hodgkinson – whom Dick Durbin still has yet to answer for – is waiting in the wings as the last resort. Am I spinning out of control? Have I totally beclowned myself with this post? You look back at the past four years and well into the previous eight to 27 and you tell me.
They want us subjugated or dead. And if they win by hook or by crook next month, that is exactly what is going to happen. Even if Trump wins as I still think he will, the country cannot go on as before because the other side openly now does not accept its legitimacy. We have no common ground with which to achieve some sort of reconciliation. Because I don’t see how there can be some sort of amicable or at least acceptable split resulting from some two-state solution, it’s now an either/or proposition.
You were wanting to charge Dems with treason even before Trump recklessly and stupidly got he, his wife and others infected with Covid-19.
He tested positive, but he’s asymptomatic, so it could very likely be a false positive.
The voters and Trump’s Russian collaborators will decide in November.
The voters will. You had your shot with the Russkies, but couldn’t prove it.
You overlook that Trump didn’t have the power to shut down America… remember, it was the Democratic Governors and Mayors who killed the economy, right?
Deep State Dwarf wanted him to shut down the country, but Trump chose to let the Democrat tyrants show their lust for power. And they’re the ones enforcing lockdowns with Draconic glee.
Trump has been an incredibly weak leader during this crisis.
Yeah, he chose freedom over tyranny.
He tested positive, but he’s asymptomatic, so it could very likely be a false positive.
Then WTF is he in the hospital?
Fever, fatigue, breathing problems are all symptoms of Covid-19 infection. His abnormal chest images are a sign of lung infiltration, consistent with Covid. His positive Covid-19 test confirmed the presumptive diagnosis.
Why did doctors give him supplemental O2? For a cold? Why give potent and expensive remdesivir, anti-Covid monoclonals and dexamethasone to a man who isn’t even sick? All drugs have potential side-effects and no reputable physician should administer them without a valid medical reason.
Are you calling his doctors quacks or is the entire thing a campaign ploy, and the docs just made this all up in service to Dear Leader?
Then WTF is he in the hospital?</i.
&4 yrs old. President of the United States. Drive you nuts.
Fever, fatigue, breathing problems are all symptoms of Covid-19 infection. His abnormal chest images are a sign of lung infiltration, consistent with Covid. His positive Covid-19 test confirmed the presumptive diagnosis.
I was unaware you collected topless pictures of Trump.
Why did doctors give him supplemental O2? For a cold? Why give potent and expensive remdesivir, anti-Covid monoclonals and dexamethasone to a man who isn’t even sick? All drugs have potential side-effects and no reputable physician should administer them without a valid medical reason.
Nothing wrong with being safe.
Are you calling his doctors quacks or is the entire thing a campaign ploy, and the docs just made this all up in service to Dear Leader?
Of course, the entire thing a campaign ploy. It’s another way he shows up Gropin’ Joe.
you’re so eager to criticize him, anything he does drives you up the wall.
And he loves doing that.
Republican ignorance resulted in the GOPhers shooting themselves in the foot once again. All they had to do was wear masks at the Barrett announcement, but Trump opposed masks, so… here we are. President with Covid pneumonia in the hospital, GOP Senators and President’s staff spreading the virus. Idiots.
Mitch the Bitch wants to eliminate the PPACA so he’ll hold hearings even with Senators on ventilators.
Pneumonia? Where, O where do we get that?
Doctor says fever’s gone. He also says he’s asymptomatic, so it’s just a cold.
And, I wonder how many people got the Shanghai Surprise and did wear the mask, hmmm?
President with Covid pneumonia in the hospital, GOP Senators and President’s staff spreading the virus. Idiots.
Wonder who gave it to them?
Mitch the Bitch wants to eliminate the PPACA so he’ll hold hearings even with Senators on ventilators.
There you go again, with your homosexual fantasies. And, if he can get rid of IdiotCare, the Rs will sweep the country.
He spends days in the hospital with a cold? What a pussy.
Dexamethasone suppresses fever as does aspirin etc.
He didn’t check himself in, his doctor did. Told most of those Pooh Flu tests were false positives.
Trump buys pizzas for his supporters rallying outside Walter Reed hospital.
What a guy!
Trump Surprises Supporters, Appears Outside Hospital
Like a boss!
Well of course, you guys are batshit crazy. It’s not an attempted murder of Trump, it’s more like a smoker with lung cancer. Trump and his minions did this to themselves. The Dems were careful, wearing masks, physical distancing and restricting group sizes. But the “Here, hold my beer” GOPhers called Covid “a hoax”, “the flu” or “a cold”, but now call it a biological attack once their reckless stupidity came home to roost. LOL… if it wasn’t so pathetic and predictable.
Didn’t I predict the GOPher conspiracy that would arise from this?
Do any of you actually believe that the Democrats planted Covid to disrupt the Republicans?
Well of course, you guys are batshit crazy. It’s not an attempted murder of Trump, it’s more like a smoker with lung cancer. Trump and his minions did this to themselves. The Dems were careful, wearing masks, physical distancing and restricting group sizes. But the “Here, hold my beer†GOPhers called Covid “a hoaxâ€, “the flu†or “a coldâ€, but now call it a biological attack once their reckless stupidity came home to roost. LOL… if it wasn’t so pathetic and predictable.
No, we’re smart and know science, not consensus. Ever wonder why people in communicable disease wards wear hazmat masks? They’re the only thing that keeps out viri. And 6 feet is not enough by half if you want to social distance.
And the Demos aren’t restricting group sizes. Joe and the Ho are really that unpopular.
And it is a biowarfare attack,. You’re too hypocritical because you’re just anther Commie drone.
Didn’t I predict the GOPher conspiracy that would arise from this?
No you didn’t. Not ever.
Do any of you actually believe that the Democrats planted Covid to disrupt the Republicans?
Nobody here would put it past them.
And, from the man himself, “I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!â€.
And, from the Eminent Mr Surber:
Which brings us to covid 19, the virus from Red China that Democrats have pinned their hopes on. They bumped up the death count by forcing nursing homes to take covid 19 patients in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, which was a death sentence.
The higher death toll then rationalized unconstitutional lockdowns that destroyed the economy. The unemployment rate soared from a 50-year low of 3.5% to an 80-year high of 14.7% in just 2 months. The virus — not Hidin’ Biden — was the reason Democrats think they can win in 29 days.
The virus screwed up that plan on Thursday by infecting President Donald John Trump. Democrats know covid 19 is doomed.
On Saturday night, Chris Rock told SNL viewers, “Before we even get started, let’s — you know, hey, the elephant in the room: President Trump’s in the hospital from covid, and I just want to say my heart goes out to covid.
Ya gotta love it, right?
Democrats and their corporate sponsors — Comcast owns NBC, which in turn approves every word on SNL — are scared that President Trump will defeat covid 19, which would end the fear, which fuels the pandemic panic, which fuels the lockdowns.
President Trump owns covid 19. The press thought it would hurt him politically. He thrives. His supporters are rallying without him in city after city. They gathered to pray for him at Walter Reed. He rewarded them on Sunday.
So much for him being on his death bed.
I am convinced his stay at Walter Reed is unnecessary. This is stagecraft, and good for him. He could have toughed it out in the White House, but President Trump then he would have been a prisoner in the East Wing. He would have been another Basement Biden.
All I am saying is President Trump had a choice and he made the right call.
Instead of moving the hospital to the White House, he moved the White House to the hospital. This contrasted with the image of an invalid president in a hospital that the media hoped for.
The press spin is as expected and made hopelessly lame by Donald Trump.
In case you were wondering why Jeffery has been sputtering the last couple of days.
Porter’s Fluffer, Lil Sibley, seems lost in his love for the Orange Man/Baby.
One question though for the enema Mr. Surber, since this was an election stunt, will the campaign cover the millions of dollars to cover this campaign ad, or will it just be another violation of the law and more Trump stealing from the taxpayer?
And how, exactly, is it a violation of the law?
The Demos are legendary for their junketeering and us of military planes to ferry them everywhere.
Jeffery is jealous of the Eminent Mr Surber since he not only makes sense, but uses only facts to do it.
Nah formwiz, we all knew why Elwood was “sputtering the last couple days” but it was sure nice of you to put it into plain succinct language even Elwood himself can understand. Great job.
Trump really, really kicked their asses on this one. They will never learn to STFU until they find out what Trump has planned. They always go shooting off their mouths and then go DUHHHH.
Trump 2020 He Beat the Commie Flu he beat their assassination attempt.
Once The American Public Began To Realize Our Media Was Lying To Us, And We Began To Distrust Them, They Came Up With The Idea Of Fact Checkers, A Way To Give Their Leftist Propaganda New Life.
Now That We Distrust Fact Checkers, They Have A New Tool: Censorship.
What Jeffery is really mad about is this, Trump’s address to the country:
I just just left Walter Reed Medical Center and it’s really something very special. These doctors, the nurses, the first responders; and I learned so much about coronavirus. And one thing that’s for certain: Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines–all developed recently. And you’re gonna beat it.
I went, I didn’t feel so good. And two days ago, I could have left two days ago. Two days ago I felt great, like better than I have in a long time. I said just recently, better than twenty years ago. Don’t let it dominate. Don’t let it take over your lives. Don’t let that happen. We’re the greatest country in the world. We’re going, back we’re going back to work. We’re gonna be out front.
This is where the rebellion against the Democrat tyrants kicks into high gear.
As your leader I had to do that. I knew there’s danger to it but I had to do it. I stood out front. I led. Nobody that’s a leader would not do what I did. And, I know there’s a risk, there’s a danger but that’s okay. And now I’m better. And maybe I’m immune, I don’t know. But don’t let it dominate your lives.
Nice little shot at Basement Bidet there.
Get out there. Be careful. We have the best medicines in the world. And they’ve all happened very shortly. And they’re all getting approved. And the vaccines are coming momentarily.
Makes ya proud to be an American, don’t it?
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