The media car run out their polls that have Biden leading Trump (their polls didn’t work out too well in 2016), but, this one might be a bit more important
Poll: 56% Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Under Trump Than Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden
A solid majority of 56 percent of Americans say they are better off now than they were four years ago, a new Gallup survey reveals.
Only 32 percent say they are worse off than four years ago. The number is, as Fox News’s Laura Ingraham noted on Thursday night, “the highest Gallup has ever recorded.â€
% of Americans who say they are better off now than they were 4 years ago
Sept 2020: 56 percent
Dec 2012: 45 percent
Oct 2004: 47 percent
Oct 1992: 38 percent
July 1984: 44 percent
— Rob Henderson (@robkhenderson) October 8, 2020
Obama did pretty well in 2012, did he not? Well, he did, he lost even more House, Senate, and state positions for the Democratic Party.
While the 56 percent number is impressive indeed — again the highest ever recorded this close to an election — it was even higher before the coronavirus pandemic swept across the United States. In February, a whopping 61 percent said they believed they were better off than three years earlier when Trump took office in January 2017. As such, while the number slid a little bit — five points — during the coronavirus pandemic the past six months, the number of Americans who consider their lives better with Trump as president remains at record levels even with all the disruption this year.
All this means, also, that the vast majority of Americans think their lives are better off — literally during, again, a pandemic that has upended American life — than it was when Obama was president and Trump’s opponent this year former Vice President Joe Biden was Obama’s second-in-command. Even with the disruption from the pandemic, in other words, it is hard to see those people who like life more now under Trump than they did when Biden was in charge voting for a change. And it would amount to a serious historical aberration for Trump to lose, given the trends in Gallup polling on this question since Reagan asked it of the public in 1984.
That is huge. Despite the Bat Soup Virus devastation to the economy and people’s lives, Trump only lost 6% on that poll. People still think they are doing better, and, since people tend to think about the future with that question, think the future will be bright. Thinking about there being “secret Trump voters” out there is starting to make a whole lot more sense.
Also in the poll, 44% say he has presidential qualities, 49% say not. But, 49% say they agree with him on the issues, 46% (isn’t that Romney’s number?) say they don’t. So, yeah, people agree with him.
Now they should ask if people trust Biden/Harris with the economy.

How many pols including Gallup day that they will vote for Trump?
Do you think Trump will win?
Remember in 2018 Americans voted overwhelmingly for the Dems
Dear Sock Puppet, if they voted “overwhelmingly” for the Demos, there’d be 435 Democrats in the House and a majority in the Senate.
Dear man who fills out or up forms
In 2018 in the national election in which all American were eligible to vote ( in the senate of course citizens in all states were not eligible to vote) over 10 MILLION more Americans chose to vote for Democrats in the House of Representatives.
The House is the only part of our national government that is directly elected by popular vote
That is why it is called the People’s House
I think a margin of victory of 10 million votes is overwhelming. Picking up 40 seats doesn’t happen often, does it ?
Dear Sock Puppet, actually it does, in off-year elections.
The party die-hards are most of those who come out, along with those who are mad the guy in the White Folks House. Also, it was the debut of ballot harvesting and the Rs were caught off guard by this new form of vote fraud, so how many Americans CHOSE to vote Democrat, as opposed to how many were swindled, is up for grabs.
PS Most of the gains were in CA.
Dear Sock Puppet, actually it does, in off-year elections.
The party die-hards are most of those who come out, along with those who are mad the guy in the White Folks House. Also, it was the debut of ballot harvesting and the Rs were caught off guard by this new form of vote fraud, so how many Americans CHOSE to vote Democrat, as opposed to how many were swindled, is up for grabs.
PS Most of the gains were in CA.
Repeating oneself is an early sign of dementia.
I will repost this here since it went up while I was writing it a few minutes ago.
A recent study done by 7 PHD’s on polling and the current political race leads them to believe that there are at least 10 percent hidden Trump voters that are actually saying in polls they are voting for Biden and the democrats.
After a long and exhaustive study it has been found that many people just vote for who is winning. It is the same phenomenon seen in Sports that a new fan will pick the winning team and root for them. The reason the polls have Biden so far ahead is to Crush the Trump voters and to entice new voters to just VOTE FOR THE WINNER.
When the study shakes out it shows Trump actually winning the national popular total and instead of the polls showing Biden 50-41…it is more accurately Trump 51- Biden 40 which means a near total landslide for Trump. This would suggest why Biden and Harris have focused almost exclusively on PA, MI and Az and the DNC has told their staff to stop knocking on doors in several states.
Sounds like Donnie and Junior have it wrapped up!
Nothing to worry about folks.
NBC and MSNBC was caught using the same BIDEN VOTERS in a focus group as UNDECIDED voters.
I was talking to a Trump Pollster just yesterday and he was so upbeat and optimistic for so many reasons BUT the one that stood out to me was:
In PA the colleges are OUT. The kids are gone. Those deep blue districts are going to not be so blue.
Millions of people who have already voted are finding their ballots chucked out. John Oliver gave one of his anti-trump performances BASHING early mail in voting and how horrible it is while trying to blame Trump for it when it was Trump who was saying MAIL IN VOTING IS A HORRIBLE IDEA.
This pollster was actually giddy at Trumps prospects. While I tried to pry information about numbers he was mum but what he did say that tweaked my attention was how his/Her people on the ground were reporting that there really was a fearful Trump voter that refused to talk to them. One woman actually asked if her neighbor was home because she feared retribution if they found out she was even talking to Trump Door knockers.
This is wide spread and is in line with the expected 10 percent and the wall of silence. As I reported in another section this morning, 40 percent of new gun sales this year are from the suburbs and first time gun buyers. Suburbs. The same place where those women against Trump reside.
If just 3 percent more White College voters pull the handle for Trump it is over. Riots are happening and those Soccer Mom’s want police more than they want to have more kids after having 7 already. He/She winked at me when I asked how the White suburbs looked for Trump.
What I worry about is the sanity of the Elwood’s of this country the day after the election.
What we worry about is the sanity of the Trumpists TODAY. After the election the worry will be that Trump’s Troops (now on Stand-by) will go full anarchist. It is up to Trump, the DOJ and FBI to control the gangs of white power terrorists that Trump encourages.
We especially enjoy these tall tales about trump canvassers and hidden trumpists. Whatever gets you through the night, LOL.
Do you not worry about the Kyes and formwizzies who are already calling for the elimination, extermination, and execution of all Democrats? Those right-wing extremists gearing up for a shooting war/rebellion if Mr. Biden wins?
After the election the worry will be that Trump’s Troops (now on Stand-by) will go full anarchist.
I don’t think that word means what you think it does.
It is up to Trump, the DOJ and FBI to control the gangs of white power terrorists that Trump encourages.
You mean the ones burning down all the cities?
We especially enjoy these tall tales about trump canvassers and hidden trumpists. Whatever gets you through the night, LOL.
Even better all the tales of Gropin’ Joe’s huge poll advantage, right?
As I said, you usually hear LOL from Lefties when they’re trying to tamp down their own fear.
Oh, yeah, be afraid, be very afraid.
Trump 51-40 is absolutely a landslide for Trump! Looks like Trump AT LEAST 343-195 over Biden.
Other expert commenters here predict Trump will take not just 50, but 60 states, including NY and CA.
Biden 51-40 would be Biden 374-164… which ain’t gonna happen.
Trump2020: Bring Biden, Obama and Clintons to Justice!
Trump2020: Dem Governors Need to Watch Their Backs!
If Biden ekes out a “win” by leftist skullduggery, President Trump will activate his hidden supporters who are on “stand back and stand by” status.
Anybody else know what he’s babbling about?
Or should I say caricature?
If one is to give any credence to polls it should be to the only one that correctly predicted both the Brexit vote and the 2016 election.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Right now President Trump is probably about 8 points ahead in any real poll. I figure that’s why the lying, filthy commie rat Hiden’ Biden refused to admit that not only would he “pack the court” but he’d also pack lower courts. Like most Democommies he lies like “we can’t read the bill until we pass it’.
The left is actively in the process of overthrowing the Republic of The United States of America and they may do it.
Trump 2020 Or prepare for war.
Kye typed: Trump 2020 Or prepare for war
If Biden manages to steal a “victory”, and/or the Dem Senators steal a majority, are YOU prepared to engage in a shooting war with the new Dem dominated government? WOLVERINES!
You don’t have to disclose strategy or tactics, but would you support a million man patriot march on DC to force President Biden out?
Or is your plan to fight a defensive war to oppose the leftists coming to jail/murder all conservatives?
If Biden manages to steal a “victoryâ€, and/or the Dem Senators steal a majority, are YOU prepared to engage in a shooting war with the new Dem dominated government? WOLVERINES!
you already started one, so why let a good war go to waste?
You don’t have to disclose strategy or tactics, but would you support a million man patriot march on DC to force President Biden out?
That’s your act, Benito.
Or is your plan to fight a defensive war to oppose the leftists coming to jail/murder all conservatives?
You will find it extremely offensive.
Trump 51-40 is absolutely a landslide for Trump! Looks like Trump AT LEAST 343-195 over Biden.
Other expert commenters here predict Trump will take not just 50, but 60 states, including NY and CA.
Biden 51-40 would be Biden 374-164… which ain’t gonna happen.
Trump2020: Bring Biden, Obama and Clintons to Justice!
Trump2020: Dem Governors Need to Watch Their Backs!
If Biden ekes out a “win” by leftist skullduggery, President Trump will activate his “hidden” supporters who are on “stand back and stand by” status but ready to go.
Looks like Rimjob is triggered early.
Also looks like the Alzheimer’s is kicking in.
One of the first signs of getting old is repeating yourself.
He’ll start talking like Gropin’ Joe next.
You already talk like Rapin’ Don.
Would that I did.
He’s a pretty good speaker.
Do you not worry about the Kyes and formwizzies who are already calling for the elimination, extermination, and execution of all Democrats? Those right-wing extremists gearing up for a shooting war/rebellion if Mr. Biden wins?
Define redundant.
Define Needs New Writers.
Define emphasis.
Repeating oneself is an early sign of dementia.
And you’re the poster child.