Most companies, especially really big ones, rarely do something without seeing a benefit to their bottom line. What benefit do they see here? Why not just change the behavior of the companies, practice what they preach?
Major Companies Call on Biden to Act on Climate Change
Some major companies are angling to line up with the Biden administration on climate next year, as lawmakers and lobbyists gird for renewed policy fights in Washington.
A big slice of corporate America—including utilities, banks and auto manufacturers—signed onto a statement yesterday calling on President-elect Joe Biden to work with Congress on “ambitious, durable, bipartisan climate solutions.â€
While the statement doesn’t offer support for a specific policy, its signatories represent a cross section of the U.S. economy, including Inc., Bank of America Corp., BP PLC, Walmart Inc., DSM and Exelon Corp.
“To achieve a net-zero economy, the United States must establish durable national policies that harness market forces, mobilize investment and innovation, and provide the certainty needed to plan for the long term,†they wrote.
Organized by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, or C2ES, the statement comes amid a raft of corporate signaling on climate, as Biden enters office with an ambitious clean energy platform.
These same companies make all sorts of pledges that they never really keep in order to climavirtue signal. Here we have companies essentially calling for Government to implement climate scam rules on all the consumers. What financial benefit do the companies see in this? As the saying goes, follow the money.
General Motors Co., which signed the statement, said last week it would end its support for the Trump administration’s clean car standards rollback and instead support Biden’s efforts to deploy electric vehicles (E&E News PM, Nov. 23).
Flipping for the new admin, eh?
Bill Gates just released a plan for US leadership on climate change, including $35B in funding
Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest men and most prolific philanthropists, has just released a broad new plan on how the U.S. could take the lead in the fight against climate change.
“[We] need to revolutionize the world’s physical economy—and that will take, among other things, a dramatic infusion of ingenuity, funding, and focus from the federal government. No one else has the resources to drive the research we need,†Gates writes.
Interesting. Guy who’s made an enormous amount of money via capitalism wants to change the world’s economy. To what? Why doesn’t he say?
Gates calls for a dramatic $25 billion boost in spending that would bring clean energy research spending to $35 billion a year (in line with medical spending from the government). Gates notes that this could lead to the creation of more than 370,000 jobs while boosting a clean-energy agenda.
Why not spend the money of Microsoft? Or, does Bill not think the results would be profitable?

Teach capitalists in big companies believe that climate change is real and that it will take government regulations to insure that all companies will do what is needed to solve this problem
Unlike our own short life spans giant companies must plan for their existence beyond 10 or 20 years
Our esteemed host asked:
Simple: adding expenses to smaller competitors.
All companies pass down all of their costs to their customers; if they didn’t do they, they’d go broke. But the bigger companies can work the margins in ways that smaller ones cannot, and make
global warmingclimate change regulations be less a burden to themselves than their competitors.Dana, good points. Also, corporations that are publicly traded look to the next quarter, not the next year. Most of their executives didnt build the company and dont care about it long term. They care about milking it while it lasts. If they care about climate at all, it is a marketing ploy or a chance to convert stockholder dividents into payouts for their activist friends.
The biggest companies are only looking 90 days ahead ? Is that a joke ? You think that they became the biggest by only looking at the near future?
Hairy is now becoming a defender of Big Business as he realizes what a great Bonanza it is to have billions pour into your political coffers.
Oh the woes of fecklessness instead of principal huh Hairy?
They became the biggest companies by different people who are on their boards now. The vast majority of large companies are on autopilot.