It’s always something meant to scare people, eh? Their science is beyond shoddy, so, this is what they resort to. It’s all they have
Behind the Forecast: Climate change affecting French fries? Say it ain’t so
Potatoes are a staple in our diet. They can be fried, baked, mashed, smashed, made into chips or soup, and even more. Our changing climate may threaten our favorite vegetable. (snip)
The optimum temperature for a potato’s above-ground stems and leave to grow, according to a 2019 study, is 75°F. The optimum temperature for maximum tuber yields is 68°F; this is why most potatoes are grown in northern states.
Warm temperatures pose a significant risk to potatoes, and in turn, our French fries. (snip)
Average temperatures across the United States have been gradually warming. Daytime average highs in July across central Wisconsin have risen more than 1.5°F per decade, according to the USDA. In Idaho’s Snake River Plain, where farmers cultivate most of the state’s crops, July’s daytime highs have risen more than 2°F per decade.
First of all, mule fritters. They don’t say how far back in decades this goes, nor offer a link to anything. Let’s just say it goes back to 1980. They’re claiming the daytime high has increased between 6-8 degrees Fahrenheit? Horse hockey! Buffalo bagels! Sufferin’ sheep deep! Road apples! Cow cookies! (Colonel Potter sure had some good ones)
Second, no proof is offered that any rise is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind.
Most potatoes have low drought tolerance. Areas farmers grow potatoes in Idaho and Washington are quite dry; this means that proper irrigation is necessary here. Between 1986 and 2015, annual precipitation rates over the western U.S. decreased. One study found that the potato growing season in Washington and Idaho most likely will get longer based on irrigation demands and water stress. A longer growing season means more evapotranspiration would increase. Warmer temperatures and more evapotranspiration may lead to more crop stress and irrigation demands. All of this may lead to smaller tubers and, eventually, smaller fries.
But, proof is not necessary, because cults do not require proof, just faith and obedience.

Teach now fibalkyvagrees that in fact the earth is warming
But he doesn’t say why he thinks that is happening
He just refuses to believe that it could be because of greenhouse gases
Teach I think if you refuse to believe a scientific hypotheses that you should be able to offer another one
Teach typed: They’re claiming the daytime high has increased between 6-8 degrees Fahrenheit?
Actually they claimed the Snake River Plain July daytime highs increased 2F per decade. They were sloppy in not specifying since when. From 2000 that would be 4F.
The Earth is warming and it will have effects including on agriculture. The Idaho tater farmers can all pack up and move to Canada. No biggie.
Is there or is there not more food production in America now than at any time? How about around the world? It’s all a cult of lies which guys like Hairy and Elwood are very into. Ask them how many genders there are, or races, or if an embryo is a human or an elephant.
You tell us. Is there more American food production now than at any time? And is that relevant to growing taters in Idaho?
There is one race, human.
A human embryo may develop into a human infant, but most embryos perish through early miscarriage, often undetected. What happens to all those souls?
Elephant embryos may develop into baby elephants!
Regarding gender, the issue is obviously more complex than you can imagine. Why does that upset “men” (or so you claim) such as you, Teach and Ms Dana? Why do you care so much?
Look at Jeff saying stupid things for which he has zero knowledge, just to get people upset and then call them names. Think how bad Jeff’s life is to hang out at conservative sites to try and gaslight intelligent folks. Remember that getting into a conversation with Jeff always results in gaslighting.
Look at The Diva saying stupid things for which he has zero knowledge, just to get people upset and then call them names. Think how bad The Diva’s life is to hang out at a conservative site to try and gaslight intelligent folks. Remember that getting into a conversation with The Diva is like wrestling with a pig, or worse, formerwiz. You get muddy and the pig enjoys it.
Diva, your cult leader is the biggest (figuratively and literally) gaslighter of them all. By shear force of his psychotic personality he is convincing millions of low information Americans that he won an election that any rational human can see he lost. Donald is your Jim Jones leading you to the Kool-Aid. There’s still time! Don’t drink it, Diva!!
“You tell us. Is there more American food production now than at any time? And is that relevant to growing taters in Idaho?
Yes and yes. Yes because our agriculture has improved through science and technology exponentially since the 1940’s, and yes because taters in Iowa are not exempt from those same improvements.
“There is one race, human.”
You are a science denier (but who didn’t know that?) The faulty term “human race” is a misnomer. Humans are a species, Caucasians are a race.
“A human embryo may develop into a human infant, but most embryos perish through early miscarriage, often undetected. What happens to all those souls?”
“MOST” embryos do not perish through “early miscarriage” that’ disinformation what is your source for such a fraud? Since when do you believe in souls?
“Regarding gender, the issue is obviously more complex than you can imagine. Why does that upset “men†(or so you claim) such as you, Teach and Ms Dana? Why do you care so much?”
Regarding gender the issue is obviously a simple one and has existed since the dawn of man. Lying to yourself with science denial is one thing, trying to brain wash the rest of the intelligent world in the lie is an abomination. I care because when people like you lie about the truth it blurs the truth for everyone and degrades the moral fiber of our society.
You, and all you commies are science deniers. You preach all this nonsense and none of it is factual. That’s why nobody with sense believes a word you liars say any more.
Now you commies are even reviving one of your old favorites: Eugenics. Except now it’s the elderly white people you want to exterminate. You commies just love killin’. Look at all your success last century and with abortion mills. Now they’re coming for the elderly and sick. (To save the blacks and make death “equitable”).
New York Times “Experts:” We Should Delay Giving the Trump Vaccine To the Elderly Because They Tend to be “Whiter” Than the General Population; We Should Let Many of Them Die Just to Achieve Racial Balance in Covid Deaths
Yes, it’s definitely having an effect on agriculture…..
If it starts to get a bit too warm to grow potatoes in Maine, well, there’s always New Brunswick.
The further northern latitudes have agricultural difficulties due top colder soil and temperatures, but, if
global warmingclimate change makes more southern latitudes a bit warmer, then the northern latitudes will become more agriculturally productive. There’s a whole lot of room in Canada, the English-speaking parts of which we should annex.Small investments can bring tons of dollars fast.
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