Remember this?
The restrictions went into effect on Jan. 31. On the following day, Feb. 1, Biden said on social media, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.â€
Despite all the Credentialed Media attempting to protect China Joe, who was saying the same things that so many other Democrats were saying in their kneejerk reaction to Trump’s ban on people coming from China at the beginning of the pandemic, namely, going 100% opposite, Joe was saying it was hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. But, as the actual Guy In Charge, he’s reinstated the UK travel ban and put in place bans from other places, and now
White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida
The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought progress on the pandemic.
Outbreaks of the new variants — including a highly contagious one first identified in the United Kingdom, as well as others from South Africa and Brazil that scientists worry can evade existing vaccines — have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, one federal official said.
“There are active conversations about what could help mitigate spread here, but we have to follow the data and what’s going to work. We did this with South Africa, we did this with Brazil, because we got clear guidance,†one White House official said.
“But we’re having conversations about anything that would help mitigate spread,†the official said, referring to discussions about new travel restrictions that could target the spread of the U.K. mutation in Florida.
The U.K. variant, known as B.1.1.7, has recently exploded in Florida, where over a third of all cases in the United States have been identified.
No decision is imminent, and any move to restrict travel or impose new health measures would be taken in partnership with state and local governments, two federal government officials said.
Remember when China Joe said “I’m not going to shutdown the country. I’m going to shutdown the virus.” Seems like he lied. Remember when Andrew Cuomo, the governor of the state that was ground zero and in the deepest trouble, said it would be a declaration of war?
Here is the link to the article from March
— Pache (@pcal051) February 10, 2021
Remember when New Yorkers were streaming out of the state, and especially NYC, spreading COVID around the nation in their attempt to flee ground zero? No one is leaving Florida for other states. And, Cuomo is correct, the federal government locking down a state, and potentially restricting U.S. citizens from traveling from state to state (and perhaps locally, we don’t fully know the plan being thrown around), is rather unConstitutional.
The UK variant is big in Florida and California, but, present in 34 states, and on the down side
But even if it’s too late to halt the spread of the variant, a travel restriction could at least slow its exportation, said Stephen Kissler, an immunology and infectious disease expert with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Kissler said that the arrival of COVID vaccines has given public health officials added incentive to impose travel restrictions, even if they would only slow the spread of the variant, because it gives them a longer window to get people protected from the virus before they are infected.
That sounds more political than science. Yet, they called Trump a dictator. Not that most people would comply with the travel ban. Will The Authorities stop people at borders?

Remember when Governor Gina Raimondo (D-RI) decided that she could stop travelers with New York license plates?
The old Soviet Union used to have an internal passport system, to keep its subjects where the Communist government wanted them.
Executives have expanded powers during emergencies. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is an emergency.
Rimjob, like Joey, spreading CCP propaganda.
Do you believe that “executives” have expanded powers to suspend constitutional rights?
I would define the Summer of Fire and Hate as an emergency. Should the various state Governors and city Mayors have had the expanded powers to simply incarcerate the violent antifa and BLM protesters up without due process of law? If so, I’m running for Governor, and I’ll lock up all of those cretins, for the rest of their miserable lives!
By all means run for governor, and lock up all the negroes you can!!
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
You’ll note that I said “cretins,” not “negroes.”
Thing is, the vast majority of the antifa and Black Lives Matter Mostly Peaceful Protestersâ„¢ were white, not black. You needn’t worry: I’d lock up the white Mostly Peaceful Protestersâ„¢ too!
Why would we trust anything Teach types? He believes/feels that trump won the election. LOL
Why would anyone trust anything Elmo P.(for Pussy) Rimjob types since he blatantly lied about joining the US Army?
Yep, and racist, sexist, and a lot of other things. I asked for examples of each for four years, and heard…crickets.
No examples of any of these were ever given. They probably weren’t provided to the sheep along with the day’s talking points.
trump was a “wannabe” dictator, but failed. He’s a better businessman than dictator, and he’s the worst businessman evuh.
trump may or may not be a racist or a sexist at heart, but he certainly displays every symptom. He may have no significant ideological beliefs, having proved he is largely reactive and transactional related to events. He abandoned his devoted and rabid supporters the moment the coup d’idiot failed. Conservatives are racist and sexist by definition.
The ole Rimjob copy&paste with no facts only emotion.
Lil Cowardly CumGuppy should be able to identify the copy and paste.
Why waste time?
They’re easy to spot.
Keep trying to prove how smart you are, Rimjob.

Cracks up everyone here.
It is so pathetic being Jeff. Constantly going from one conservative site to another saying hateful untrue things that make no sense. The people at Don Surber can’t stand him either. What he does not seem to understand is that he comes across being very ignorant and stupid.
Have you ever noticed that as soon as liberal web site owners find out you are conservative, they block you. Yet all conservative sites allow Jeff to freely express his stupidity and hate. I wonder why.
Because we like “target-rich environments”.
Plus it’s fun to watch him doubling-down on Used Food when he’s called out.
analstorm never has anything of value to say.
You’ve been known as a traitor for years. You’ve hated America and all it’s stood for. You are a confederate white supremacist. Being called ignorant and stupid by you is a compliment.
I’ve never commented at Don Surber’s lame site. But I’d be concerned if right-wing morons at any site liked my comments. I was blocked repeatedly at Gateway over the years – all one had to do was to mock one of hoft’s “breaking” lies. Remember hoft’s so-called “Whitey tape” where Michelle Obama insulted American whites as “whitey”. Turned out no tape existed. hoft blocked me every time I brought it up. Can you find one of “my comments” at the dumbass Surber’s site?
If you are blocked at liberal sites is obviously because you violate the policies, as you do here.
You lie constantly – we assume because you have nothing to say.
Mr Dowd wrote:
And the “policies” of those liberal sites are apparently that you may not question liberal policies.
The left are afraid of freedom of speech because they know, in the end, that real discussion of ideas simply exposes the fallacies of their positions. This particular conservative site tolerates Mr Dowd using multiple screen names — Kye does as well, but with his photo showing all the time, it’s obvious who he is — and his, and others’, name calling, all because our esteemed host values freedom of speech.
I just went to read some comments on Surber’s “blog”. It explains what happened to the detestable formwiz (aka edutcher). I thought perhaps he’d been arrested, had passed from Covid or had been banned by Teach. Nice to know he’s still out spreading his manure!
A commenter there, edutcher, refers to any disagreeing commenters there as jeffery or a sockpuppet. If ever there was an obsessive POS and a sick fuk, it’s formwiz/edutcher.
It’s formwiz who is working the comments at other right-wing sites, not me.
There can not be that many cruel women who would name their child “Jefferyâ€. Then the Jeffery comes from St. Louis. So the ass hole on Surbers site has to be the same ass here.
You can’t be that stupid. formwiz assigned the name jeffery to other commenters.
I take it back, you’re one stupid, sick fuk.
Sorry but you arrived with the idiot name Jeffery years before formwiz arrived. Plus you doxed yourself and gave your legal name and address. You are one dumb idiot.
He’s on multiple sites? I thought trolling here was his full time job. He’s a busy little beaver if he gives this much attention to multiple sites.
Jeffty, that’s a lot of words to say “I have no examples, just like you said.”
analstorm wants others to find his evidence.
I’ll give you one. In 1973 DJ Trump and his crooked daddy, Fred, were sued by the US Gov’t for not renting to black Americans. Stanley Liebowitz, a trump rental agent, brought Fred and Don a rental application from Maxine Brown, a black woman. Said Fred, “‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there. You know I don’t rent to niggers!’†The government forced trump Inc to rent to blacks.
One wonders what that lyin’ little pussy Rimjob was doing in 1973. Hmmm…
So, in documenting how the rental market was defined as a public accommodation, the esteemed Mr Dowd has, in effect, said that places like Twitter should not be allowed to ban people like Mr Trump.
He didn’t realize what he was saying, of course, because, well because seeing the entire picture is not something he does well.
So, Mr Dowd, should realtors be required to sell property to Negroes? Should rental agents be required to not discriminate against people of colour?
Just in case you haven’t figured it out, this question is a trap.
@ Dana “So, Mr Dowd, should realtors be required to sell property to Negroes? Should rental agents be required to not discriminate against people of colour?”
Better question. What if no “negroes” want to buy that property? Is that evidence of unlawful discrimination? At what point does HUD insist people buy your property in order to better racially balance your neighborhood?
Mr Dana and the perfesser defend trump’s refusal to rent to black Americans. Freedom!
And they’re upset that twitter banned seditionists, comparing that action to discrimination against black Americans.
Stanley Liebowitz, a trump rental agent, brought Fred and Don a rental application from Maxine Brown, a black woman. Said Fred, “‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there. You know I don’t rent to niggers!’â€
The investigation into this alleged incident indicates that Donald Trump had nothing to do with what his father is claimed to have said.
The FBI investigation showed that most people in the Trump organization were unaware of any discrimination. Most of the accusations were unsubstantiated allegations.
The government tried to sue the Trump business, and Fred Trump and Donald Trump as individuals. The case never went to court and a consent decree was signed by both parties where no guilt was admitted and the employees at the Trump company had to go through training on discrimination.
Donald Trump has always denied the allegations saying that the company was trying not to rent to people on welfare (which is legal to do) and race had nothing to do with renting or eligibility to rent.
While there are people on both the far left and far right that approve of discrimination based on race or gender, it is much more prevalent on the left where the theories of disparate impact and “equity” (not equality) are the norm.
The left hates people so much they believe in discrimination.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
Well no shit Joey!
Maybe he should ask Trump for advice.
Hmm… I wasn’t being sued for illegal discrimination against black Americans.
#Trust me
Wait, you had to go back over 50 fukin years to find something to tie Trump into racism when he was 27 fukin years old and you know damned well he WAS NOT calling the shots his father was.
If we could pull your records from 1973 what dirt would we find, or have you lived a perfect life? You fascists are forever demanding from others what you don’t live up to.
Elwood, reading your comments are like listening to Joe Isuzu. I think your reality check just bounced!
Talked to a panel of doctors today.
Covid-19 is here for the rest of eternity in the form of a more virulent flu. The hope is that with mutations it will mutate into something more akin to the current flu strains.
All in all. The government is way behind the curve when it comes to recognizing what is actually happening because Politics plays such an important role with this virus.
Buck up folks. Covid-19 is never going away and each year in addition to the flu vaccine you will be getting a Covid vaccine in the coming years ahead.
Dr Hale wrote:
They were called ‘government housing projects.’
What my (sadly late) best friend used to call the Lexington Herald-Liberal published an article Will a new department of housing help solve Lexington’s gentrification problem?
“Gentrification” raises home values throughout a gentrifying neighborhood, and the city thinks that’s a bad thing? It means that homeowners can get more money out of their homes, either to fix them up or when they sell, which is a good thing.
Gentrification also promotes racial integration. Many of the neighborhoods which have lower value houses are heavily black, but gentrification winds up getting more white people moving in. Does anyone think that racially integrated neighborhoods are a bad thing?-
And gentrification creates jobs! The people who buy and fix up these run-down houses are employing carpenters, landscapers, roofers, electricians, plumbers and others; some of those jobs go to the working class people in poorer neighborhoods, helping them to pay their bills and even improve their own standards of living. Gentrification helps to create new businesses, as restaurants and shops within walking distance spring up.
It seems that liberal governments — and yes, even in very red state Kentucky, Lexington is run by Democrats, to the point of having elected an openly homosexual mayor — think that black people moving into white neighborhoods is a good thing, but white people moving into mostly black neighborhoods is a huge problem.
Dana wrote: ” This particular conservative site tolerates Mr Dowd using multiple screen names — Kye does as well, but with his photo showing all the time, it’s obvious who he is — and his, and others’, name calling, all because our esteemed host values freedom of speech.”
I use multiple screen names just to bother Elwood. And it seems to work. He is becoming more and more irrational and his comments more and more insane. I was unaware that it is bad form to change the name and I will no longer do it. I used it merely to drive a point home. And an idiot crazy.
I will try to tone down the name calling also. When the idiot called me a racist and White supremacist I decided not to take it any more. That’s just pure hatred that would make a person a smear when he knows the guy is not what he’s accusing him of. However, being a heathen atheist Elwood would not be moved by an appeal to his inner morality, he has none. Therefore, saying not to bear false witness would not be effective.
I do appreciate Treat’s will power I know I would have cut him off. But if you recall a while back the idea was floated to ban Elwood and I was agin’ it. Still am.
I will try to tone it down and hope Teach continues his policy. After all, he’s not Bezos.