Good News: We’re Now Listening To 14 Year Old Ping Pong Champions On Climate Crisis (scam)

Remember when we were only supposed to listen to bonifide climate scientists?

Table tennis prodigy Anna Hursey, 14, is ready to help US President Joe Biden tackle the climate crisis

She’s just 14, but table tennis sensation Anna Hursey is making friends in high places.

Yet it isn’t her sporting abilities attracting attention, rather her environmental advocacy, a topic she cares passionately about.

That led to the US Embassy getting in touch with Hursey’s mom and dad earlier this year, inviting the youngster to work with US President Joe Biden in his mission to tackle the climate crisis.

“I was just at home, my parents just got a phone call and I was kind of like, what is this about? And they told me, but I was really excited,” Hursey told CNN Sport. (snip)

And in a bid to engage the younger generation, the US Embassy wanted to speak with Hursey about ways she can help in the fight.

She is set to talk with Deputy Chief of Mission Yael Lempert to discuss taking part in “Earth Day” on April 22 and the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, later this year.

Well, hey, why not? Let’s slap some restrictions and taxes on the youngster, let them realize what they’re advocating for. As for Biden? He probably has no idea what’s going on or who she is. Though, he’ll probably want to sniff her hair if they meet.

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3 Responses to “Good News: We’re Now Listening To 14 Year Old Ping Pong Champions On Climate Crisis (scam)”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    You should be ashamed that 14 yr olds are smarter and wiser than you, Teach.

  2. Jl says:

    Mate they’re a step up from Greta…

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