Disciples of audacity, The Enterprise Democrat Party is hijacked by an insane doctor politician and his fanatical followers in an attempt to find paradise.
At first, Rick Husong was stunned by the overwhelming wave of negative and sometimes crude reactions to his bid revealed in Whispers last week to build a pro-Sen. Barack Obama movement around a hand salute dubbed the Big-O. Among the hundreds of comments posted on the Whispers site were those comparing it to a gang gesture, a Nazi salute, or worse. “This is how Sieg Heil got started. And, no I’m not saying Obama is Hitler. I just think people should be careful about slipping into a personality cult for a charismatic leader,” wrote Jake of Tennessee. Husong tells me that he was pretty depressed by the reaction to his idea and free design offered on the website of Loyalty Inc., his California creative company. That is until he heard of a fan walking on Venice Beach wearing a T-shirt displaying the artwork. In fact, despite the tsunami of criticism, the artwork has been downloaded 7,700 times and his site has been hit 214,000 times since the first Whisper went live. “I would call that a raving success,” he says, adding that he plans to make his Big-O the “peace sign of our generation.”
Raving is correct. Consider that quite a few of those downloads were by people making fun of the artwork. But, he is partly right, because I bet there are many disciples of Barry (sounds like a Robert Heinlein or Arthur C. Clark short story, eh?) who have it up in their front windows at home or taped to the back window of their SUVs. er, pretend CO2 friendly vehicles.
Blah blah blah
….Once again goodness persevered. We too will persevere. Bring your hands together over your head to make a large ‘O’ and join us in our fight to take America back. Vote for Barack Obama.”
Oh, God, please let them do that, especially while Barry makes his acceptence speach. Your loyal servant, William Teach (you know my real name, Lord)
Making fun of the poster are Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, The Sundries Shack, and Extreme Mortman