Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis have taken a lot of grief from Democrats for the way they’ve handled things during COVID. They were one of the least strict states. They never had a statewide mandate for masks, and DeSantis suspended all fines and penalties associated with not adhering to COVID-19-related restrictions on Sept. 25, hindering local leaders from enforcing their mandates. They’ve kept as much of the state open as possible. They really didn’t stop spring breakers last year, and you can bet if there had been big outbreaks it would have made the news. Same with this year. So, obviously, doom, right?
Ever since U.S. COVID-19 cases started their precipitous post-holiday decline, Americans have been anxious about the threat of yet another hurdle on the long road to recovery: a possible “fourth wave†of infections driven by the newer, more contagious U.K. variant known as B.1.1.7. Experts, meanwhile, have been watching Florida as a bellwether — the place where a fourth wave would probably crash first.
After all, Florida has more documented B.1.1.7 cases than any other state. It’s also rolled back precautions more quickly than most. If a spike is coming, the thinking went, Florida is where it would start.
Except … it hasn’t started yet.
Quite the opposite, in fact. After peaking on Jan. 8 at just under 18,000, Florida’s average daily case count has fallen by nearly 75 percent; today it’s down to 4,800. Hospitalizations have declined by half over the same period, as has Florida’s positivity rate (which now stands at 5.9 percent). And while other states such as New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee and Idaho are starting to see cases plateau — or even inch upward — as residents relax and restrictions are loosened, Florida’s case and hospitalization numbers have continued to fall by about 10 percent each week.
“We have a bellwether to know if the B.1.1.7 strain will hit the US — Florida,†Dr. Eric Topol of Scripps Research wrote earlier this week. “And there’s no sign of any increase in cases. All good so far.â€
It’s probably helpful if the Blue staters stay in their own blue cities, rather than escaping and traveling and bringing COVID with them, as happened early on in the first few months of 2020. But, Florida haters (because it’s a Republican state) really, really want Florida to tank (which would mean people getting sick and dying) for political purposes
The key phrase, as always during this unpredictable pandemic, is “so far.†Just because a variant-driven fourth wave hasn’t yet struck Florida (or the U.S. as a whole) doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t, and nothing heightens the risk of another surge more than reckless, maskless indoor gatherings — at full-capacity restaurants; at crowded bars; at private parties — with lots of unvaccinated people. Events such as this week’s 300,000-person motorcycle rally in Daytona Beach are still risky. Like all Americans, Floridians should proceed with caution.
First, if people want to take that risk, that’s on them. It’s not government’s place to restrict freedom, even if it’s people making poor choices. Me, I wouldn’t go there. I’m fine with social distancing, no touching, washing hands a lot, don’t touch face (which is why I’m OK with a mask, because I’ll touch my face a lot during the day). That’s me. If you want to do different, OK with me, just don’t get in my space. I’ll avoid those situations.
But, what happens when there is no big spread? You won’t hear a peep out of the news.
Of course, Floridians have for months enjoyed more “freedom†to crowd indoors (without masks) than many of their fellow Americans, a fact that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis takes pride in. But that only strengthens the case for fourth-wave optimism. If a state with a lot of B.1.1.7 and not a lot of restrictions is still doing OK, shouldn’t the rest of the country take that as a sign of hope?
The tentative answer is yes. America’s overall immunity numbers are almost identical to Florida’s: 30 percent infected, 19 percent vaccinated, about 40 percent protected to some degree. Spring is 10 days away; the weather will only get warmer. And cases and hospitalizations continue to fall nationwide by 10 to 15 percent a week.
So, perhaps lockdown didn’t work, and DeSantis was right.

William Teach: if people want to take that risk, that’s on them.
Well, no. If you are at risk of transmitting an infectious disease, then society does have a say. That’s well established in centuries of common law and in U.S. statute law.
Problem with that is that all of the covidiot restrictions are based on the assumption that you are infected and can transmit the disease. Previous restrictions were on people known to have whatever disease was going around at the time.
Dana: Previous restrictions were on people known to have whatever disease was going around at the time.
That is incorrect. The very word quarantine comes from the practice of isolating ships for forty days arriving in Venice regardless of known contagion on the ship. Generally, evidence of exposure was sufficient to enforce quarantine, such as a town that had outbreaks. It is interesting to note that British soldiers in the American colonies were quarantined if they didn’t take the inoculation during the 18th century outbreak of smallpox.
The coronavirus has been highly prevalent in the U.S., so everyone is reasonable suspected of exposure. That is not the case in other places, such as China.
I don’t believe Dana was referring to international travel. That is a different story because nobody knew what was on the ship. Similarly they would quarantine the house and all its inhabitants regardless of whether or not everyone had the disease. That was two hundred years ago, Z. I think we’re beyond that today. BTW, while they may have eliminated or restricted travel from entire towns or countries they never “locked down” an entire town, closed every business and threw everyone out of work who was not infected. They learned a lot from allowing ships from China (again China) full of infested rats to land in Italy. But they didn’t lock down Italy either.
Restricting travel for a plague that has a 50% death rate is logical. Restricting anything save those most vulnerable from a flu that has a 98.7 % recovery rate is stupid, unnecessary and more harmful to the people than the flu itself.
Kye: Similarly they would quarantine the house and all its inhabitants regardless of whether or not everyone had the disease.
That’s right. They had been exposed, so were possible sources of contagion.
Kye: But they didn’t lock down Italy either.
Italy didn’t exist as a unified political entity until 1871.
Kye: That was two hundred years ago, Z. I think we’re beyond that today.
That’s right. The primary difference being the state of scientific knowledge; specifically, the knowledge of easy to implement public health measures that are effective against respiratory viruses.
Kye: Restricting anything save those most vulnerable from a flu that has a 98.7 % recovery rate is stupid, unnecessary and more harmful to the people than the flu itself.
Well, of course, we can’t expect the U.S. to meet the standards of a technological powerhouse such as Vietnam (population fatality rate 0.00004%). Many countries successfully controlled the outbreak and have since been largely open for business.
The number of new Covid cases is falling across the US. Florida is middle of the pack in Covid deaths per capita.
Let’s hope the optimism is rewarded in the near future. Some 100 Floridians die daily from Covid.
An average of 7,708 people die daily from all causes in the US, so you are stating that just by multiplying 100 FL deaths by 50 states 5,000 of the 7,708 are dying from Red Democrat Plague? Oddly, according to CDC (?) about 1,419 Americans IN TOTAL are dying daily of The Red Commie/Democrat Plague.
I challenge your numbers. Prove them.
WE challenge YOUR numbers. Prove them.
Your beliefs do not cancel actual evidence.
On 3/11/2021 92 Floridians died from Covid-19, with the 7-day rolling average of 89 per day.
As of February, FL showed an overall death rate of 152 Covid-19 deaths/100,000 population. NJ at 268/100,000 was the overall highest, and Hawaii at 31/100,000, the overall lowest.
Through all of January, indeed the US was experiencing a daily average of some 3000 Covid-19 deaths per day. At has dropped for now.
If you are arguing that the nation has NOT seen excess deaths during the pandemic, your argument is refuted by the CDC (trigger warning for QCons – CDC is part of the Deep State):
Please don’t be like Dr Dumbass and dismiss actual evidence because you distrust all sources that contradict your beliefs.
Kye: so you are stating that just by multiplying 100 FL deaths by 50 states 5,000 of the 7,708 are dying from {nonsense deleted}?
Yesterday, about 3 in a million Americans died of COVID. If Florida were average, that would be about 66 deaths. Yesterday, 82 Floridians died of COVID. Florida is about in the middle if you take the 7-day moving average.
Thanks Joey!
Bwaha! Lolgf
So puppukiller can you tell us when you last thought the virus was “fake news�
Capitalists seem to think Biden will do well
The Dow is up almost 25%since the election setting new record highs
You really don’t know shit about money, investing, capitalism, economics or business do you, Hairy? What on earth do “capitalists” have to do with the moves of the DOW? Other than pissing away another $1.9 trillion on his friends and family which incidentally include a shit load of those (Non) “capitalists” in the DOW, eliminating American jobs, reducing American energy, turning American military into a fag infested laughingstock, threatening our God Given Rights and stealing an election what has chairman Xiden done FOR America?
Reopened our borders in a pandemic? Increased the foreign worker quotas therefore excluding more Americans from jobs?*** Allowed millions more illegals to flaunt our laws and be rewarded for it by the American taxpayer? Locked down the Capitol of the United States in preparation to steal our Free Speech, Gun Rights and Property Rights? Has our own military on stand by to kill American citizens? Arrests Americans for protesting in a non-leftist-approved manner or location?
We as a nation are looking at a world of shit aimed directly between our eyes and you leftists are cheering it on. What country do you really love because from where I sit it ain’t this one?
***Two-thirds of entry-level tech jobs go to compliant foreign guest-workers, not to the young American professionals who may create a new wave of establishment-shaking companies, according to a report from Bloomberg.
In 2018, “the U.S. had between 96,000 and 143,000 openings in IT occupaÂtions that typically went to candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher in computer science or engineering,†said the March 10 report, headlined “STEM Graduates Deserve a Better Path to Good Jobs.â€
But the government each year provides “Occupational Practical Training†(OPT) work permits to hundreds of thousands of foreigners who have paid tuition to American universities. It also invites roughly 85,000 foreign graduates on H-1B work visas, the report says.
“So, OPT participants accounted for anywhere from one-third to one-half of new hires. If you add H-1B candidates, up to two-thirds of openings went to guest workers,†said the report, which relies heavily on Hal Salzman, an expert on high-tech employment at Rutgers University.
Few of the OPT workers are high-skilled, Bloomberg acknowledged: “More than 70% of nonresident computer science master’s degrees awarded in 2018 came from unranked programs, or those ranked 50 and lower by U.S. News and World Report. Just 17% came from schools ranked in the top 25. [universities]â€
Breitbart News has extensively reported on the fraud-ridden OPT program — and its sister program, the Curricular Practical Training program — which provides Fortune 500 companies with roughly 400,000 cheap foreign workers each year.
The OPTs — and the many similar H-1B, L-12, J-1, and TN visa workers — fill many starter-jobs and mid-career white-collar jobs in a wide variety of industry sectors, including tech, healthcare, academia, accounting, and design.
Those “capitalists” you suddenly side with after hating them for decades are fascist partners to the New US Government. And it’s the government handouts that are currently driving the DOW, moron.
Way too many facts for Johnnie retard to process.
Bwaha! Lolgf
True, drowning puppies but I wouldn’t be an honest God Fearing American Patriot like you are if I didn’t try. We have to try to create moral souls out of these heathen fascist dicks or we haven’t done our duty. So we lay out the Facts of what Freedom is and they talk around, past or through them but we did our job. I never expect to change a closed minded partisan prick’s views but sometimes one surprises me.
We’re conservatives we opt for Freedom. They’re leftists they opt for control.
The bloodier the battle the more glorious the Victory. The best fights I was in were the ones where I was nearly killed (but I wasn’t to Hairy and Elwood’s dismay). When you emerge from a storm of fire and blood and realize you are alive and have done your duty and killed your enemy you know what glory is and how sweet Freedom is. Killing communists and fascists is its own reward.
Glory is killing other humans who were defending their nation? You’re one sick, lying fukk.
Little you type is actually true, although you’re entitled to your opinions, even if based on falsehoods.
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is actually false.
So Rimjob since you lied about joining the Army and do not have any combat experience, where do you get off trying to smear a former American soldier who actually served his country and did his duty?
Is it because you’re a coward or just a lyin’ little pussy?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Actually, Mr Dowd, The Rt Rev Kye was defending a nation, the South Vietnam, against Communist invaders from another country, North Vietnam. Sadly, we failed there, condemning the South to decades of Communism.
Kye: Killing communists and fascists is its own reward.
Mr Dana explains this by claiming that Mr Kye was defending S Vietnam from N Vietnam invaders, while Mr Kye has stated more than once he was there to kill communists. He said he volunteered so he could kill communists, not to defend S Vietnam. Now, Mr Kye labels all those that disagree with him as “communists”.
From today’s perspective, it’s easy to see we never should have entered the Vietnam War, but that’s unfair to those having to make decisions at the time. In an effort to get Congressional support for his civil rights efforts, i.e., to mollify Southern US anti-communist hawks, President Johnson proposed sending troops to S Vietnam to block the invasion by communists. He used the purported attack by the N Vietnamese on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin to justify this. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorizing Johnson to take action but NOT an official declaration of war.
Over 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, including friends and relatives. Because he survived, Mr Kye considers it a glorious Victory, and clearly his experiences there have shaped his life since. I would never denigrate those who went to Vietnam out of duty to America, or because they had no option, OR those who refused to go as a duty to humanity.
Mr Kye says he hates no one yet he still wants to kill communists on principle. That’s either hate or psychopathy, right?
Kye finds the latest relief package to be pissing away money since it goes to working class Americans instead of millionaires. The Repubs spent $4 TRILLION with not a peep from Kye, possibly because he got nearly a million in taxpayer funded welfare himself! Heaven forbid workers get $1400.
But Kye is actually correct about the OPT and related programs that enable wage suppression in the tech sector. For decades the US capitalist class have been putting working class Americans in direct competition with lower paid foreign workers. Well-paying manufacturing jobs have moved overseas leaving American workers stranded. If, as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon insist, there’s a shortage of skilled labor the wages would be increasing, but they have been absolutely flat for this sector the past several years.
This is just another example of business/federal gov’t “collusion” to reward wealthy capitalists at the expense of the American working class.
The Amazons, Wal-Marts, Googles, facebooks, twitters, Teslas, Apples, Microsofts etc etc and so on, appear to be quite profitable for their shareholders, if not all their workers.
It would be a great advance for the nation if the corporate/Congress hegemony could be broken and we started to value the American worker once again.
But Congress would prefer to whine about Dr. Seuss, plastic potato toys and the transgendered than helping Americans.
Well you actually made that up but that’s what you do, ya lyin’ little pussy.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I don’t know about pups but the last time I thought the COVID was fake news was before writing this comment. The numbers I have seen in no way warrant the political response. Trumps response. N the beginning was correct. Now, the stupid folks will start in on the number of deaths, sorry, not impressed. Especially when I have seen what doctors have been forced to call a viral death or specifically a COVID death. A 42 year old guy in our area had a MI involving his left anterior descending, he was dead before he got to the hospital, but they had time to get a culture and so he was pronounced dead secondary to the COVID, Now, the viruses is deadly but so are cars, flu, and the common cold..
There was never a reason to shut down the country, there is no reason for mask. But people with metabolic inflammation should take major precautions as they are the most at risk. Think of the fact that the one way to combat metabolic inflammation is a workout, but the Dems shut down the gyms for no reason. One more thing, Fauci is a nut job, and is responsible for the harm caused the country. Oh, then there are the anti-malarial that had a major influence in countries using them, but not here thanks to the Dems.
Cars, influenza and colds do not kill 500,000 Americans in a year.
As a “physician” you should recognize that masking and social distancing nearly eliminated influenza this year.
Real doctors were on the front lines taking care of Covid patients and you insult them. Pathetic.
Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective in clinical trials.
Much of what nuCons believe is untrue.
Maybe so but it was used quite effectively all over the world by thousands of doctors.
You’re not very smart.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Smegma is not very smart.
Doctors used hydroxychloroquine and most of their Covid patients lived!!
Same with Covid patients who didn’t receive hydroxychloroquine!!
Smegma is not very smart.
Hey, Rimjob,argue with these guys and show everyone how smart you are.
Go ahead ya lyin’ little pussy.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Smegma is not very smart.
The dumber he gets the more adamant he becomes, LOL.
Do you not understand randomized clinical trials?
Name the study
Here are a few from Pubmed… There are many more.
Phase 2 randomized study on chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin in hospitalized patients with severe manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Galan LEB, Santos NMD, Asato MS, Araújo JV, de Lima Moreira A, Araújo AMM, Paiva ADP, Portella DGS, Marques FSS, Silva GMA, de Sousa Resende J, Tizolim MR, Santos PL, Buttenbender SF, de Andrade SB, Carbonell RCC, Da Rocha JG, de Souza RGS, da Fonseca AJ.
Pathog Glob Health. 2021 Mar 8:1-8. doi: 10.1080/20477724.2021.1890887. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33682640
Conclusion: Although CQ, HCQ or ivermectin revealed a favorable safety profile, the tested drugs do not reduce the need for supplemental oxygen, ICU admission, invasive ventilation or death, in patients hospitalized with a severe form of COVID-19.
Hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin for treatment of early SARS-CoV-2 infection among high-risk outpatient adults: A randomized clinical trial.
Johnston C, Brown ER, Stewart J, Karita HCS, Kissinger PJ, Dwyer J, Hosek S, Oyedele T, Paasche-Orlow MK, Paolino K, Heller KB, Leingang H, Haugen HS, Dong TQ, Bershteyn A, Sridhar AR, Poole J, Noseworthy PA, Ackerman MJ, Morrison S, Greninger AL, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Wener MH, Wald A, Schiffer JT, Celum C, Chu HY, Barnabas RV, Baeten JM; COVID-19 Early Treatment Study Team.
EClinicalMedicine. 2021 Feb 27:100773. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100773. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33681731
Conclusion: Neither HCQ nor HCQ/AZ shortened the clinical course of outpatients with COVID-19, and HCQ, but not HCQ/AZ, had only a modest effect on SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding. HCQ and HCQ/AZ are not effective therapies for outpatient treatment of SARV-CoV-2 infection.
Efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine against SARS-CoV-2 infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Kumar J, Jain S, Meena J, Yadav A.
J Infect Chemother. 2021 Feb 22:S1341-321X(21)00061-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jiac.2021.02.021. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33678548
Results: Pooled data from 12 studies (9917 participants) showed that HCQs increase mortality as compared to placebo/standard of care (RR 1.10; 95% CI:1.00-1.20). Hydroxychloroquine did not reduce the need for hospitalization in out-patients (RR 0.57; 95% CI 0.31-1.02). HCQ group has a significantly higher rate of any adverse event (RR 2.68; 95% CI 1.55-4.64), as compared to the control group. Also, using HCQ for prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 infection did not reduce the risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection (RR 1.04; 95% CI 0.58-1.88).
Conclusions: HCQ therapy for COVID-19 is associated with an increase in mortality and other adverse events. The negative effects are more pronounced in hospitalized patients. Therefore, with the available evidence, HCQ should not be used in prophylaxis or treatment of patients with COVID-19.
Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Singh B, Ryan H, Kredo T, Chaplin M, Fletcher T.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Feb 12;2:CD013587. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013587.pub2.
Authors’ conclusions: HCQ for people infected with COVID-19 has little or no effect on the risk of death and probably no effect on progression to mechanical ventilation. Adverse events are tripled compared to placebo, but very few serious adverse events were found. No further trials of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for treatment should be carried out. These results make it less likely that the drug is effective in protecting people from infection, although this is not excluded entirely. It is probably sensible to complete trials examining prevention of infection, and ensure these are carried out to a high standard to provide unambiguous results.
Sorry Jeff,
Even someone in high school can see the bias. Those countries that allowed use in early phase did much better. But more than that Dem leaders stopped doctors from using the drug for even traditional roles such as malaria and sle. I have never seen that and shows the stupidity of liberals.
Poor little baby Rimjob still cannot dispute the 9200 practicing physicians worldwide who vouched for the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine treatments…
Real practicing doctors not “researchers” with vested interests in Big Pharma.
But look at all the time he spent trying to convince us of his stupidity.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Refute what, Smegma boy? By all means, kidz, show your evidence, LOL.
Can Smegma boy refute the randomized clinical trials published in peer reviewed journals? Didn’t think so. You both act like spoiled brats with fingers in your ears saying nah nah nah, because you hate the truth.
Smegma and his idiot uncle are dumbasses.
Idiot Uncle, Dr Dumbass, has admitted to taking bribes from pharma companies and assumes other docs are are corrupt as he is. Dr Dumbass, do you know how to cheat a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial?
Most of what you dumbasses believe to be true is false.
Hydroxychloroquine is not efficacious in Covid.
Dr Dumbass,
Can you name the studies showing efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in the prevention or treatment of Covid? Should be easy to find.
You and Smegma should get yourself a podcast to spread your special brand of stupid and dishonesty. The Dr Dumbass and Smegma Boy Show!
Rimjob becoming unhinged.
The article was cited earlier but one would guess you’re too busy to read it and instead continue to show everybody your own stupid ass.
Again, you’re not very smart.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Sorry, you are just a pharmacist and don’t seem to understand the medical world. So, getting any literature for you is a waste. As I am an authority, and you are not, my assessment is all you need.
Dr Dumbass,
LOL. You’re not an authority on anything except Smegma. LOL.
Authority. That’s a good one. You must be humiliated.
It’s a fact that hydroxychloroquine does not prevent or treat Covid. A real doctor would be familiar with the medical literature and know that.
but the Daily Mail.com is not considered a reliable medical journal.
Do you have any evidence to 1) support your silly claim or 2) to refute the medical literature that proves that Dr Dumbass and Smegma are idiots?
You boyz are stupid and liars.
Elwood seems to be an apologist for big Pharma. The move to the dark side is complete.
in patients hospitalized with a SEVERE form of COVID-19.
Well duh!! Nothing seems to work in severe cases.
I currently have had three relatives in two red and one blue state stricken by Covid-19. Not a single one of them received ANY MEDICINE at all. Period. Told to go home and self Isolate. See here is why the medicine trials fail. They wait until people are so sick that their body is inundated by the virus before they give them any medicines to combat the disease.
As for the tested Drugs they are now being used all over the world and BIG PHARMA peddling their Trillion dollar new drugs are pissed and demanding that these Generic drugs be shut down.
Meanwhile Elwood is cheering on the deaths and misery of the world long enough for the great reset to take away from the free world any semblance of freedom.
Mr Est: in patients hospitalized with a SEVERE form of COVID-19. Well duh!! Nothing seems to work in severe cases.
Actually, anti-Covid-19 antibody cocktails and dexamethasone have been shown to help. The former president received both in the hospital. He CLAIMED he had been taking hydroxychloroquine before his infection was discovered, but he may have been lying. If real, it didn’t protect him, did it. The other drugs may have saved him.
Read on, please:
Efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine against SARS-CoV-2 infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Kumar J, Jain S, Meena J, Yadav A.
J Infect Chemother. 2021 Feb 22:S1341-321X(21)00061-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jiac.2021.02.021.
Results: Pooled data from 12 studies (9917 participants) showed that HCQs increase mortality as compared to placebo/standard of care (RR 1.10; 95% CI:1.00-1.20). Hydroxychloroquine did not reduce the need for hospitalization in out-patients (RR 0.57; 95% CI 0.31-1.02). HCQ group has a significantly higher rate of any adverse event (RR 2.68; 95% CI 1.55-4.64), as compared to the control group. Also, using HCQ for prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 infection did not reduce the risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection (RR 1.04; 95% CI 0.58-1.88).
OK. “Outpatients” do not have a “SEVERE form of Covid-19”. In addition, “prophylaxis” means “prevention”.
There is NO evidence that hydroxychloroquine PREVENTS or effectively treats Covid-19. In fact, high quality clinical studies conclude the drug is ineffective in Covid-19.
We understand how difficult it is for one admit they’re wrong.
Nobody claimed it was, dumbass.
Actual evidence from 9200 doctors who actually treated Covid patients with Hydroxychloroquine claimed it was an effective treatment in countries where it was allowed to be used. Also there are dozens of other articles that make the same claims.
Are they lying?
Why would they be lying?
Next time read before you make up your stupid responses.
You’re not very smart.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Smegma: Actual evidence from 9200 doctors who actually treated Covid patients with Hydroxychloroquine claimed it was an effective treatment in countries where it was allowed to be used. Also there are dozens of other articles that make the same claims.
So YOU have no evidence to support your claims? That’s hardly news.
We presented evidence that easily and thoroughly refuted The Dr Dumbass and Smegma Show‘s claim that hydroxychloroquine prevented and or effectively treated Covid. Game, Set and Match. tRump said it and you believed it. tRump was wrong.
Move along.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
That, or influenza cases were diagnosed as COVID.
Of course, if mandatory masking and social distancing really did eliminate influenza this past winter, look to Democrats to try to impose such next flu season.
But hey, we do not care if you choose to do those things, Mr Dowd. We just want you to leave the rest of us alone.
Dana: That, or influenza cases were diagnosed as COVID.
Coronavirus and influenza are quite different viruses, and tests can distinguish between them.
Mr Dana suggests that Covid and influenza cases were conflated by misdiagnosis. There’s no evidence to suggest that.
CDC (Warning to QCons: CDC is part of the Deep State trying to steal your souls!!)
Just heard that working class Americans are already receiving relief funds from President Biden.
A family of 4 would be expected to receive $5600, and if unemployed to still receive extended jobless benefits. Cities will be able to keep teachers, police, firefighters, EMTs and also keep people in the houses.
St. Louis is expected to receive nearly half a BILLION! Doesn’t just frost a nuCon’s balls? All that money going to “inferior” people instead of FREEDOM loving Patriots like Smegma and Kye.
Sen Scott (Q-FL) is encouraging Red States and conservatives refuse or to return the money! That would be the Patriotic and Freedom-loving thing to do, don’t you think?
Ya did didja?
How about all those prisoners and illegal aliens?
Didja hear about them?
You’re so smart.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Did lil Smegma get his $1400 yet?
Yes, President Biden is even sending money to you members of Cult45, LOL.
He promised 2000. Seriously in all of Europe the people told to go home were paid to set it out. They have not lost their homes, apartments or businesses like in America. 25 percent of all small businesses have shuttered in America. Cheered on by Gov. Cuomo who was fondling the tits of his aides and killing old people in nursing homes.
Thus is the democrats solution to Covid-19. Destroy the will of the people, promise them any thing and then give Blue states billions, red states millions and then rework WELFARE in the stimulus bill.
Oh and then flood the country with illegals all coming here, 1000’s of which have COVID already then blame Trump for not having a billion doses of Vaccine that was just approved after the election.
MEANWHILE: Other stories your not told by the COMMUNIST PRESS OF AMERICA.
The military continues to send out baffling questionnaires to its soldiers trying to cross them up in their responses so they can be booted from the military or at least put on RACIST/WHITE NATIONALISTS watch lists. Others are forced to undergo intensive brainwashing….I KID YOU THE FUK NOT….. by setting in on lectures, videos and sensitivity training in our military.
I have personally talked to a number of soldiers around the country all reporting the same things. They are being feared to silence by the military. Which is awesomely stupid on the WOKE SEC. of DEF. part. Driving the racism under ground is the dumbest thing you can do. The Military is trying to make people SNAP in a world that is upside down right now due to Covid-19.
This is very similar to what happened in the US Military in the late 60’s and early 70’s when soldiers were all forced to set in and watch Dr. King give his speech. It was a propaganda film for black people. I set in with the soldiers and NO I was not in the Military but I watched several of these at differing bases around the country and in Vietnam, Cambodia at the time.
Did it work? Apparently not huh? Or is this just phase thirteen of the brainwashing of America.
The GREAT RESET is not coming….it is already here and this is why the world keeps locking people down. EU is all on board the great reset because it evens a playing field economically that they lost due to their totally stupid regulations and political wokeness.
You will lose nearly everything in the coming decade. The goal is to remove the burden of ownership and give it all to the governments. Seriously that is the goal.
This is why they are going after everything including FARMERS and RANCHERS.. They want their land for windmills and solar panels. Prepare now and I don’t mean buy more guns I mean prepare to lose everything you have ever worked for in the coming 10-15 years.
Est150: Seriously in all of Europe the people told to go home were paid to set it out. They have not lost their homes, apartments or businesses like in America.
As the pandemic required shared sacrifice, that would have been a much more rational policy. As it was, Republicans strenuously resisted efforts at additional support.
Est1950: He promised 2000.
Let us get this straight. The relief checks that you oppose are not large enough? “The food at that restaurant is just terrible. And the portions so small!”. LOL.
The House passed the $2000 in December and McConnell refused to bring it to a vote in the Senate.
The 50-50 tie in the current Senate didn’t leave room for even a single Dem defection (Senator Manchin!) since Republicans were obsessed with Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head and the transgendered and refused en masse to consider relief for Americans. Blame GOPhers if your check wasn’t big enough.
A family of 5 will receive $7000. Not bad, eh? In addition they will get a one time expanded refundable child tax credit.
[…] As William Teach noted, COVID-19 cases have begun to fall in Florida, even though Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) rolled back restrictions much sooner than in most states, raising the obvious question: did the restrictions actually reduce the spread of the virus, or did they simply force a recession for no useful reason? […]