Interestingly, and, as usual, climate cultists never actually blame themselves. It’s always Big Things that they engage in but won’t themselves give up
5 causes of climate change: From fossil fuels to capitalism
In the midst of a global pandemic, some find it difficult to think about anything else. We’re already living a once-in-a-lifetime event, right, so why should any other issue take political precedence? Unfortunately, the problems that existed before coronavirus haven’t gone away. Climate change is one key example.
Before Donald Trump, the United States wasn’t exactly the pinnacle of environmentalism. But under the former president, the U.S. took major steps back. Notably, Trump did away with numerous environmental policies and withdrew from the Paris climate accords. So when President Biden took office in January 2021, he inherited not only the ongoing pandemic, but a worsening climate crisis, too.
So, what can the government actually do? While taking individual action isn’t bad, focusing on that alone allows big players to shirk responsibility. They keep on with business as usual, while we’re all too busy policing each other for using disposable straws. Really, the responsibility for climate change extends far beyond you and me. Let’s break down some of the five major causes of climate change to see what I mean.
- Fossil fuel extraction (this is an obvious one, but, notice that most Warmists refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels)
- The U.S. military (because, of course Warmists hate the U.S. military. They’re fine with China’s)
- Mass agriculture (you know, how all these Warmist urban dwellers are able to eat without doing anything but going to the store/restaurant)
- Deforestation (let’s tear down all the giant buildings in urban areas and replace them with trees (BTW, deforestation is actually an environmental issue, and I despise deforestation))
- Honestly, capitalism
Let’s see that last one, which is really the point
I’ve listed out some major players in climate change, but let’s be real. Capitalism is the driving force behind each and every thing that I mentioned.
Capitalism is the reason that countries prioritize big business over people’s lives. It’s the reason that countries in the global south, who are the least responsible for climate change, continue to bear the brunt of its effects while a select few in the global north profit. As science journalist Matt Simon wrote in Wired, “Capitalism has steamrolled this planet and its organisms, gouging out mountains, overexploiting fish stocks, and burning fossil fuels to power the maniacal pursuit of growth and enrich a fraction of humanity.”
Sure, we all have individual things we can do to lessen our carbon footprint. And certainly, we need to re-examine how we live our daily lives. We need to think about our relationship to the land, other people, and the non-human animal species who are also being devastated by this crisis. However, if we remain focused on individual actions, then we will be consumed by a monster much bigger than us.
See, it’s cool for people to engage in capitalism itself, it just needs to have the big companies (which is weird, since so many, especially the giants, are Democratic Party donors) cut down and controlled by government. And the true, ultimate point?
Instead, we must be a collective, big enough to take on anything, while understanding that confronting climate change means that the U.S. and other Western countries must reimagine their economic structures overall. To put it simply: Ending climate change necessitates an end of capitalism.

Mass agriculture, huh? So, now
global warmingclimate change is no longer caused just because we ate juicy burgers, but simply because we ate, period.You’ve missed it, Mr Teach! It’s not just that the warmunists have to go vegan, to not be hypocrites, but that they have to stop eating, period! I wonder how that’ll work out for them.
Teach’s favorite argument was that it really wasn’t getting warmer but since that vollspddd his new one is that “earmist” peoe are less than perfect
Teach will nowcst least admit that some part of global warming is due to CO2 butcwill not tell us what else he thinks is causing it
William Teach: it’s cool for people to engage in capitalism itself, it just needs to have the big companies (which is weird, since so many, especially the giants, are Democratic Party donors) cut down and controlled by government.
Free markets are the great engine of economic development. However, unrestricted capitalism, among many problems, can lead to a tragedy of the commons. It is almost always cheaper to dump wastes than to control them. If there are no restrictions, then those businesses that dump have a competitive advantage over those that don’t, and dumpers will eventually push out their competitors.
That is all well and good Zachriel and it does touch on an important aspect of human interaction on this planet. However the reason Mom and Pop’s are out of business and mega corps are becoming the thing is because of those very regulations you refer too. And regulations come to us care of the State, Local and FEDERAL government in both RED and BLUE STATES.
Russia has contaminated seas around their shores by dumping nuclear waste in the ocean and sinking old submarines with nuclear reactors. Dumping. China dumps one hundred billion tons of waste water into rivers per day that all flow to the ocean.
Yet in America the WOKEWALKING LEFT screams insults at a nation riddled with paralyzing regulations. So what I would suggest is that you Get off your butt and go to China and Russia and protest the real scourge of the world.
What? Can’t protest from your comfy computer chair where it really matters?
I have heard your response a million times in colleges teaching social engineering. Yours is a canned phrase which turns the best of our generation against the best country on earth. As a result our colleges have turned out a generation of SIB.
I will save you from scrambling to Wiki. Self Injurious Behavior. Those people who self inflict wounds without the desire to commit suicide but rather garner attention. Mary Cain a great distance runner out of HS in 2013 went to college for one year, quit and joined NIKE track in Portland and took to SIB begging her coaches for help. They fat shamed her, reshaped her mechanics and turned her into a mess who eventually failed miserably at reaching her potential under the tutelage of those entrusted with her development.
The best and brightest coming out of High School became a walking mess thanks to REGULATIONS or the attempt to regulate the behavior of someone who was already successful. Run along and dig up some more Bash America slogans you learned in Social Engineering classes in College and remember one thing. In NEVADA the entire democratic staff just quit a week ago.
Why? Because the state just elected an entire slate of legislators who are avowed Social Democrats or socialists. Your party is turning into a party that wants to take what is working, turn it into that which is hopelessly mired in regulations and then BREAK IT.
That’s why around the world Nationalism is on the rise and Manuel Macron has joined the nationalist populist right against the WOKE WALKING LUNACY of the left.
Yes regulations are needed. No one ever doubts that. But your side always conflates with regulations with excessive and over burdensome, life altering and reshaping legislation and regulation instead of just enough to allow the country to flourish.
Est150: Russia has contaminated seas around their shores by dumping nuclear waste in the ocean and sinking old submarines with nuclear reactors. Dumping. China dumps one hundred billion tons of waste water into rivers per day that all flow to the ocean.
Just because you are ignorant of international efforts to confront China and Russia about their environmental practices doesn’t mean such efforts don’t exist. Unfortunately, China and Russia countries reject outside interference and keep tight control of their domestic green movements.
Est150: Your party is turning into a party that wants to take what is working, turn it into that which is hopelessly mired in regulations and then BREAK IT.
Have you considered fighting the actual argument rather than the straw man you have erected?
Dated Mar 16, 2016 and Reese is a journalism prog.
Go away Kiddiez.
Bwaha! Lolgf