Funny how these “green” groups always seem to have lots of money to spend on silly things. Why don’t they try giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their own lives carbon neutral, instead of trying to drag Other People into their cult beliefs?
Green groups launch $10M ad campaign pressuring Biden, Congress to spend huge on climate
A coalition of environmental groups backed by Democratic governors is launching a $10 million-plus ad campaign pressuring the Biden administration and Congress to spend trillions on climate change and clean energy as Washington gears up for its next fight over President Joe Biden’s infrastructure and jobs plan.
Dubbed “The Great American Build,” the campaign aims to set an aggressive starting point for negotiations over the size and scope of the infrastructure package, which is coming into focus as Biden’s next major push after last week’s passage of the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package.
Wait, we’re doing this infrastructure thing again? Do we really want Joe in charge, after the horrible job he did with the Obama stimulus?
Biden campaigned on spending even more on infrastructure and green jobs. But many Democrats have said they are concerned that his commitment to reaching out to Republicans, combined with a lack of appetite for another huge round of spending so soon after the Covid-19 deal, could lead to a scaled-back infrastructure deal that would fall short of the trillions they say is needed to address the climate problem.
Can anyone point out anything bipartisan Joe is actually doing? Any reaching out he’s doing?
The first TV ad, which starts airing Tuesday on cable, uses black-and-white images of blue-collar workers to argue that America’s builders, roofers, electricians and steelworkers would be the ones to benefit from investing heavily in new, climate-friendly infrastructure, reinforcing the Biden administration’s claim that clean infrastructure and jobs go hand in hand.
“Your country is calling you to rebuild America, to create a cleaner, safe, more prosperous future for all,” the ad says. “Tackling climate change — this is the job of our lifetime.”
Sounds like a giveaway to unions
Organizers said they were spending more than $10 million on the campaign, which will include grassroots organizing and additional TV ads. The first ad was produced by Pereira O’Dell, the advertising house that recently created an ad featuring former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama encouraging Covid-19 vaccinations as part of the It’s Up To You campaign.
Grassroots? By a top down organization? I don’t think that word means what you think it means
A key goal is to put more political pressure on lawmakers who campaigned on bold action on climate to deliver, said Lori Lodes, executive director of Climate Power, which organized the campaign with the League of Conservation Voters and the Potential Energy Coalition.
“Americans elected pro-climate majorities in Congress, and they expect big things on the issues that drove them to the polls — including clean energy and climate change,” Lodes said.
OK, let’s build lots of nuclear power plants. They’re good with that, right? No? Huh.
“In some ways the bigger they go on the spending side, the easier it is to sell a broader climate package, because the net economic effect is pretty big,” said Navin, who is now at the government affairs firm Boundary Stone Partners. “I think the climate groups rightly recognize that this is their moment for action.”
Hey, remember how Obama’s Stimulus stimulated the economy? It didn’t do much at all? Huh.
Inherently linked to the debate is the looming question of how aggressively the U.S. will commit to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 under its renewed participation in the Paris Agreement, which former President Donald Trump withdrew from and Biden rejoined. That announcement, expected in April, will require laying out what exactly the U.S. plans to do domestically to meet the goal and demonstrating that there’s the political support do to it.
He can lay out all he wants, and he’ll see GOP states blow him off, along with opposition from federally elected Republicans, all who will refuse to ruin our economy for a scam. Especially since there was no Senate agreement on Paris.

The Obama stimulus ?
1/3 was tax reduction
1/3 was direct aid to the States
1/3. Was infrastructure
Teach do you even remember why the stimulus was needed ? It was because your beloved Bush completely crashed the economy
The Dow had fallen by 50% in 8 years Obama had Dow 250% higher
Trump had the Dow 40% higher in 4 years
Congress authorized $800 billion for the Obama stimulus (to “fix” the Bush recession). Republicans opposed even this inadequate amount.
Congress spent $4 trillion under trump and another $2 trillion under Biden for the trump recession. Republicans opposed the latter $2 trillion.
The $2.2 trillion CARES Act in early 2020 was passed by both the House and Senate with near unanimity. The Dems voted to save America, the GOPhers to save trump (didn’t work).