What’s so bad about testing illegals and migrants? The same Democrats want U.S. citizens locked down and wearing masks, yet, not for those at our borders?
Democrats Block GOP Bill to Test Illegal Immigrants for Coronavirus
Democrats blocked a bill sponsored by Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), which would require the federal government to test all illegal immigrants for coronavirus.
Republicans introduced a motion to block the previous question on a piece of legislation Tuesday tht would allow for the consideration of Miller-Meeks’ legislation, the Requiring Every Alien to Receive a COVID-19 Test (REACT) Act. This bill would mandate that the Homeland Security Department (DHS) test all migrants crossing the border illegally that the DHS releases into the country.
Miller-Meeks’ office noted that, as of March 8th, the federal government released 185 migrants into Brownsville, Texas, who have tested positive for the coronavirus. The Iowa conservative’s office also said that current law does not require the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or Immigration and Customs Enforcement to test illegal immigrants for coronavirus.
Miller-Meeks said on the House floor Tuesday night:
This week, I traveled to El Paso, Texas, to meet with CBP agents and officers. I saw firsthand the crisis they are facing, and I believe it is our job in Congress to address it and assist them. Approximately 50% of agents have tested positive for COVID-19, and very few migrants are being tested. My REACT Act would require that every migrant released from CBP or ICE custody is tested and receives a negative test. Border security and immigration is not an issue that only affects border states, it affects every community across the country. By ensuring that individuals entering the country are negative for COVID-19, we can help keep our communities safe and healthy.
Democrats voted to advance the previous question, or against Miller-Meeks’ bill, with 212 votes in against and 200 votes in favor of the Iowa Republicans’ legislation.
Americans locked down, illegals free to move about and spread disease. Let’s ship them all to areas that have high concentrations of Democratic Party voters, like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Albany, NYC, Boston, and so forth, see how they like it.
And this was a straight party line vote. Not one Democrat voted to require COVID testing on illegals/migrants. Bet they’d vote to require you to get tested. To force you to get a vaccine and carry around a vaccine passport.

Dems find real Americans contemptible.
Illegals not so much.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Our esteemed host concluded:
And wear a face mask! Don’t forget that one!
Those 8 Asians killed at the massage parlor massacre by the evangelical right wing Christian who thought that grabbing his gun and killing them….. do you think he was blaming them for the Covid ?
Who claims he is an Evangelical Christian? And if he is one so what? If he’s a Jew is that significant? How about a heathen atheist like you clowns? Why do you find it necessary to divide Americans into groups. How about he’s a nut regardless of his religion? Ya know he’s a White guy, right? Is that too significant. I hear he owns a Hyundai. Could that be the cause?
You leftist slobs never run out of scum do ya?
Kye, in a dramatic display of a total lack of self-awareness, wants to know why SOMEONE ELSE divides Americans into groups. LOL.
BTW, this agnostic neither stormed the US Capitol building nor murdered several Asian-Americans. These activities are largely tied to white christians.
Do you realize that you and Jeff are the worse bigots and racist of anyone that comments here.
GFY, Hairy! That psycho voted for Dementia Joe.
Estimates of between 7,000 and 12,000 illegal immigrant kids being held in cages at the Southern border by the Xiden Junta. Sleeping on the floor as well as feeding them, human waste and disease are on the increase yet the Junta has no plan. They overturned the actual Presidents orders and opened up the border without any plan for all the “Biden” tee shirt wearers to live. It appears that many will be raped, fall ill ir even die soon if something isn’t done. Is there another country we can ask for aide since the US no longer exists and we cannot take care of the hoards trying to get freebees, food and medicine?
Now that we have slipped into a neofascist economy where are all the leftist millionaires and billionaires who complained about Trump? Where is their charity. How much are The Elwood and Hairy doing to help these unfortunate victims of the Xiden Junta at our border? Oh, the humanity!!!
According to the NYT:
“Anticipating a surge of migrants and the most apprehensions by American agents at the border in two decades, Mr. Biden asked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico in a video call this month whether more could be done to help solve the problem, according to Mexican officials and another person briefed on the conversation.
The two presidents also discussed the possibility of the United States sending Mexico some of its surplus vaccine supply, a senior Mexican official said. Mexico has publicly asked the Biden administration to send it doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.”
Jen Psaki circled back and tried to convince the media that the two events had nothing to do with each other. Uh-huh. Sure looks like a bribe to me. Kinda like holding back a billion in aide to Ukraine unless they fire the prosecutor going after Hunter. Herr Xiden’s always been corrupt.
So what we have is Herr Xiden actually trying to ask Mexico for help in stopping people from coming through Mexico to the U.S. You know that thing that President Donald Trump had already worked out and Biden blew up? He’s implicitly acknowledging that Trump was correct. That was one of the key components to why Trump was so successful at stemming the tide of illegal immigration, essentially making Mexico itself “the wall.â€
So Mexico will do all the effort to try to stop the flow and Herr Xiden can pretend to do the “humane†things while Mexico cracks down on keeping people out.
Then on top of that, Herr Xiden is giving Mexico 2.5 million of our vaccine doses? And Canada 1.5 million doses? Maybe not a thing you should pledge until everyone here has the possibility of getting it first (although they claim there are allegedly enough for Americans and Mexico/Canada are supposed to give doses back to us). How about just enforcing our border laws first? Then maybe you wouldn’t need to use vaccine doses to have to talk a deal.
Worst. Fake President. EVER. Sadly, we can only say that until his whore VP takes his place. I have June in the pool. What month do you want?
VP Harris will replace President Biden January 2025.
The whore VP was voted out Nov 3 2020 along with the whore president. By Jan 6 the lame-duck whore prez instigated an attack on American democracy. Worst. Whore president. EVER. Good riddance of bad rubbish.