…is a palm tree that will soon be growing in Canada due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the latest Masterpiece cake SJW attack.

…is a palm tree that will soon be growing in Canada due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the latest Masterpiece cake SJW attack.
It’s comforting to know we have this doddering old fool as our leader of the free world.
Bwaha! Lolgf
As of April 2020, fifty women have been graduated from a (dumbed down) Army Ranger school, a school from which 40% of men who try pass; hundreds of thousands of men have passed that course!
Of course, our esteemed President just said that there are somethings a woman can do better than a man, which is, in itself, and admission that there can be sex differences in accomplishment.
Only four women have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, in 1903, 1963, 2018 and 2020. Only seven women have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, while 12 have won in medicine and physiology. Only one woman has ever won the Abel Prize, the ‘Nobel” for mathematics.
Thanks Joey.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) hates facts and black people smarter than himself.
It is clear that Biden has advanced mental disease. The only reason he holds office is due to a stolen election. Even people who are as dumb as a rock have to acknowledge that at least 50% of the country are convinced that the election was a fraud. World leaders are beginning to see the US as very weak. The only reason the economy looks so good as the rest of the world is worse (thankfully Trump gave us a big bump). For whatever reason, the Dems are encouraging minorities to riot, destroy and loot, for no real objective, BLM was founded on lies. Our border is wide open and no regulation is present at all. There is a silly but real war against whites, again no purpose grounded in reality. Neither political party seems to have the ability or desire to resolve any issue. Other that arming to the teeth and preparing for the war.
Tough chick, wh can walk barefoot on a gravel parking lot!
Earth Hour is scheduled for 8:30 PM local time, on Saturday, March 27th, in which the warmunists want us all to shut off the lights. I shall endeavor to have every light in the house on at the time.
Not very well publicized. I need time to find an old tire to burn.