Old and Busted: joining the military to get money for college. New and hot: spending your time in the military getting all sorts of gender confused surgeries and such rather than training and fighting, all paid for by Uncle/Aunt Sam
Trans rights are human rights, and on this #TransDayOfVisibility , I’m pleased to announce we’ve updated DoD policy on the open service of transgender individuals. The update reinforces our prior decision to allow recruitment, retention, and care of qualified trans individuals. pic.twitter.com/JJZhtr7uYI
— Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III (@SecDef) March 31, 2021
Glad China Joe picked a guy more interested in social experiments rather than making sure that the U.S. Military is the strongest fighting force in the world
Pentagon Releases New Policies Enabling Transgender People To Serve In The Military
The Pentagon announced new policies on Wednesday that undo the Trump-era rules that effectively banned transgender people from serving in the military.
The new regulations provide “access to the military in one’s self-identified gender provided all appropriate standards are met,” the Defense Department said in a statement, and “provide a path for those in service for medical treatment, gender transition, and recognition in one’s self-identified gender.”
The new policies go into effect April 30.
“These policies are based on the conclusion that open service by transgender persons who are subject to the same high standards and procedures as other Service members with regard to medical fitness for duty, physical fitness, uniform and grooming standards, deployability, and retention is consistent with military service and readiness,” the Department of Defense instructions state.
So, will the fake men be held to the same standard as the real, biological men? Will the fake women be berthed with real, biological women? Will they spend most of their time getting therapy and transition procedures? Trans folks have a lot of mental health issues, and are way more likely to commit suicide, which is always great when they’re around all the weapons in the military, right?
“We applaud this step to ensure the Department of Defense provides inclusive policy to attract and retain the best and brightest our nation has to offer,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Bree Fram, who is vice president of SPART*A, a transgender military advocacy organization.
The military is about getting the best fighters, the best to complete the mission of protecting the United States, not who can be the best Social Justice Warrior.
“Military personnel reach maximum effectiveness when they have access to all medically necessary care and we are excited that this policy extends that access to transgender service members. Additionally, opening recruitment to transgender individuals ensures an extremely talented and motivated pool of people that this country needs have the opportunity to serve in uniform,” Fram said in a statement.
One of the bullet points in the article says “The Defense Health Agency will develop clinical practice guidelines to support the medical treatment of service members diagnosed with gender dysphoria.” In other words, they’ll spend their time not being soldiers/airman/Marines/seamen, they’ll treat joining as a way for free stuff, getting boob jobs, lip injections, estrogen/testosterone treatments, and so on. And they’ll muster out the minute they get their stuff. I’m sure China and Russia are laughing at the U.S.

Our esteemed host asked:
Many, though not most, female recruits do wind up passing their APFTs at the male standard. It seems to be a point of pride with them when they can.
And if the women pretending to be men are taking testosterone shots, they will be taking a physical performance-enhancing drug, which might help them, but they’ll still never actually be men.
When my older daughter was in Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, she was berthed in a ‘bay’ with sixty females. They were allowed only a very brief time in the gang bathroom so modesty was at a minimum. When my younger daughter got there, her BCT berthing was a eight-woman dorm room, in a facility with a bunch of those dorm rooms.
So, what are a bunch of 18 to 22 year old female recruits, who don’t get to be with their boyfriends for ten weeks of BCT, going to do when one of the chicks shows up with a dick? Some will be outraged at the further indignity to their privacy, some might think this is a chance to take care of horniness, and some might just give him the serious ass-kicking he deserves. If Bruce Jenner can have his genitals cut off but still be sexually attracted to women — and how the f(ornicate) does that make any sense? — it’s entirely possible that a ‘trans female’ will be attracted to the females in his barracks, but if he’s taking drugs to block testosterone, he might not be able to actually do anything with his equipment.
A possibly worse problem could arise in the men’s barracks, when one of the recruits berthed there shows up with breasts and a vagina. What could possibly go wrong?
Mr Dowd will be just so upset that I said that a ‘trans female’ deserves to get his candy ass kicked, but the real people who need their asses kicked are the politicians who decided that this stupidity was a good idea. And I mean an actual physical ass kicking, bitch-slapping the crap out of them, yelling, “What the f(ornicate) is wrong with you!”
The increasingly insecure Mx Dana fantasizes about people showering together. He fantasizes about the sexual attractions of young recruits in the shower. Mayhaps he could keep these fantasies to himself, please?
Teach ridicules “pretend men”, Americans who have chosen to risk their lives for “men” like himself who advocate for wars but refuse to join the fight.
For decades “men” such as Teach have criticized women in our military. Before that con men didn’t want to serve with Black Americans. With time most have become comfortable with that fact, even going so far as to send their daughters to the military they themselves wouldn’t join. They’ve consistently blamed women in military for the rape and sexual assaults they’ve suffered rather than blaming the actual perpetrators of the crimes. Fair enough. We’ve grown used to the “traditional” attitudes of conservative “men” when it comes to females.
To a con man, every oppressed group, i.e., blacks, women, native Americans, gays, trans, Muslims, immigrants, are just whiners and takers out to steal what the white man has built. Oppressors always feel threatened when the oppressed start demanding equity. History is instructive in teaching us that personal freedoms overcome con opposition, but not without a fight.
Since connies tend to be scientifically illiterate, what is the basis of your ideas? Religion? “Tradition”? Fear?
The feminist Mr Dowd wrote:
Really? Perhaps the esteemed Mr Dowd can cite for us where Mr Teach has criticized women serving in the military. He should put up or shut up.
Has Mr Teach ever “blamed women in military for the rape and sexual assaults”? I’ve certainly never seen that, but who knows, I could have missed it. There was, of course, the story of PFC Jessica Lynch, who was knocked unconscious and captured by Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Army and raped while in custody, but unlike any American soldiers who might have raped someone, Mr Dowd will have no criticisms of the Iraqi soldiers for having done so.
The confused Mr Dowd wrote:
We seem to be scientifically literate enough to tell the difference between males and females, an ability the liberals have lost.
The irony is breathtaking.
Just think – the same group that wants to ban so-called “weapons of war” in the hands of civilians wants people with mental issues access to ACTUAL weapons of war.
What could go wrong?
…wants to give people with mental issues access…
Hit “submit” too quickly…
Heckuva job, Joey!
Bwaha! Lolgf
“The military is about getting the best fighters…”
No. The Military is part of the federal bureaucracy. It is a swamp agency from swamp central. Military officers and minions reflect the society they come from and their leaders reflect the values of that societies strongest voices… Democratic party activists. The democratic party has always looked at the US military as a slush fund for special projects and a pool of manpower for social engineering. Whenever Democrats are in charge of the government, they are also in charge of the military. This is how things work.
And every once in a while, a war happens and the government throws those people into it because… reasons. The military has NEVER been about getting the best fighters. Only enough fighters.
It is amusing as a pharmacist with remedial education try’s to lecture the world about scientific knowledge, all the while repeating the delusions of neurotic and psychotic individuals.
Now, the real science, from medical literature. What we call transgender individuals are mentally ill individuals. According to science, a man has XY chromosomes, a female has XX chromosomes. Some very few, rare patients have genetic illnesses that result in sex organs that are ambiguous or hormone receptors that are not functioning as you see in testosterone feminizing syndrome. Many other combinations are possible, but the issues are rare and most of these people are retarded. As to the people who think they are the opposite sex, but do not have specific syndromes, those folks are psychotic. Medical doctors will accommodate their delusions as there is money to be made in the surgery they desire. Yes, that is not ethical, but we have deteriorated to the point that our society accepts a president who is the product of a stolen election.
As to being in the military, if our sick society think that is appropriate to put ill individuals in positions of responsibility, then so be it, just more symptoms of the end of our country.
Of course, there’s Pothole Pete, trying to virtue signal his commitment to the environment while peddling to work on a girl’s bicycle . . . after having been dropped off a few blocks from his office in an SUV so he can have the photo op.
If he’s out in the open, with no one close to him, why is he wearing a mask?